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GCOS Action Re spon ding Action 23-24 WGISS 24 Oberpfaffenhofen Germany Oct 15-19 Kengo Aizawa.

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1 GCOS Action Re spon ding Action 23-24 WGISS 24 Oberpfaffenhofen Germany Oct 15-19 Kengo Aizawa

2 What ‘ s GCOS Action? (1/4) This action is from CL-06-02 * 1 GEO task. The task include two of climate actions (C-18* 2,C-21* 3 ) for CEOS/WGISS.

3 What ‘ s GCOS Action? (2/4) * 2 : C-18 action CEOS agencies will ensure that data acquired through research satellite are fully used for the benefit of creating and/or improving the FCDRs of all ECVs. * * 3 :C-21 action CEOS will establish a programme in 2007 to document the data archive and access arrengements in place for each of the FCDRs contributed by space agencies. WGISS will lead this effort in order to evaluate practical solutions to current obstacles and issues. FCDR : Fundamental Climate Data record ECV : Essential Climate Variables

4 What ‘ s GCOS Action? (3/4) ECV : Essential Climate Variables Domain Essential Climate Variables AtmosphericSurface wind speed and direction, upper-air temperature, water vapour, clouds, precipitation, Earth Radiation Budget (ERB), ozone, aerosols. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, upper-air winds. OceanicSea ice, sea level, sea surface temperature, ocean color, sea state, salinity TerrestrialLakes, glaciers and ice caps/sheets, snow cover, surface albedo, land cover (including vegetation type), fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation,(fAPAR), leaf area index, biomass, fire disturbance, soil moisture : Fundamental Climate Data Record FCDR : Fundamental Climate Data Record is used to denote a long-term data record, involving a series of instruments, with potentially changing measurement approaches

5 What ‘ s GCOS Action? (4/4) WGISS should Summarize FCDRs list among CEOS/WGISS agencies Summarize FCDRs list among CEOS/WGISS agencies for C-18 Indicate how to access these data concretely Indicate how to access these data concretely for C-21 for C-21

6 ATT Action status Action 23-24: Survey to all WGISS member agencies requesting a listing and details of their agency. Status: - I sent a e-mail to “exec” requesting list of FCDR in the beginning of Aug. - however there are no responses.

7 Response Preparation (1/8) Response Preparation (1/8) ATT listed up some of data sources under the condition that - - datasets from CEOS agencies - suitable for ECVs - continuity of observations - done calibration and validation - ensured access to data

8 Response Preparation (2/8) Response Preparation (2/8) DataCommon usesParametersAgency NOAA/AVHRR clouds, land-water boundaries, snow and ice extent, ice or snow melt inception, day and night cloud distribution, temperatures of radiating surfaces, and sea surface temperature Temporal: 1983 onward Spatial:Canada Resolution:0.5km – 1km CCRS ERS GOME atmosphere's content of ozone, nitrogen dioxide, water vapor, oxygen/oxygen dimer and bromine oxide and other trace gases. Temporal: April 1995 onward Spatial: global Resolution: 5-10km vertical and 320-960km horizontal ESA ENVISAT GOMOS monitoring of ozone and other trace gases, aerosol and temperature distributions in stratosphere Temporal: March 2002 onward Spatial: global Resolution: 1.7 km vertical resolution ESA Atmospheric Data

9 Response Preparation (3/8) Response Preparation (3/8) DataCommon usesParametersAgency ENVISA T MIPAS stratospheric chemistry, global climatology, atmospheric dynamics, upper tropospheric chemistry Temporal: March 2002 onward Spatial: global Resolution: 3 km vertical resolutionESA TRMM PR/VIRS/ TMI PrecipitationTemporal: Dec 1997 onward Spatial: global Resolution: x km – xx kmNASA Atmospheric Data

