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The history ….long, active tradition in enterprise…. Ministerial Review of Education for Work and Enterprise (2001- 2002) Scottish Executive Response.

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2 The history ….long, active tradition in enterprise…. Ministerial Review of Education for Work and Enterprise (2001- 2002) Scottish Executive Response (March 2003) Determined to Succeed - Phase 1 (2003-08) Phase 2 (2008-11)

3 Review Group –Vision ‘ A more successful and prosperous Scotland where young people are determined to succeed and where innovation, wealth creation and entrepreneurship are valued. The ultimate goal of enterprise in education must be the creation of successful businesses, jobs and prosperity.’ DtS Report, ‘Vision for Scotland’ December 2002.

4 Delivered through…

5 Scottish Government - Purpose to focus the Government and public services on creating a more successful country, with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth

6 Government Economic Strategy For young people, GES is specific: focus on giving every child the best start in life school education allowing young people to succeed and develop the skills needed to be active contributors to the economy joining up the education experience, effective management of transitions

7 Why change the curriculum? Equip young people with the skills they will need for tomorrow’s workforce Make sure that assessment and certification support learning Allow more choice and chances to meet the needs of individual young people To enable young people to flourish in life and work beyond school

8 What’s it all about? Developing enterprise skills in young people ensuring they have the ability to apply enterprising skills, attitudes and values such as self- awareness, self-confidence, creativity, initiative, risk taking, communication, decision making, problem solving and teamwork in a range of social and economic contexts.

9 Developing employability skills in young people ensuring they have the skills, behaviours, attitudes and personal attributes necessary for an individual to seek, gain and sustain employment and function effectively in the workplace and are transferable to a variety of contexts. What’s it all about?

10 How? Connecting education and employers to: bring learning alive by making it relevant to the world of work; open young people’s eyes to the wealth of opportunities that await them (beyond academic attainment); and give those that need it the extra support to get on the first rung of the ladder.

11 Determined to Succeed What made it work? Leadership Dedicated funding stream Diverse team Communication Partnership working

12 What did we focus on? Skills for Life and skills for Work Employer engagement Entrepreneurial learning Broadening the Reach of DtS Embedding enterprise in the curriculum Building Capacity

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