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Countable and Uncountable Nouns Počitatelná a nepočitatelná podstatná jména.

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Presentation on theme: "Countable and Uncountable Nouns Počitatelná a nepočitatelná podstatná jména."— Presentation transcript:

1 Countable and Uncountable Nouns Počitatelná a nepočitatelná podstatná jména

2 Compare Countable Nouns a car an apple ten cars some apples the car the apples Uncountable Nouns water some sugar the water the sugar

3 Remember I´ve got a sister. I´ve got some cars. I haven´t got a brother. I haven´t got any sisters. There is some dog food on the shelf. It´s a pity you haven´t got any money.

4 How many or How much? Countable Nouns How many …? How many cars? How many brothers do you have? Uncountable Nouns How much …? How much money? How much milk do we need?

5 Uncountable Nouns 1 Látková, hromadná: butter, cheese, rice, flour, fruit 2 Abstraktní: work, homework, music, love 3 Jiná, která neočekáváme: money, hair, news, information, advice

6 Both Countable and Uncountable Countable an ice-cream a chocolate a glass a tea, a coffee a toast Uncountable ice-cream chocolate glass tea, coffee toast

7 Remember How much tea? How many cups of tea? How many apples? How many packets of apples?

8 Put the words into the right place lemonade, mouse, money, milk, tomatoe, carrot, coffee, onion, tea, rice, butter, sausage, bread, cake How many …? How much …?

9 Check your answer How many …? mice tomatoes carrots onions sausages cakes How much …? lemonade money milk coffee tea rice butter bread

10 Use How many or How much ….. books do you want? ….. flour do you need? ….. eggs do we have in the fridge? ….. cheese do we need? ….. apples do you want? ….. chocolate have you got in the bag? ….. coffee does your dad drink?

11 Check your answers, please How many books do you want? How much flour do you need? How many eggs do we have in the fridge? How much cheese do we need? How many apples do you want? How much chocolate have you got in the bag? How much coffee does your dad drink?

12 Countable and Uncountable Nouns A few Několik potatoes books cars onions girls A bit of Trochu salt pepper money time love

13 A few or A bit of apples, meat, butter, carrots, sausages, bread, children, mice, coke, crisps, magazines, friends, music, time, lemonade, tea, sandwiches, cakes, water, cheese, chocolate A fewA bit of

14 Check your answers A few apples carrots sausages children mice crisps magazines friends sandwiches cakes A bit of meat butter bread coke music time lemonade tea water cheese chocolate

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