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 A Responsibility is something that you either have or should do.

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2  A Responsibility is something that you either have or should do.

3  A Citizen Responsibility is something that you either have to or should do as a person that lives in the United States.

4  Mandatory - Things you have to do or else you will be punished.  Mandatory Responsibilities › Paying Taxes › Obeying Laws › Serving as Witness › Jury Duty › Registering for the Draft

5  Voluntary - Things that you choose to do  Voluntary Responsibilities › Voting › Volunteering

6  Mandatory Citizen Responsibility! ( Y ou have to do it!)  You must pay taxes to the government so that the government can run schools, give people healthcare, food, fix roads, and create and keep parks clean and much more

7  Mandatory Citizen Responsibility (You have to do it!)  You have to obey laws because if you do not we will have chaos!  People may steal, kill, drive as fast as they want, etc!!

8  Mandatory Responsibility (You have to do it.)  If you see a crime happen, a court can ask you to come and tell the court what happened. You have to come!  This is necessary because if you do not serve as a witness then our Justice system might fall apart. It depends on people to share evidence so the jury can decide if the person on trial is innocent or guilty!  Quick! Do you have to talk though?  No! The 5th Amendment!

9  Mandatory Responsibility (You have to do it!)  As a U.S. citizen must serve on a jury.  This is important because the court system needs a jury. A jury is made up of U.S. citizens. A jury decides if someone is innocent or guilty.  If there is no jury, there is no court!

10  Every male citizen over the age of 18 must register for the draft.  The draft is a way for the country to get people to go to war in a time of emergency, or national crisis.  This is necessary because if the United States needs to defend itself, it must be able to have soldiers.

11  Voluntary Responsibilities (Things you can choose to do.)  All U.S. citizens over 18 has the right to vote. You can choose to vote, you are not forced to vote.  However, imagine if no one voted we wouldn’t have a government! That means we would not have any government services such as police officers, schools, hospitals, community centers, etc!

12  Voluntary Responsibility (Things you choose to do!)  Volunteering means that you help out somewhere in your community without being paid.  It is important to volunteer because there are many jobs that do not pay but are really necessary! For instance, working at a soup kitchen, cleaning up a park, volunteering at a hospital, helping build houses for poor people  Volunteering in your community makes it a better place to live!

13  Doing your Citizen Responsibilities are necessary for the survival of the United States  Citizen Responsibilities include, paying taxes, obeying laws, serving as a witness, jury duty, registering for the draft, voting, and volunteering

14  Look at your group’s citizen responsibility and answer the question.  Is your citizen responsibility mandatory or voluntary?  Why is important to do or participate in your citizen responsibility?  What would America look like if people did not participate in this citizen responsibility?

15  Create a public service announcement about the one citizen responsibility you think is the most important. On one side draw a picture that goes along with that responsibility, and on the other side explain why you think that responsibility is the most important!  We will vote and choose the best public service announcement!!!

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