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Presentation on theme: " | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 1 Concurrency Utilities in Practice Tim Peierls Prior Artisans, LLC Using java.util.concurrent."— Presentation transcript:

1 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 1 Concurrency Utilities in Practice Tim Peierls Prior Artisans, LLC Using java.util.concurrent

2 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 2 Goals Review concurrency utilities Present several applications Measure and evaluate performance

3 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 3 Speakers Tim Peierls is a member of the JSR 166 Expert Group

4 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 4 Examples PseudoRandom Memoize SwingWorker BoundedBuffer WebCrawler

5 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 5 Concurrency Utilities Executors Executor ExecutorService ScheduledExecutorService Callable Future ScheduledFuture Delayed CompletionService ThreadPoolExecutor ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor AbstractExecutorService Executors FutureTask ExecutorCompletionService Queues BlockingQueue ConcurrentLinkedQueue LinkedBlockingQueue ArrayBlockingQueue SynchronousQueue PriorityBlockingQueue DelayQueue Concurrent Collections ConcurrentMap ConcurrentHashMap CopyOnWriteArray{List,Set} Synchronizers CountDownLatch Semaphore Exchanger CyclicBarrier Timing TimeUnit Locks Lock Condition ReadWriteLock AbstractQueuedSynchronizer LockSupport ReentrantLock ReentrantReadWriteLock Atomics Atomic[Type] Atomic[Type]Array Atomic[Type]FieldUpdater Atomic{Markable,Stampable}Reference

6 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 6 Caveats Access modifiers omitted unless relevant InterruptedException abbreviated as IE Most interrupt handling omitted for brevity, but very important in real life! Irrelevant methods, fields, and arguments elided with “…”

7 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 7 PseudoRandom Example PseudoRandom: similar to java.util.Random A simple but broken implementation Reimplement PseudoRandom in different ways Exercise the implementations Compare their performance Overview

8 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 8 PseudoRandom Example interface PseudoRandom { /** * Return pseudorandom int in range [0, n) */ int nextInt(int n); } PseudoRandom: similar to java.util.Random

9 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 9 PseudoRandom Example class NaivePseudoRandom implements PseudoRandom { public int nextInt(int n) { int s = seed; seed = computeNext(seed); return s % n; } int computeNext(int s) { return …; } int seed = …; … } A simple but broken implementation

10 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 10 PseudoRandom Example Fixed using synchronized class PseudoRandomUsingSynch implements PseudoRandom { public synchronized int nextInt(int n) { int s = seed; seed = computeNext(seed); return s % n; } int computeNext(int s) { return …; } int seed = …; }

11 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 11 PseudoRandom Example Better fix using Lock class PseudoRandomUsingLock implements PseudoRandom { public int nextInt(int n) { lock.lock(); try { int s = seed; seed = computeNext(seed); return s % n; } finally { lock.unlock(); } int computeNext(int s) { return …; } int seed = …; final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(true); }

12 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 12 Review: Lock interface Lock { void lock(); void lockInterruptibly() throws IE; boolean tryLock(); boolean tryLock(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws IE; void unlock(); … } class ReentrantLock implements Lock { ReentrantLock(boolean fair) {…} } Ensure consistency via exclusion

13 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 13 Even better fix using AtomicInteger PseudoRandom Example class PseudoRandomUsingAtomic implements PseudoRandom { public int nextInt(int n) { for (;;) { int s = seed.get(); int nexts = computeNext(s); if (seed.compareAndSet(s, nexts)) return s % n; } int computeNext(int s) { return …; } final AtomicInteger seed = new AtomicInteger(…); }

14 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 14 Review: AtomicInteger  class AtomicInteger extends Number implements Serializable { AtomicInteger(int initialCount) {…} boolean compareAndSet(int expect, int update) {…} boolean weakCompareAndSet(int expect, int update){…} int get(); int getAndSet(int newValue) {…} int getAndAdd(int delta) {…} int addAndGet(int delta) {…} int getAndIncrement() {…} int getAndDecrement() {…} int incrementAndGet() {…} int decrementAndGet() {…} … } Ensure consistency via atomic CAS

