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Much cheese much butter much meat much bread. much milk much sausage much salad much fruits.

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Presentation on theme: "Much cheese much butter much meat much bread. much milk much sausage much salad much fruits."— Presentation transcript:

1 much cheese much butter much meat much bread

2 much milk much sausage much salad much fruits

3 many eggs many sweets many hamburgers many nuts

4 many pears many carrots many lemonsmany bananas

5 much bread many loaves of bread much juice much onions many onions

6 much cabbagemuch carrots much grapes much watermelon many mice

7 a lot of popcorna lot of potatoes a lot of bread a lot of coffee

8 a lot of pizza a lot of tea a lot of rice a lot of berries

9 There are a lot of peaches on the plate. Are there many apples in the basket? There isn’t much water in the glass.

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