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New Higher Education for Lifelong Learning Tom van Weert Chair ICT in Higher Education Hogeschool van Utrecht, The Netherlands.

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Presentation on theme: "New Higher Education for Lifelong Learning Tom van Weert Chair ICT in Higher Education Hogeschool van Utrecht, The Netherlands."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Higher Education for Lifelong Learning Tom van Weert Chair ICT in Higher Education Hogeschool van Utrecht, The Netherlands

2 Traditional Higher Education Education used to be: Early in life For life Application of “knowledge” used to be: Later in life For life

3 New Higher Education Education is becoming: Lifelong: Working = Learning = Living Just in Time, Just Fit, flexible in time and place Application of “knowledge” is becoming: Immediate: Working = Learning = Living For now (not for life)

4 New Higher Education Role of ICT: Enabling –Empowerment –Communication Integrated Allows merging of personal, private, leisure and work time (IFIP SECIII)

5 Success is in empowerment

6 Success is in networked communication

7 New Higher Education Why? –Changes in our living environment –New type of professional –New type of organisation –New type of student How? –Learning as a professional –Virtual learning organisation

8 Changes in our living environment The Netherlands Economical developments Social developments Cultural developments Political developments

9 Economical Developments The Netherlands Economy Change Flexibility& Technology Operational Knowledge

10 Economical Developments Economy Change Knowledge is like fish: Fresh today, Of no use tomorrow

11 Economical Developments Knowledge worker Learning at the work place Business or organisation Professional learning Business specific knowledge Environment

12 Economical Developments Business or organisationCustomer Professional learning Business specific knowledge Environment Knowledge worker: ‘Knowledge creation’

13 Economical Developments Business or organisationCustomer Professional learning Business specific knowledge Customer specific knowledge ‘Knowledge creation’ Environment Knowledge worker: ‘Knowledge creation’

14 Economical Developments Knowledge worker Learning at the work place Knowledge creation at the workplace

15 Social Developments The Netherlands An ‘enterprising’ society: ‘Human capital’ ICT empowers in all dimensions of work ‘wholeness’ of working life (meaning of life) ‘enterprising’ society of dynamic professionals

16 Social Developments ‘Enterprising society’ Children have busy lives; who do they copy, you think?

17 Social Developments E-readiness E-Readiness Ranking 2002 ‘The Economist’ en ‘IBM’ USA Netherlands United Kingdom Switzerland/Sweden Australia Denmark Germany Canada Finland Singapore/Noorwegen

18 Social Developments E-readiness Netherlands E-Readiness factors  Connectivity and technology infrastructure (8)  Business environment (1)  Consumer and business adoption (4)  Legal and policy environment (<10)  Social and cultural infrastructure (6)  Supporting e-services (<10)

19 Cultural Developments Zap Culture Cu See you Id Idea -Id No idea W8 Wait :-)) Great laugh :-<A bit sad (\0/)Angel in flight Fisch

20 Cultural Developments The Ten Commandments God: Im No. 1. No pix, plz. Uz my name nicely. Day7=holy. Take care of mum’n’dad. Don’t kill, scrU round, steal or lie. Keep yr hands (&eyz) off wot isnt yrs.

21 Cultural Developments Virtual communities and cultures

22 Cultural Developments Globalisation Centers of high skill expose attractive novelties Less-skilled peoples try make these novelties their own, trying to preserve own customs and institutions Separate civilisations have melted together in a new cosmopolitic civilisation, starting 2500 BC in the Middle-East. New dimension with improvement of communication  world system (Wallerstein) McNeill: ‘Rise of the West’

23 Political Developments European Community The Lisbon declaration (200) Transition to a knowledge intensive society New approach to education and training needed Http://

24 New Higher Education Why? –Changes in our living environment –New type of professional –New type of organisation –New type of student How? –Learning as a professional –Virtual learning organisation

25 New type of professional Knowledge worker Learning at the work place Knowledge creation at the workplace

26 New type of professional Knowledge worker Learning at the work place Business or organisation Professional learning Business specific knowledge Environment

27 New type of professional Business or organisationCustomer Professional learning Business specific knowledge Environment Knowledge worker: ‘Knowledge creation’

28 New type of professional Business or organisationCustomer Professional learning Business specific knowledge Customer specific knowledge ‘Knowledge creation’ Environment Knowledge worker: ‘Knowledge creation’

29 New Higher Education Why? –Changes in our living environment –New type of professional –New type of organisation –New type of student How? –Learning as a professional –Virtual learning organisation

30 New Organisation Multi-disciplinary Team work ‘Soft skills’ ‘People skills’

31 organisation Business or organisationCustomer Professional learning Business specific knowledge ‘Knowledge creation’ Customer specific knowledge ‘Knowledge creation’ Environment Learning

32 New Organisation Virtual Learning Organisation Temporary Distributed in place Distributed in time

33 New Higher Education Why? –Changes in our living environment –New type of professional –New type of organisation –New type of student How? –Learning as a professional –Virtual learning organisation

34 New student




38 Homo Zappiens Learning should be ‘play’ en ‘fun’ School is a meeting place, not a learning place

39 New Higher Education Why? –Changes in our living environment –New type of professional –New type of organisation –New type of student How? –Learning as a professional –Virtual learning organisation

40 Modern professionals Working = Knowledge work = Learning Knowledge creation Business or organisationCustomer Professional learning Business specific knowledge Customer specific knowledge ‘Knowledge creation’ Environment

41 Learning as a modern professional Modern professional Modern student Droste Effect

42 Learning as a professional Knowledge is a construction Capability to apply: Operational Knowledge Student learning Institutional knowledge Environment Institution of Higher Education

43 Learning as a professional Student learning Business specific knowledge ‘Knowledge creation’ Institutional knowledge Environment Business or organisationInstitution of Higher Education Studying = Working

44 New Higher Education Why? –Changes in our living environment –New type of professional –New type of organisation –New type of student How? –Learning as a professional –Virtual learning organisation

45 Virtual learning organisation Learning = Knowledge creation Learning = Working Starting Professional learning Business specific knowledge Knowledge creation Institutional knowledge Knowledge creation Environment Business or organisationInstitution of Higher Education

46 Example New Higher Education Website:

47 Virtual Environmental Consultancy Bureau

48 Virtual learning organisation Wilfried Ivens Open University of the Netherlands

49 ExaminersOmbudsman helpdesk Management Competence advisors Project manager Project worker Consultant Communicator Knowledge manager InCompany Milieuadvies Cusotmers students staff Virtual Learning Organisation

50 Virtual learning organisation Learning = Knowledge creation student teams academic institutions coaching 'new' company knowledge transfer'old' orders customers results input

51 Virtual learning organisation

52 Belgium Germany Den Haag Fontys Twente OUNL Maastricht students: customers Virtual learning organisation


54 Thank you

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