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1950’S RED SCARE AND MCCARTHYISM By: Jahia Morris Kennedy Mckiernan Valerie Montufar Aaron Garcia Sergio Heredia.

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1 1950’S RED SCARE AND MCCARTHYISM By: Jahia Morris Kennedy Mckiernan Valerie Montufar Aaron Garcia Sergio Heredia

2 SOAPSTONE  Speaker: group 5  Occasion: Mrs. Hong assigned the power point to learn about the Crucible  Audience: The 11 th grade students  Purpose: To teach students about the 1950’s Red Scare/ McCarthyism  Subject: The Red Scare and McCarthyism  Tone: Assertive, educational

3 WHAT IS THE RED SCARE  The term Red Scare was the promotion of fear of a potential rise of Communism  The first Red Scare (1919-1921) was about workers (socialist) revolution and political radicalism  The second Red Scare (1947-1957) was focused more on national and foreign communists influencing society, infiltrating the federal government, or both

4 WHO IS MCCARTHY?  Born on November 14, 1908 in Appleton, Wisconsin  Attended Marquette University  Earned a law degree in 1935  Elected circuit judge of the tenth judicial circuit of Wisconsin in 1939  Enlisted into the marines during World War 2  Elected as a republican to the united states senate in 1946  Reelected in 1952 and served from January 3, 1947 until his death May 2, 1957

5 WHAT IS MCCARTHYISM  McCarthyism was a political practice of accusing people of tension of anti government activities.  It was named under the Era of Joe McCarthy  The term had its origins in the period in the U.S. known as the second Red Scare,and lasted 1950 – 1956.  McCarthyism was a widespread social and cultural phenomenon that affected all levels of society.

6 CONNECTION  The second Red Scare occurred after World War II and was popularly known as “McCarthyism”  Both the Crucible/ Salem and McCarthyism are connected because they allowed both communities to have hysteria be spread without proof of wrong doing  Both communities allowed bad things to happen to good, innocent people.  McCarthyism started because of the Red Scare

7 ANTICOMMUNIST/ COMMUNIST  By the 1930’s communism had become an attractive economic ideology in the U.S  The communist party in the U.S increased it membership with a peak of 75,000 members  Postwar anti-communist were rooted even more directly in the political culture of the 1930’s  Joseph McCarthy became the person most closely associated with the anti-communist crusade.

8 THE EFFECT ON PEOPLE  Lost jobs  Innocent people were being prosecuted by their own country  Kids at school were being out casted  People were violating constitutional rights  Deportations of innocent people  Women’s suffrage associations were weakened

9 THE END  McCarthyism ended in the late 1950’s when McCarthy's fraud was revealed  Ideals of McCarthyism started to loose support, and the public started to believe that the chase for the Red Scare was actually a red herring

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