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Multiple Intelligences “Nine” Different Ways of Knowing.

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1 Multiple Intelligences “Nine” Different Ways of Knowing

2 Dr. Howard Gardner Professor of Education at Harvard University. Traditional notion of IQ is too limited. Developed theory of multiple intelligences in 1983. Teaching methods must be radically changed.

3 How is this theory different? Traditional View Intelligence can be measured by short-answer tests. People are born with a fixed amount of intelligence. Intelligence level does not change over a lifetime. Intelligence consists of ability in logic and language. In traditional practice, teachers teach the same material to everyone. Teachers teach a topic or "subject."

4 How is this theory different? Multiple Intelligence View Assessment of an individual's multiple intelligences can foster learning and problem-solving styles. Human beings have all of the intelligences, but each person has a unique combination, or profile. We can all improve each of the intelligences, though some people will improve more readily in one intelligence area than in others.

5 How is this theory different? There are many more types of intelligence which reflect different ways of interacting with the world. Teachers teach and assess differently based on individual intellectual strengths and weaknesses. Teachers structure learning activities around an issue or question and connect subjects. Teachers develop strategies that allow for students to demonstrate multiple ways of understanding and value their uniqueness. Multiple Intelligence View

6 Benefits of Teaching with MI Looks at intellect more broadly. Authentic learning opportunities. Increase in parent/community involvement. Students demonstrate/share their strengths. Teaching for understanding increases likelihood of future student success.

7 Technology and MI In order for technology to improve student learning and achievement, the teacher must make a shift in his/her thinking.

8 The teacher must… Believe that technology can more effectively meet a higher-level goal than the traditional methods. Believe that using technology will not cause disturbances. Believe that he/she has or will have sufficient ability and resources to use the technology.


10 The Nine Multiple Intelligences Visual-Spatial Intelligence Interpersonal Intelligence Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence Intrapersonal Intelligence Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence Naturalist Intelligence Existential Intelligence Click on each to learn more.

11 How are you “smart”? Visit Select Resources Select Multiple Intelligence Survey Select “Take the Test” Complete the survey

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