15 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 15 PseudoRandom Example DieRollTask repeatedly rolls a die Coordinate tasks with CountDownLatch Use Executor to run several DieRollTasks Time multiple trials of each implementation Test methodology disclaimer Results Exercise the implementations

16 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 16 PseudoRandom Example final int NTASKS; // #instances of DieRollTask final int NROLLS; // #die rolls per task instance final PseudoRandom rnd; final CountDownLatch startSignal = new CountDownLatch(1); final CountDownLatch doneSignal = new CountDownLatch(NTASKS); class DieRollTask implements Runnable { public void run() { startSignal.await(); for (int i = 0; i < NROLLS; ++i) rnd.nextInt(6); doneSignal.countDown(); } /* IE handling omitted */ }; Coordinate tasks with CountDownLatch

17 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 17 Review: CountDownLatch Waiting threads are released when count becomes 0 class CountDownLatch { CountDownLatch(int initialCount) {…} void countDown(); void await() throws IE; void await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws IE; long getCount(); } Coordinate thread activity

18 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 18 PseudoRandom Example final Executor threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(NTASKS); long trial(final int NROLLS, final PseudoRandom r) { … for (int j = 0; j < NTASKS; ++j) threadPool.execute(new DieRollTask()); …give tasks time to wait for startSignal… long start = System.nanoTime(); startSignal.countDown(); // release tasks doneSignal.await(); // wait ‘til done return System.nanoTime() – start; } Use Executor to run several DieRollTasks

19 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 19 Review: Executor Executor executes submitted tasks interface Executor { void execute(Runnable task); } Executors has static factory methods class Executors { static ExecutorService // extends Executor newFixedThreadPool(int nThreads) {…} …many more… } Decouple task submission from execution

20 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 20 PseudoRandom Example interface PseudoRandomImpl { PseudoRandom newInstance(); } Collection impls; final int NTRIALS = …; // #trials/implementation final int NROLLS = …; // #die rolls/trial for (PseudoRandomImpl impl : impls) { long nanos = 0; PseudoRandom rnd; for (int k = 0; k < NTRIALS; ++k) { rnd = impl.newInstance(); nanos += trial(NROLLS, rnd); } long avg = nanos / (NTRIALS * NROLLS); if (rnd != null) report(rnd.getClass(), avg); } Time multiple trials of each implementation

21 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 21 PseudoRandom Example One machine, one JVM, one platform Other things that could affect results: ─Packing of fields on objects ─Cache locality of generated code ─Thresholds for native compilation ─Background user and system processes Test methodology disclaimer

22 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 22 PseudoRandom Example Results on 3.2 GHz Pentium 4, -client (Windows)

23 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 23 Memo Function: A function that memorizes its previous results ─Optimization for recursive functions, etc. ─Invented by Prof. Donald Michie, Univ. of Edinburgh Goal: Implement memoizer ─Function wrapper ─Provide concurrent access ─Compute each result at most once Materials: ConcurrentHashMap, FutureTask Implement "Memoizer" Memoize Example

24 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 24 Memoize Example interface Computable { V compute(A arg) throws Exception; } class Function implements Computable { public BigInteger compute(String arg) { // after deep thought... return new BigInteger("2"); } Function f = new Function(); // f = Memoize(f); f.compute("1 + 1"); >>> 2 Generic computation and example of use

25 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 25 class Memoize1 implements Computable { final Map cache = new HashMap (); final Computable c; Memoize1(Computable c) { this.c = c; } public synchronized V compute(A arg) throws... { if (!cache.containsKey(arg)) cache.put(arg, c.compute(arg)); return cache.get(arg); } Computable f; f = new Function(); f = new Memoize1 (f); f.compute("1 + 1"); >>> 2 Memoize Example Caching the computed result

26 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 26 Memoize Example class Memoize2 implements Computable { final Map cache = new ConcurrentHashMap (); final Computable c; Memoize2(Computable c) { this.c = c; } public V compute(A arg) throws Exception { if (!cache.containsKey(arg)) cache.put(arg, c.compute(arg)); return cache.get(arg); } No synchronization, but computes may overlap

27 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 27 Memoize Example class Memoize3 implements Computable { final Map > cache = new ConcurrentHashMap >(); … public V compute(final A arg) throws Exception { if (!cache.containsKey(arg)) { Callable eval = new Callable () { public V call() throws Exception { return c.compute(arg); } }; FutureTask ft = new FutureTask (eval); cache.put(arg, ft);; } return cache.get(arg).get(); } Overlapping computes less likely

