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Research Utilization of Calamansi (Citrofortunella Microcarpa) into Homemade Foot Powder.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Utilization of Calamansi (Citrofortunella Microcarpa) into Homemade Foot Powder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Utilization of Calamansi (Citrofortunella Microcarpa) into Homemade Foot Powder

2 Chapter 1 Background of the Study Body odor (esp., foot odor), or the unpleasant smell of bacteria growing on your body . The main cause is foot sweat . Sweat itself is odorless , but it creates a beneficial environment for certain bacteria to grow and produce bad - smelling substances . These bacteria are naturally present on our skin. Therefore , more smell is created with factors causing more sweating , such as wearing shoes and socks that lacks air ventilation for many hours . Hair on the feet , especially on the toes , may contribute to the odor's intensity by adding increased surface area in which the bacteria can thrive. Foot powder is a type of powder which absorbs sweat that causes odor to the foot. Calamansi is a tropical fruit usually found at the Philippines. This is commonly made into juice drinks, additive to common native sauces (e.g., toyo) and even as a body odor repellant.. The small circular fruit prevents body odor especially the armpit odor.

3 Statement Of The Problem
Main Problem: Is the product reliable? Sub Problems: Can this product absorb enough sweat? Is this product irritating to skin? Can this product kill bacteria? Is the product cheaper?

4 Formulation Of Hypothesis
The said product can not absorb sweat , kill bacteria , nor remove bad odor from foot . The product is less reliable than the commercial foot powder

5 Scopes and Limitations
15 athletes will be randomly selected for them to use the said product. Another 15 athletes will be randomly selected for them to use a commercial footpowder. We will compare the result according to the data gathered. The participants will rank the product they used using the scale below: 5 – Effective 4- Less Effective 3- Could Not Decide 2- Removes Less Odor 1- Could Not Remove Odor All

6 Definition Of Terms Sweat -moisture that gets out of the body through the pores found at our skin; usually comes out when a certain body has a higher temperature than the normal temperature.  Foot- Lowest part of the body; used for walking to some common animals. Foot Powder-a product that removes the bad odor from foot by absorbing sweat and killing bacteria. Calamansi-a circular tropical fruit usually found in the Philippines; sometimes mixed in juice drinks and sauces. Foot Sweat- sweat that is found on foot; helps the bacteria to survive. Odor-Usually classified as good or bad odor; can be identified using the sense of smell

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