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CAREER IN RESEARCH IN HIGHER EDUCATION. ‘An established career in academia, or exclusively, academic research is realistic for only a minority’ ‘More.

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Presentation on theme: "CAREER IN RESEARCH IN HIGHER EDUCATION. ‘An established career in academia, or exclusively, academic research is realistic for only a minority’ ‘More."— Presentation transcript:


2 ‘An established career in academia, or exclusively, academic research is realistic for only a minority’ ‘More effective career management of research staff which enabled men and women with a talent for research to look forward to a rewarding and satisfying careers in academia would require action from the universities and funding bodies’ Concordat of Vice Chancellors and Research Councils

3 Pathway Two Research Assistant Research Associate Research Fellow Senior Research Fellow Professorial Research Fellow

4 PhD Research Assistant(University of Bristol) Research Associate(University of Kent) Research Fellow(Institute Pasteur, Paris, EMBO Fellowship ) Research Fellow(University of Bristol) Lecturer(University of Bristol)

5 PhD Research Assistant(Pennsylvannia State University, USA) Research Associate(ICRF, London) Wellcome Career Development Research Fellow(University of Bristol) Wellcome University Award(University of Bristol) Lecturer(University of Bristol)

6 PhD Research Assistant(University of Bristol) Research Scientist(Oxford Glycosciences) Director(University of Bristol, Proteomics Facility)

7 £ FUNDING???? £ £

8 Fellowship Schemes The rules regarding fellowships vary widely between different schemes but generally these can all be written by the researcher. Grant Proposals Currently, only permanent members of staff are allowed to submit grant proposals to research councils since, at present, it is not permitted for researchers to apply for their own salary. However, experience of writing grant proposals can be gained by getting involved in preparing the proposal and being named as the research worker on the grant.

9 Arts and Humanities Research Council Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council. Economic and Social Research Council. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. Leverhulme Trust. Medical Research Council. Natural Environment Research Council. Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council Royal Society. Wellcome Trust.

10 Wellcome Trust:Fellowships. Basic-science. Career Re-entry Fellowships. To give postdoctoral scientists who have had a recent break of at least 2 years the opportunity to return to high-quality research, with the potential for refresher or further training. Advanced Training Fellowships. To enable postdoctoral researchers to obtain research training, either in a new discipline or in a new aspect of their own field (e.g. a geneticist Training in physiology). Senior Research Fellowships in Basic Biomedical Science. To encourage individuals of exceptional ability to embark on independent programmes of research within the UK or Republic of Ireland. Research Career Development Fellowships in Basic Biomedical Sciences. To provide an opportunity for postdoctoral scientists to become independent research scientists and to undertake research of high quality.

11 CAREER PLANNING: Do you want to do it???? Training and Development –spend time abroad?? Research Area?? Which Lab?? Funding?? Find your niche!!! Collaborate!!


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