28 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 28 Review: Callables and Futures Callable is invoked and returns a value interface Callable { V call() throws Exception; } Future holds result of asynchronous computation  interface Future { V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException; V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws IE, …; void cancel(boolean mayInterrupt); boolean isCancelled(); boolean isDone(); } FutureTask is a Runnable Future class FutureTask implements Future, Runnable { FutureTask(Callable c) {…} … } Representing asynchronous tasks

29 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 29 Memoize Example class Memoize implements Computable { final ConcurrentMap > cache = new ConcurrentHashMap >(); final Computable c; Memoize(Computable c) { this.c = c; } public V compute(final A arg) throws Exception { Future f = cache.get(arg); if (f == null) { Callable eval = new Callable () { public V call() throws Exception { return c.compute(arg); } }; FutureTask ft = new FutureTask (eval); f = cache.putIfAbsent(arg, ft); if (f == null) { f = ft;; } } return f.get(); } Exactly one compute() for each argument value

30 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 30 Inside Memoize Future f = cache.get(arg); if (f == null) { Callable eval = new Callable () { public V call() throws Exception { return c.compute(arg); } }; FutureTask ft = new FutureTask (eval); f = cache.putIfAbsent(arg, ft); if (f == null) { f = ft;; } return f.get(); Exactly one compute() for each argument value

31 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 31 SwingWorker performs GUI-related work in a new thread ─Created by Hans Muller Goal: Reimplement using java.util.concurrent ─Provide more features with less code Materials: FutureTask, Executor Reimplementation of SwingWorker SwingWorker Example

32 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 32 SwingWorker Revisited abstract class SwingWorker { protected abstract V construct(); protected void finished() { } public void start(); public V get(); } SwingWorker sw = new SwingWorker () { protected String construct() { Thread.sleep(5000); return "Done"; } protected void finished() { label.setText(get()); } }; label.setText("Working..."); sw.start(); Perform GUI-related work in a new thread

33 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 33 SwingWorker Revisited Working.. Done

34 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 34 SwingWorker Reimplemented abstract class SwingWorker { FutureTask task = new FutureTask (new Callable () { public V call() throws Exception { return construct(); } }) { protected void done() { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { finished(); } }); }; protected abstract V construct() throws Exception; protected void finished { } public void start() { new Thread(task).start(); } public V get() throws IE, ExecutionException { return task.get(); }

35 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 35 Inside SwingWorker FutureTask task = new FutureTask (new Callable () { public V call() throws Exception { return construct(); } }) { protected void done() { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { finished(); } }); }; Calls construct, then invokes finished

36 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 36 SwingWorker Revisited abstract class SwingWorker implements Future, Runnable { … public void run() {; } public V get() throws IE, ExecutionException { return task.get(); } public V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws... { return task.get(timeout, unit); } public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning)... public boolean isCancelled()... public boolean isDone()... } Implements Future and Runnable

37 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 37 SwingWorker Revisited abstract class SwingWorker... { static final Executor EXECUTOR = new Executor() { public void execute(Runnable command) { new Thread(command).start(); } }; private Executor executor = EXECUTOR; public void setExecutor(Executor e)... public Executor getExecutor()... public void start() { executor.execute(this); } } Pluggable Executor

38 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 38 SwingWorker Revisited Parallel execution in cached thread pool SwingWorker sw; Executor e; e = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); e.execute(sw); Sequential execution on a single thread e = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); e.execute(sw); Executor choices

39 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 39 Concurrency utilities enable simple, powerful implementation ─cancellation ─get with timeout ─pluggable executor SwingWorker = Future + Callable + Runnable + Executor Note: Also see Summary SwingWorker Example

40 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 40 BoundedBuffer Example BoundedBuffer interface Implement BoundedBuffer with Condition Exercise the implementation Compare with other implementations Alternative approach for single producer / single consumer settings using Exchanger Overview

