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Learning Strategy Training, Cooperative Learning, and Multiple Intelligences Prepared by Doris Shih.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Strategy Training, Cooperative Learning, and Multiple Intelligences Prepared by Doris Shih."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Strategy Training, Cooperative Learning, and Multiple Intelligences
Prepared by Doris Shih

2 Outline for Today Learning strategy training Cooperative learning
Multiple intelligences Activity time

3 Learning Strategy Training (1)
“Good language learners are willing and accurate guessers who have a strong desire to communicate….They attend to both the meaning and the form of their message. They also practice and monitor their own speech as well as the speech of others.” (p. 159, Larsen-Freeman).

4 Learning Strategy Training (2)
Teacher build on students’ prior knowledge & experience Teacher teach and demonstrate learning strategies Students do “hands-on” practice Students do self-assessment Students transfer strategy to a different situation

5 Cooperative Learning (1)
Students learn from each other in groups Students think “positive interdependence” Groups are mixed in gender & race Individuals help each other Teacher teach students social skills Students communicate in L2 to achieve language acquisition

6 Cooperative Learning (2)
Students are tested individually Students’ responsibility are distributed Teacher teach L2 & cooperation Cooperative learning teaches language for academic & social purposes

7 Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner’s theory Nine intelligences: Visual/Spatial Verbal/Linguistics Logical/mathematical Body/kinesthetic Musical/rhythmic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalist Existentialist

8 Activity Time Let’s work on Gardner’s MI test!


10 References Larsen-Freeman, D. (2000). Techniques and principles in language teaching. 2nd ed. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

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