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Bell Work - Describe each of these artworks with 3 adjectives - What are 3 differences you see between these artworks? 1. 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work - Describe each of these artworks with 3 adjectives - What are 3 differences you see between these artworks? 1. 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work - Describe each of these artworks with 3 adjectives - What are 3 differences you see between these artworks? 1. 2.

2 Objectives Analyze the characteristics of the Renaissance artists
Michelangelo, Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael Describe how early Renaissance works of art differed from that of the Middle Ages

3 Art of the Middle Ages Add to your list with the following pictures…

4 Stained Glass, Cologne, Germany Christ Giving the Keys to Peter
Christ Giving the Keys to Peter, ca. 1315, German; Cologne, Pot-metal glass and vitreous paint; Christ: 28 x 13 5/8 in. (71 x 34.5 cm), Peter: 27 3/4 x 13 1/8 in. (70.5 x 33.2 cm)

5 Statues on the North Transept Chartres Cathedral

6 Justinian and his court, Ravenna

7 Byzantine icon

8 Biagello Master, Madonna and Child Enthroned, 2nd quarter of the 13th century

9 Madonna and Child, Berlinghiero, cir. 1230
Bernardo Daddi : Madonna and Child (c. 1335) - 37K , Vatican collections

10 Middle Ages vs Renaissance
Flat Unrealistic Religious Etc. How do these compare to the values of the Renaissace? Individualism: Celebration of the Individual Humanism: Love of Classical Learning Secularism: Enjoyment of Worldly Pleasures

11 Renaissance Art Why does the Renaissance art look so different from the Middle Ages? New Values New Techniques

12 1. Realism & Expression The Birth of Christ, 1304 Giotto Bondone
Fresco: Painting on wet plaster Lifelike Illusion of depth Emotion & interaction

13 2. Perspective First use of linear perspective! Perspective!
The Trinity Masaccio 1427 Perspective! Perspective! Perspective! Perspective! Perspective! Perspective! Perspective! First use of linear perspective! What you are, I once was; what I am, you will become.

14 Masaccio The Father of Modern Painting
Developed perspective: a technique that gave objects the appearance of distance Objects look smaller the farther away they are Parallel lines come together in the distance Healing of the Cripple, 1424


16 3. Geometrical Arrangement of Figures
The Dreyfus Madonna with the Pomegranate Leonardo da Vinci 1469 The figure as architecture!

17 4. Light & Shadowing/Softening Edges
Sfumato Chiaroscuro

18 Questions Give 2 examples of the difference between art in the Middle Ages & the Renaissance. Define Humanism What were 2 of the new techniques that Renaissance artists used? What is a fresco?

19 TO DO In Class: Perspectives Drawing

20 Renaissance Florence

21 Filippo Brunelleschi Commissioned to build the cathedral dome.
Used unique architectural concepts. He studied the ancient Pantheon in Rome. Used ribs for support.

22 Brunelleschi’s Dome

23 Comparing Domes

24 Other Famous Domes Il Duomo St. Peter’s St. Paul’s US capital (Florence) (Rome) (London) (Washington)

25 The TURTLES!!!

26 Donatello Born late 14th century Technique: Important Works:
Created free standing statues Real and life like First since the Romans to make a free standing sculpture Important Works: David, 1430

27 Leonardo da Vinci Born in the mid 15th century Technique:
A true Renaissance man Technique: Painter, scientist, architect, inventor. His works focused on human emotions Important Works: The Last Supper The Mona Lisa

28 Vitruvian Man Leonardo da Vinci 1492 The L’uomo universale

29 The Last Supper

30 The Last Supper , 1498 & Geometry

31 The Last Supper, 1498 vertical horizontal Perspective!

32 A Da Vinci “Code”: St. John or Mary Magdalene?

33 Leonardo, the Artist The Virgin of the Rocks Leonardo da Vinci

34 ?

35 Mona Lisa – da Vinci, 1503-4 Parody: The Best Form of Flattery?
A Macaroni Mona

36 A Picasso Mona

37 An Andy Warhol Mona

38 A “Mona”ca Lewinsky

39 Mona Lisa OR da Vinci??

40 Leonardo, the Architect: Pages from his Notebook - Over 5000 pages of drawings
Study of a central church Plan of the city of Imola, 1502.

41 Leonardo, the Scientist (Biology): Pages from his Notebook
An example of the humanist desire to unlock the secrets of nature.

42 Leonardo, the Scientist (Anatomy): Pages from his Notebook

43 Leonardo, the Inventor: Pages from his Notebook

44 Man Can Fly?

45 Studies of water-lifting devices. A study of siege defenses.
Leonardo, the Engineer: Pages from his Notebook Studies of water-lifting devices. A study of siege defenses.

46 Questions Donatello was the first to do what since the Romans?
What is his most important work? Who is known as the True Renaissance man? Why? List 2 of his most famous works of art.

47 TO DO: In Class: Self Portrait

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