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Mr. Ermer U.S. History Miami Beach Senior High.  Progressives in control of government  New government agencies push for cooperation between big business.

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1 Mr. Ermer U.S. History Miami Beach Senior High

2  Progressives in control of government  New government agencies push for cooperation between big business and gov’t  War Industries Bond (WIB): coordinate production of war materials  Food Administration: victory gardens  Fuel Administration: manage coal and oil ▪ “Heatless Mondays”  War Bonds




6  National War Labor Board  Women enter the workforce  The Great Migration  Committee on Public Information (CPI)  Propaganda  The Espionage Act of 1917 ▪ Schenck v. United States (1919)  Violence targets German-Americans, labor activists, socialists, and pacifists


8  1917: Army + Nat’l Guard= 200,000  Selective Service Act of 1917  Draft (2.8 Americans drafted)  Minorities fight in war  Women in the military  Clerks  Active Duty  Army Nurse Corps



11  On page 193, write and answer questions 1-4  For homework, create your own WWI propaganda poster

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