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GRAMMARAMA!!!! How exciting is this? Pronouns as subjects and objects.

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Presentation on theme: "GRAMMARAMA!!!! How exciting is this? Pronouns as subjects and objects."— Presentation transcript:

1 GRAMMARAMA!!!! How exciting is this? Pronouns as subjects and objects

2 WHAT IS THE SUBJECT OF A SENTENCE?  The subject of a sentence explains who or what performed the action or participated in the state of being.  Xin talked. -what’s the subject of this sentence?

3 WHAT IS THE OBJECT OF A SENTENCE?  The object of a sentence is the person, thing, or idea that was influenced (acted upon) by the subject.  Brenda ate potatoes. What’s the subject? - What’s the object?

4 HOW DO PRONOUNS WORK?  A pronoun is a shortened word that can take the place of a noun in a sentence. We use pronouns because it can get quite redundant to say the same thing over and over and over again.  Luis read a book. Luis read about girls who want to go out with soccer players. The book made Luis happy. Luis likes soccer and Luis likes girls. Luis likes girls who like soccer players.

5 HOW DO PRONOUNS WORK?  Luis read a book. Luis read about girls who want to go out with soccer players. The book made Luis happy. Luis likes soccer and Luis likes girls. Luis likes girls who like soccer players.  Luis read a book. He read about girls who want to go out with soccer players. The book made him happy. He likes soccer and he likes girls. He really likes girls who like soccer players.

6 WHY DO PRONOUNS CHANGE?  Pronouns change depending on their role in the sentence. What do you notice about these sentences? I have many friends. My friends are good to me. We have a good time. People see us laughing together. They are good people. Many other people like them.

7 THE PERSONAL PRONOUNS  Subject pronouns:  I  He, She, It  We  You  They  Object pronouns:  me  him, her, it  us  you  them

8 CHOOSE THE CORRECT PRONOUN:  (I/Me) am in a band with (he/him).  (Him/He) plays guitar and (I/me) play keyboards.  Our families come to hear (us/we) play.  (I/Me) went over to visit (she/her) after our last concert.  (She/her) told me (she/her) liked the way (I/me) played with (he/him).  (I/Me) like (she/her).

9 ONE LAST LITTLE THING -  Just like in math class, double negatives don’t work in English.  I don’t like nobody. - what does that mean? If I don’t like nobody, I must like Everybody! We know that’s not true!

10 PRACTICE  We’re not going nowhere this Christmas.  We don’t never go nowhere.  I can’t have no fun if all my friends are gone for Christmas.  They’re not never around because they go on vacation.  I will not have no friends in town.

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