SWWMG: MARCH 2013 LEGISLATION UPDATE. UPDATES  Industrial Emissions Directive  Waste Carrier/Brokers and Dealers (reminder)  The Packaging Regulations:

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2 UPDATES  Industrial Emissions Directive  Waste Carrier/Brokers and Dealers (reminder)  The Packaging Regulations: 2012 amendment

3 Industrial Emissions Directive The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 came into force on 27 th February 2013. These Regulations transpose the requirements of the IED

4 Industrial Emissions Directive This will replace 7 existing Directives (IPPC, Large Combustion Plant, Waste Incineration, Titanium Dioxide (3 directives) and Solvent Emissions) This will be implemented through the revised EPR IED will have new requirements on the installations the EA permit and will lead to a number of new EPR installations

5 What has changed? Any new installation seeking a permit will need to comply with IED All existing installations will be the subject of IED from 7 January 2014 Extends the range of regulated activities requiring some facilities currently regulated as exempt or as waste activities to apply as installations Regulatory responsibility for some installations will be transferred to local authorities.

6 What has changed? A number of activities are newly brought into installation permitting. For all existing waste operations that will be subject to IED this permitting will need to be done by 7 July 2015. The newly covered activities are: - an amended list of hazardous waste recovery activities so that solvent reclamation/regeneration, biological treatment and physical- chemical treatment are now specifically included - regulate the disposal of non-hazardous waste with a capacity exceeding 50t/day - Activities involving recover, a mix of recovery and disposal, of non- hazardous waste with a capacity exceeding 75t/day. Where the only waste treatment activity is AD the capacity threshold for this activity shall be 100t/day - temporary storage of hazardous waste with a total capacity exceeding 50t – excluding temporary storage, pending collection, on the site where the waste is generated.

7 Waste Carriers, Brokers and Dealers Registration is a legal requirement and it is an offence not to register when required. Registration also helps the EA clamp down on fly-tipping by illegal operators who harm human health and the environment whilst undercutting legitimate business.

8 Who needs to register? Recent changes to regulations mean that anyone who transports waste whilst going about their normal business activities will need to be registered as a waste carrier by January 2014. Many businesses should be registered now.

9 Who needs to register? If you arrange for waste from other businesses or organisations to be transported, disposed of or recovered, you need to register as a waste broker now If you buy and sell waste, or use an agent to do so, you need to register as a waste dealer now.


11 Do you need to register? – you do not need to register if you fall into one of the categories below: You are a householder carrying waste produced at home and not as a result of any business activity You only carry waste between different places within the same premises You only carry waste by air or sea from a place in GB to any place outside GB You only carry waste from a country outside GB to the first point of arrival You carry waste from a specified marine operation that either requires a marine licence or can be carried out under a marine exemption You do not carry waste as part of your business activities.

12 Which tier? There are 2 levels of registration – upper tier and lower tier. They are based on organisation type or waste type and not on quantities of waste. You may still be required to register in the upper tier even if you only transport or deal in very small amounts of waste.

13 Lower tier registration - who does this apply to? A charity/voluntary organisation A waste collection authority A waste disposal authority Only deals in animal by-products, waste from a mine or quarry, waste from agricultural premises If you are a lower tier organisation but do not ‘normally and regularly’ carry waste you do not need to register A lower tier registration is indefinite unless the EA revoke it or it is withdrawn It is free of charge

14 Upper Tier Registration – who does it apply to? If none of the lower tier criteria applies you need to register in the upper tier. The cost is £154 (VAT exempt) An upper tier registration lasts 3 years unless the EA revoke it or it is cancelled. Renewal for a further 3 years costs £105 (VAT exempt)

15 PACKAGING REGULATIONS The Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations 1997- plus five amendments. 2005 – a complete rewrite. 2007 - complete rewrite plus three amendments Latest amendment in force on 11/12/2012 – new targets and the periodic review by the Secretary of State as to the efficiency of the regulatory regime. Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations 2003 Amended 2004, 2006 and 2009

16 Recovery target 2013 = 75%2014 = 76%2015 = 77% 2016 = 78%2017 = 79% At least 92% of recovery target from recycling. Targets

17 Recycling of Glass From 2013 onwards there is a specific recycling target that relates to the remelt of glass For 2013 – 2015 it is 63% and for 2016 and 2017 it is 64%

18 Further details: http://www.environment- agency.gov.uk/business/topics/waste/141552.aspx http://www.environment- agency.gov.uk/business/topics/waste/141552.aspx (Packaging) http://www.environment- agency.gov.uk/business/sectors/wastecarriers.aspx http://www.environment- agency.gov.uk/business/sectors/wastecarriers.aspx (Waste Carriers/Brokers and Dealers) http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/business/145770.aspx http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/business/145770.aspx (IED)

19 Thank You Tessa Bowering Senior Environment officer Direct dial: 01258 483416 Tessa.bowering@environment-agency.gov.uk

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