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Please restate the question in your answer. Make sure you are writing in complete sentences. 1- What makes approaches to studying psychology different?

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Presentation on theme: "Please restate the question in your answer. Make sure you are writing in complete sentences. 1- What makes approaches to studying psychology different?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Please restate the question in your answer. Make sure you are writing in complete sentences. 1- What makes approaches to studying psychology different? 2-What were the THREE historical approaches? 3-Please briefly describe the above three. Use 1-2 key words that will help you better remember/associate to each of the varying approaches. Warm Up

3 Remember you are pulling out key names, key terms, and key ideas!! Psychoanalytic Psychology- Behavioral Psychology- Humanistic- Cognitive- Biological- Sociocultural- Please continue working on Present Day Approaches

4 Psychoanalytic

5 Behavioral psychology -Ivan Pavlov, John Watson, B.F. Skinner -Study of observable behavior, and responses to events in individuals environment -Focus on conditioning, stimulus, reinforcement

6 Humanistic psychology -Response to behavioral psychology -Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers -Human nature is evolving and self-directed -Humans are NOT controlled by their environments/events -Believe each individual has potential to develop fully (personal growth)

7 Cognitive psychology -Jean Piaget, Noam Chomsky - Study how we process, store, retrieve, and use information -Also how this information influences our thinking/language/problem solving -Focus on perceptions, memories, expectations

8 Biological psychology -Focuses on the impact of biology on behavior - Psychobiologists: study how brain, nervous system, hormones, and genetics influence our behavior -”Behavior is the result of our physiological makeup”

9 Sociocultural psychology -Focus on how our knowledge and ways of thinking/feeling/behaving depend on the culture you are a member of -Cultural Perspectives plays a huge role! -Gender, socioeconomic status may also play a role in how you think/feel/behave

10 Consider the following scenarios: SCENARIO 1: You are attempting to figure out a way to teach your dog, Muffin, how to turn off the lights. Each time Muffin turns off the lights, you give her a treat as reinforcement. -What type of approach would this be using? SCENARIO 2: You are studying the genetics of your family to figure out what makes your mom and sister react the way they do to certain situations. -What type of approach would this be using? SCENARIO 3: You are examining different culture values and beliefs to discover what makes French citizens behave differently than American citizens. -What type of approach would this be using? Let’s examine…

11 Psychologist- individuals who have been trained to observe, analyze and evaluate behavior. IMPORTANT- Psychiatrist- Treat individuals with disturbed behavior. Psychiatrist CAN prescribe medicine. SOOO… who actually uses these approaches?!

12 Let‘s pull out the 7 types of psychologists which we are going to examine Please open your book to page 25. Field of Psychology

13 Please copy down and complete the following organizer… Field of Psychology

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