41 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 41 BoundedBuffer Example interface BoundedBuffer { /** * Adds element to buffer, blocking until * buffer not full */ void put(E element) throws InterruptedException; /** * Removes element from buffer, blocks until * buffer not empty */ E take() throws InterruptedException; } BoundedBuffer interface

42 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 42 BoundedBuffer Example class BoundedBufferUsingCondition implements BoundedBuffer { final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); final Condition notFull = lock.newCondition(); final Condition notEmpty = lock.newCondition(); E[] items; int putIndex, takeIndex, size; public void put(E element) throws IE { lock.lock(); try { while (size == items.length) notFull.await(); items[putIndex++] = element; ++size; if (putIndex == items.length) putIndex = 0; notEmpty.signal(); } finally { /* IE handling omitted */ lock.unlock(); } } // to be continued… Implement BoundedBuffer with Condition

43 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 43 Review: Condition Condition analogous to Object.wait/notify/notifyAll  interface Condition { void await() throws IE; void await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws IE; void awaitUninterruptibly(); void signal(); void signalAll(); … } Create Conditions with a Lock  interface Lock { … Condition newCondition(); } Multiple wait sets

44 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 44 BoundedBuffer Example // …continued: public E take() throws InterruptedException { lock.lock(); try { while (size == 0) notEmpty.await(); E element = items[takeIndex++]; --size; if (takeIndex == items.length) takeIndex = 0; notFull.signal(); } finally { /* IE handling omitted */ lock.unlock(); } Implement BoundedBuffer with Condition, cont’d

45 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 45 WebCrawler Example Application of producer/consumer pattern Implemented using thread pool Problem: Implementation blocks on fetch Solution: Pool runs each fetch as task Wrinkle: Need concurrent collections Wrinkle: Denial of service Resolution: Schedule periodic fetches Refinements Overview

46 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 46 WebCrawler Example WebCrawler webCrawler = …; BlockingQueue rq = …; // result queue Future crawl = webCrawler.crawl(startUrl, rq); try { while (!foundEnough()) { URL found = rq.poll(timeout, unit); if (found == null) break; process(found); } } finally { crawl.cancel(true); } Application of producer/consumer pattern

47 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 47 Review: BlockingQueue interface BlockingQueue extends Queue { boolean add(E e); boolean offer(E e); boolean offer(E e, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws IE; E poll(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws IE; void put(E e) throws IE; E take() throws IE; int remainingCapacity(); int drainTo(Collection elements); int drainTo(Collection elements, int maxElements); } Blocking version of java.util.Queue

48 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 48 WebCrawler Example class WebCrawler { final ExecutorService pool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); Future crawl(URL startUrl, BlockingQueue rq) { return pool.submit(new CrawlTask(startUrl, rq)); } class CrawlTask implements Runnable { /** * Gets URL contents and parses list of URL links * from them; may block indefinitely. */ List fetchLinks(URL url) throws IOException {…} … } Implemented using cached thread pool

49 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 49 WebCrawler Example class CrawlTask implements Runnable { public void run() { for (seen.add(url); !done(); url = poll()) try { for (URL link : fetchLinks(url)) add(link); if (!rq.offer(url, timeout, unit)) return; } catch (IOException e) { // skip over url, couldn’t get its contents } void add(URL u) { if (!seen.contains(u)) { seen.add(u); pq.offer(u); } } boolean done() { return url == null; } URL poll() { return pq.poll(); } URL url = startUrl; final Set seen = new HashSet (); final Queue pq = new PriorityQueue (…, searchOrder); } Problem: Implementation blocks on fetch

50 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 50 WebCrawler Example public void run() { for (seen.put(url, true); !done(); url = poll()) pool.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { for (URL link : fetchLinks(url)) add(link); if (!rq.offer(url, timeout, unit)) { done = true; return; } } catch (IOException e) { /* skip */ } } }); } boolean done() { return done || url == null; } volatile boolean done = false; …continued on next slide… Solution: Pool runs each fetch as task

51 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 51 WebCrawler Example final BlockingQueue pq = new PriorityBlockingQueue (CAP, searchOrder); final ConcurrentMap seen = new ConcurrentHashMap (); void add(URL url) { if (seen.putIfAbsent(url, true) == null) pq.put(url); } URL poll() { url = pq.poll(timeout, unit); } Wrinkle: Need concurrent collections

