Significant People of the Civil War. Union Side (North)

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1 Significant People of the Civil War

2 Union Side (North)

3  President of the United States President of the United States  Main goal was to preserve the Union Main goal was to preserve the Union  Member of the Republican Party- which had an anti- slavery platform. Member of the Republican Party- which had an anti- slavery platform.  First president to be assassinated First president to be assassinated Abraham Lincoln

4  Chief Union general  By September 1861 he was promoted to general.  After a series of victories, including the capture of Vicksburg, Lincoln gave him command of the Union army.  He created an overall plan concentrated on Sherman’s march through Georgia and his own assault on the Confederate army in Virginia.  Grant accepted Lee’s surrender in 1865, at Appomattox Court House ending the war. Ulysses S. Grant

5  Carney was the first African American to receive the Medal of Honor, which is the nation's highest military honor  Sergeant William Harvey Carney, a member of the 54th Massachusetts Colored Infantry, was awarded the medal for his bravery on July 18, 1863, during the Union assault on Fort Wagner.  Carney was wounded there while planting the U.S. flag and refused to retreat until he had removed it, even as he was shot again. William Carney

6  We will hopefully be watching this sometime after STAAR!  Movie Trailer: Movie Trailer:  Original-Trailer-.html Original-Trailer-.html Movie: Glory


8  Born in Chile, South America  Navy seaman in Union navy on the U.S.S.  Santiago de Cuba, Jan. 1865  Won the Medal of Honor for service Philip Bazaar

9 Confederacy (South)

10  President of the Confederate States of America President of the Confederate States of America  Strong supporter of secession and states rights Strong supporter of secession and states rights  Attended West Point Attended West Point  U.S. General in the Mexican War U.S. General in the Mexican War  From Mississippi From Mississippi Jefferson Davis

11  Commanding Confederate general of all forces  When the South seceded, Lincoln offered Lee the command of Union forces but Lee refused, resigned from the U.S. Army, and returned to Virginia to serve with the Confederate forces.  In 1862 Lee was appointed to command the Army of Northern Virginia.  His battle strategies are admired to this day, but he was criticized for having a narrow strategy centered on his native Virginia.  He surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse in 1865. Robert E. Lee

12  Confederate General  Got nickname “Stonewall” at First Battle of Bull Run  Gifted tactical commander lead his troops at the Battles of Bull Run and Antietam  Wounded in left arm by friendly fire after a battle. Arm was amputated. He died a week later. Stonewall Jackson

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