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Order Carnivora ≥11 families, >287 species Naturally distributed on all continents (except possibly Australia) Morphologically & behaviorally diverse Economically.

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Presentation on theme: "Order Carnivora ≥11 families, >287 species Naturally distributed on all continents (except possibly Australia) Morphologically & behaviorally diverse Economically."— Presentation transcript:

1 Order Carnivora ≥11 families, >287 species Naturally distributed on all continents (except possibly Australia) Morphologically & behaviorally diverse Economically important in most countries Ecologically important

2 Order Carnivora Recognition characters (most/all related to carnivory): Dental features (present in MOST species): Carnassial shear: P4/M1 (secondarily lost in some taxa) Canines large, conical Most have primitive # incisors (3/3) Cranial features: Transverse glenoid fossa Sagittal crest often prominent, well developed Large brains, well developed zygomatic arch Other features: Most are medium-sized Acute senses (hearing, sight, especially smell) Most are adept cursors---sprinting Simple stomach (cecum reduced or absent in most sp.)

3 Glenoid/ mandibular fossa C-shaped: strong hinge, minimizes lateral movement and facilitates up & down movement (e.g., mustelids) Omnivores (e.g., bears, procyonids) have more “open” glenoid fossa, permitting lateral movement

4 Postcranial modifications: loss or reduction of clavicles (increases stride length) fusion of carpal bones (may add support for cursorial locomotion)

5 Fusion of centrale, scaphoid, & lunar bones of wrist Carnivora Most non-carnivorans

6 Non-cursorial taxa (e.g., ursids, procyonids) Cursorial taxa (e.g., canids, felids) Increases stride length

7 Order Carnivora ≥11 families, >287 species Suborder Feliformia (“cat like”) Felidae (cats & their relatives) Hyaenidae (hyenas, aardwolves) Herpestidae (mongooses) Viverridae (civets, genets) Suborder Caniformia (“dog like”) Canidae (dogs & their relatives) Ursidae (bears) Mustelidae (weasels, otters, etc., skunks?) Procyonidae (raccoon, coati, kinkajou) Odobenidae (walrus) Otariidae (sea lions) Phocidae (seals) Pinnipeds

8 Creodonts † Feliformia (‘cat-like’) Caniformia (‘dog-like’)

9 Creodonts---Fossil carnivorans, late Cretaceous-Miocene Outcompeted by more “modern” carnivorans?

10 18 genera, 40 sp. All continents ‘cept Austr., Antarctica

11 Felids: “The ultimate killing machines” Most specialized hunters of the carnivorans, relying almost exclusively on prey that they have killed themselves. short rostrum=increased bite force at canines

12 Panthera Felis & others “Big” vs “small” cats

13 terminal phalanx, supporting claw edge of fleshy sheath around claw horny claw elastic ligament holds claw in (retracted) pads tendon of extensor muscle middle phalanx Retractile (=retractable) claws? PROTRACTILE! tendon of flexor muscle

14 tendon at wrist holding ligaments in place ligaments of extensor muscle terminal phalanx claw

15 4 genera, 4 sp. Africa, SW Asia


17 18 genera, 37 sp. Africa, S. & SE Asia

18 20 genera, 34 sp. Africa, S. & SE Asia

19 (Herpestidae) (Viverridae)

20 14 genera, 34 sp. All continents ‘cept Antarctica

21 6 genera, 9 sp. N. & S. America, Eurasia


23 25 genera, 65 sp. Worldwide ‘cept Australia, Madagascar


25 6 genera, 18 sp. N. & S. America

26 “Hypercarnivory”---too much of a good thing? Stenotopic: restricted range of habitats or ecological conditions Eurytopic:wide range of habitats or ecological conditions

27 Hypocarnivory Mesocarnivory reduced molars & non-carnassial P’s (=reduced grinding) enlarged carnassials & canines short rostrum meat-only diet unreduced or enlarged molars reduced carnassials long rostrum omnivorous diet Hypercarnivory

28 masseter muscle relaxes more, allowing wide open gape Smilodon (extinct sabre-tooth cat) Modern felid


30 Smilodon Thylacosmilus (extinct S. American hypercarnivorous marsupial) Hypercarnivory has evolved several times (and in several orders) Usually correlated with LARGE BODY SIZE...

31 Cope’s Rule:Evolutionary trend towards larger body size. Common among mammals. Advantages:-Avoid predators -Enhance reproductive success -Improve thermal effiency -Interspecific competition for food -Capture larger prey (prey size often increases over time)

32 Tradeoff between foraging effort & food acquired imposes energetic constraint. Smaller carnivores can subist on small prey (e.g., insects, rodents). Larger carnivores (> ca. 21 g)--small prey not worth the energy expended. Larger body size leads to HYPERCARNIVORY and overspecialization? Prey size (cont.)

33 Hypercarnivory in N. American canids Canidae---3 subfamilies Caninae Hesperocyoninae † (>28 sp.) Borophaginae † (>68 sp.) Diverse in Miocene; peak of 25 contemporaneous species. (compare with 7 extant canids in N.S. today) N. America endemics

34 Hesperocyoninae † Borophaginae † Cope’s Rule

35 1st appearance of hypercarnivorous hesperocyonines 1st appearance of hypercarnivorous borophagines Millions of years ago

36 “Constraint” Any factor that tends to slow the rate of adaptive evolution. Reversal to more generalized morphology rare in highly specialized taxa. Hypercarnivory may lead to “adaptive peak” that can’t be descended...

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