52 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 52 Review: PriorityBlockingQueue class PriorityBlockingQueue implements BlockingQueue { PriorityBlockingQueue(int initialCapacity, Comparator comp); … } BlockingQueue with least element available first

53 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 53 Review: ConcurrentMap interface ConcurrentMap extends Map { V putIfAbsent(K key, V value); V replace(K key, V value); boolean replace(K key, V oldValue, V newValue); boolean remove(K key, V value); } Atomic get-and-maybe-set methods for Map

54 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 54 WebCrawler Example class PeriodicHostTask implements Runnable { final String host; final Queue hq = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue (); public void run() { // called periodically URL url = hq.poll(); if (url != null) pq.put(url); } void add(URL url) { hq.offer(url); } Wrinkle: Denial of service

55 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 55 WebCrawler Example final ScheduledExecutorService sched = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1); final ConcurrentMap hosts = new ConcurrentHashMap (); void add(URL url) { if (seen.putIfAbsent(url, true) != null) return; PeriodicHostTask hostTask = new PeriodicHostTask(); PeriodicHostTask existing = hosts.putIfAbsent(url.getHost(), hostTask); if (existing == null) { existing = hostTask; sched.scheduleWithFixedDelay( hostTask, 0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } existing.add(url); } Resolution: Schedule periodic fetches

56 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 56 Review: ScheduledExecutorService interface ScheduledExecutorService extends ExecutorService { ScheduledFuture schedule(Callable c, long delay, TimeUnit unit); ScheduledFuture schedule(Runnable r, long delay, TimeUnit unit); ScheduledFuture scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable r, long initDelay, long period, TimeUnit unit); ScheduledFuture scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable r, long initDelay, long delay, TimeUnit unit); } Periodic and one-shot delayed tasks

57 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 57 Summary Don’t use low level constructs when more appropriate high level ones exist, e.g., ─Use Queues, BlockingQueues, or Exchangers in producer/consumer designs. ─Use Executors instead of new Thread(runnable).start() Measuring performance of concurrent programs is hard, but must be done ─Try simple examples first, but remember that they won’t necessarily scale ─Be skeptical; instrument as much as possible to confirm that your program is really working

58 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 58 For More Information API docs for java.util.concurrent ─In Tiger download or on Sun website Doug Lea's concurrency-interest mailing list ─ Concurrent Programming in Java The Last Word in Swing Threads ─ ─More articles at

59 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 59 Q&A 59

60 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 60 Supplemental Material

61 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 61 BoundedBuffer Example Comparing three implementations

62 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 62 BoundedBuffer Example Compare hand-rolled to library implementation

63 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 63 BoundedBuffer Example May not be significant ─Crude testing methodology (e.g., no warmup) ─Different results obtained using –server If it is significant, a possible explanation: ─HotSpot not caching final fields across code blocks ─Library implementations have been tuned Moral: Don’t reinvent the wheel! ArrayBlockingQueue faster than hand-rolled!

64 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 64 BoundedBuffer Example final DataBuffer ebuf = …, fbuf = …; final Exchanger exch = new Exchanger(); exec.execute(new Runnable() { // producer DataBuffer buf = ebuf; public void run() { while (buf != null) { putIntoBuffer(buf); if (buf.isFull()) buf =; } } /* IE handling omitted */ }); exec.execute(new Runnable() { // consumer DataBuffer buf = fbuf; public void run() { while (buf != null) { takeFromBuffer(buf); if (buf.isEmpty()) buf =; } } /* IE handling omitted */ }); Alternative for 1 producer / 1 consumer settings

65 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 65 Review: Exchanger Atomic exchange between threads class Exchanger { T exchange(T x) throws IE; T exchange(T x, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws IE; }

66 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 66 WebCrawler Example Tune thread pools Remove HostTasks after poll failure ─Need ScheduledFuture to cancel tasks Better approach using asynchronous I/O: ─Reduces context switching overhead ─Could use java.nio.channels.Selector wrapped as a CompletionService > ─Fetch requests return immediately ─Separate task polls completion service for next ready list of links Refinements

67 | Concurrency Utilities in Practice 67 Concurrency Utilities in Practice Tim Peierls Prior Artisans, LLC Using java.util.concurrent

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