10 Response Preparation (4/8) Response Preparation (4/8) DataCommon usesParametersAgency ERS Ice mapping and monitoring, ocean and coastal areas imaging (e.g. oil spill monitoring), land imaging (e,g. floods) Temporal: 1992 onward Spatial: Canada Resolution: 30m and less CCRS ERS RA and ENVISAT RA2 The RA is a microwave sensor that provides information on ocean and ice e.g. significant wave height, surface wind speed, sea surface elevation, (which relates to ocean currents, the surface geoid and tides), various parameters over sea ice and ice sheets Temporal: July 1991 onward for ERS and March 2002 onward for ENVISAT Spatial: global Resolution: n/a ESA ERS WAVE Oceanography (internal waves, small- scale variations in wind and modulations due to surface currents, etc.), glaciology, climatology, meteorology (forecasts of sea conditions, etc.), geodesy Temporal: July 1991 onward Spatial: global Resolution: 50 km ESA Oceanographic Data

11 Response Preparation (5/8) Response Preparation (5/8) DataCommon usesParametersAgency ERS WS wind speed and direction at the ocean surface Temporal: July 1991 onward Spatial: global Resolution: 25 km ESA ERS ATSR Sea surface temperature, water vapour content of the atmosphere, observations of clouds, aerosols, haze, land-ice and sea-ice surface emissivity, tropospheric range correction of the Radar Altimeter measurements Temporal: July 1991 onward Spatial: global Resolution: 1km ESA ENVISAT MERIS ocean color data for the ocean carbon cycle, the thermal regime of the upper ocean, the management of fisheries, and the management of coastal zones Temporal: March 2002 onward Spatial: almost global Resolution: 250-1200m ESA Oceanographic Data

12 Response Preparation (6/8) Response Preparation (6/8) DataCommon usesParametersAgency ENVISAT ASAR Ocean wave characteristics, ocean mesoscale features, sea ice extent and motion, snow and ice sheet extent, surface topography, land surface properties, surface soil moisture and wetland extent, deforestation and extent of desert areas, disaster monitoring (flooding, earthquake, oil spills) Temporal: March 2002 onward Spatial: global Resolution: from 30 m depending on instrument mod ESA ENVISAT AATSR Sea surface temperature, water vapour content of the atmosphere, observations of clouds, aerosols, haze, land-ice and sea-ice surface emissivity, tropospheric range correction of the Radar Altimeter measurements Temporal: March 2002 onwardSpatial:global Resolution: 1 km ESA NOAA Oceanographic Data

13 Response Preparation (7/8) Response Preparation (7/8) DataCommon usesParametersAgency NOAA AVHRR Investigation of clouds, land-water boundaries, snow and ice extent, ice or snow melt inception, day and night cloud distribution, temperatures of radiating surfaces, and sea surface temperature Temporal: 1983 onward Spatial: Canada Resolution: 0.5km – 1km CCRS ERS Ice mapping and monitoring, ocean and coastal areas imaging (e.g. oil spill monitoring), land imaging (e,g. floods) Temporal: 1992 onward Spatial: Canada Resolution: 30m and less CCRS NOAA AVHRR Investigation of clouds, land-water boundaries, snow and ice extent, ice or snow melt inception, day and night cloud distribution, temperatures of radiating surfaces, and sea surface temperature Temporal: 1987 onward Spatial: Global Resolution: 1.1km USGS Terrestrial Data

14 Response Preparation (8/8) Response Preparation (8/8) DataCommon usesParametersAgency ERS SAR Ice mapping and monitoring, ocean and coastal areas imaging (e.g. oil spill monitoring), land imaging (e,g. floods) DEM - Interferometry (small surface movements caused by landslides, earthquakes) Temporal: July 1991 onward Spatial: mainly Europe Resolution: along track less than or equal to 30 m; across track less than or equal to 26.3 m ESA ENVISAT ASAR Ocean wave characteristics, ocean mesoscale features, sea ice extent and motion, snow and ice sheet extent, surface topography, land surface properties, surface soil moisture and wetland extent, deforestation and extent of desert areas, disaster monitoring (flooding, earthquake, oil spills) Temporal: March 2002 onward Spatial: global Resolution: from 30 m ESA AMSER-E Terrestrial Data

15 CCRS Earth Observation catalogue

16 ESA ResourceEarthObservation

17 U.S. Geological Survey Earth Explorer

18 NGDC GIS Portal



21 Requests Requests - - Review the database and access means - - Comments to - - Due date is Nov 2 nd. - - ATT will document AI until 9 th of Nov. - - Refer document “ CEOS Response to the GCOS Implimantation plan ” “ CEOS Response to the GCOS Implimantation plan ”

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