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Presentation on theme: "SUMMER INSTITUTE CLAWSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The Playing Field."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Playing Field

3 Population – 1800 K thru 12

4 Program for Students with Autism  Serve districts - Southern End of Oakland County  Integrated Programs for 37 students 2011-12

5 Team Advantage: Para educator support Significant training LINK program Teaming

6 The Team

7 How did we prepare for the Season? August 2010 scheduled a meeting with School Board Meeting with High School/Middle School Staff Meeting beginning of school year, all families invited Jamie Owen-De Schryver presented PD date set for MS team!

8 The Players

9 Jaime…. 5 th Grade Nonverbal/Limited Verbal, Dynavox Academic- Limited Opportunities Challenging behavior Jaime

10 Serena… 6 th Grade Verbal/Echolalia/Scripting Academic- Eager to participate in Gen. Ed., able to read and write Challenging behavior Serena

11 Sam 8 th Grade Student Verbal Academic- Reads at grade level, Limited comprehension, passive Learner, appears to be “doing just fine” Challenging behavior Transitioning up to high school SAM

12 The Families The Support Team

13 Communication with Families….ESSENTIAL!!! How did we do it?  September – NEW IEP’s “Set the stage”  Educated Families Connected them to the Research!  Established line of Communication – Trust!  Scheduled HOME VISITS

14 Home visit – Jaime Why was this important?

15 GAS Goals… The GAS Goals – process / STRICK OUT - Time consuming…WE ALMOST KILLED EACH OTHER…

16 Dissecting the Goals/Objectives Prioritizing… START of Year FOCUSED Learning Opportunities/ Supported by Data End of the year SEPT June

17 Selecting the EBPs How were the EBP’s selected? Discussion Team input EBP checklist moved into an action plan that was more usable for the team

18 Implementation plan and Process Created teams of two (teacher plus ancillary staff) who served as the leaders for a particular EBP Things we learned: DON’T have one teacher supervising all 3 target students Teams can’t be divided by EBPs, EBPs work together

19 Player #1: Jaime

20 From IEP goal to GAS goal: COMMUNICATION JUNE 2011 Summer Institute

21 Communication Objective: Given visual supports, Jaime will produce phrases of 2-4 words to initiate requests, greet, and or answer questions with 0-2 prompts.

22 Jaime’s GAS Goal: Communication Our target for the end of the year: When given his communication system in 2 environments, Jaime will use a system of pictures to communicate a minimum of 8 different basic wants and needs.

23 Jaime’s GAS Goal: Communication 0 Communicates for 8 needs In two environments With verbal & gestural prompts IEP goal; Written in a measurable way if it’s not already

24 Jaime’s GAS Goal: Communication -2 Communicates for 1 need In one environment Fully prompted Where the student is at currently; part of the student’s PLAAFP; we consider this “baseline”

25 Jaime’s GAS Goal: Communication +1+2 Communicates for 4 needs In one environment With verbal & gestural prompts Communicates for 12 needs In two environments With verbal & gestural prompts Communicates for 12 needs In three environments Independently Intermediate steps; we changed settings, level of prompting required and/or level of skill The ideal

26 Jaime’s GAS Goal: Communication -20+1+2 Communicates for 1 need In one environment Fully prompted Communicates for 4 needs In one environment With verbal & gestural prompts Communicates for 8 needs In two environments With verbal & gestural prompts Communicates for 12 needs In two environments With verbal & gestural prompts Communicates for 12 needs In three environments Independently

27 EBPs Used with Jaime Functional Communication Training Pivotal Response Training

28 The data…the stats….

29 Jaime’s Baseline Communication

30 Jaime’s Daily Sheet

31 Jaime’s Home Run Average: Graph #1: Items/activities he communicates to access

32 Jaime’s GAS Goal Progress over time GAS goal rating 9-30-10 GAS goal rating 11-10-10 GAS goal rating 12-8-10 GAS goal rating 1-11-11 GAS goal rating 2-16-11 GAS goal rating 3-30-11 GAS goal rating 4-21-11 GAS goal rating 5-13-11 -2 0+1+2

33 Post Intervention

34 Player #2 Serena

35 Home visit – Serena Why was this important?

36 Serena’s GAS Goal: Leisure Skill Our target for the end of the year: Serena will self manage her activity level 30 minutes per day, 5 out of 5 days.

37 Serena’s EBPs Self-Management Video Modeling

38 Serena’s Baseline on Target Behavior September- Serena becomes vocal and will refuse to walk 5 laps. She is provided visual supports to show her the 5 laps she is expected to walk. Will complete 1 lap prior to a staff initiated break – refusal with screaming. June- Serena will walk 5 laps daily, followed by a stretching routine. Then she will participate in the day’s fitness activity.

39 Serena’s GAS Goal Progress over time GAS goal rating 9-30-10 GAS goal rating 11-10-10 GAS goal rating 12-8-10 GAS goal rating 1-11-11 GAS goal rating 2-16-11 GAS goal rating 3-30-11 GAS goal rating 4-21-11 GAS goal rating 5-13-11 -2 Absent 000

40 Serena and the WII

41 Player #3 Sam 8 th GRADE dance

42 Sam’s GAS Goal: Independence Our target for the end of the year: During general education class, Sam will initiate a task using a visual support within one minute of the initial teacher direction, 4 out of 5 opportunities

43 Intervention Changes Began with a flowchart & self-recording Added a watch that vibrated Would like to move to another type of technology, I-phone (with timer) and Blue Tooth

44 Sam’s EBPs Self-management Video Modeling

45 Baseline video of Sam being helped by para-educator – October 2010

46 The Stats

47 Post Intervention

48 Sam’s GAS Goal Progress over time GAS goal rating 9-30-10 GAS goal rating 11-10-10 GAS goal rating 12-8-10 GAS goal rating 1-11-11 GAS goal rating 2-16-11 GAS goal rating 3-30-11 GAS goal rating 4-21-11 GAS goal rating 5-13-11 -2 0 00

49 More about Sam to come… He’s been drafted by to the High School


51 Game Plan can Change…right? Tweaks to the GAS goals Data collection sheets changed Team changed

52 Next Year’s Season… Expanding EBPs to other students Expanding EBPs to other buildings Embedding EBP’s within the context of IEP’s Using this ppt. sharing with all staff

53 A Big Game-Changer: Gen Ed Teachers General education teacher partnership

54 Another Big Game-Changer: Peers

55 Famous GE Quote… “ You learn by doing stupid stuff… how can you learn if there is always someone with you to make sure you don’t do stupid stuff.” (PD – November 2, 2010 – Slowik)


57 Shopping for new clothes… Peers!


59 Another Big Game-Changer: DATA Para educator support shifted Showing Baseline Flip Videos in Professional Development and team meetings Shared Data in Graph Format and it came alive



62 Another Big Game-Changer: Family Family involvement Home visits Goal development in partnership with families (e.g., Serena- exercise) Looking to the future WITH families

63 Video Interview with Sam’s mom.


65 Transition Questions EDP ??? As an adult, where would you like to live? What kind of work do you think you might want to do? What kind of hobbies, activities, sports do you like? After High School …

66 Representational Portfolio Sam


68 Top 10 of the Season! 1. G.A.S. Goals 2. DATA Rocks! 3. TEAM – The Vision!!!! 4. General Education Partnership 5. Families !!! Make all the difference! 6. IEP – the document that needs to matter!!! 7. Para educators – 1 st string players – Go TEAM! 8. Peers – MVP’s 9. Understanding the “Change Process” 10. Administrative Support - Director



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