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Meanwhile…? In the intervening time; while something else is waiting to happen meanwhile is realising the opportunities vacant spaces present.

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Presentation on theme: "Meanwhile…? In the intervening time; while something else is waiting to happen meanwhile is realising the opportunities vacant spaces present."— Presentation transcript:

1 meanwhile…? In the intervening time; while something else is waiting to happen meanwhile is realising the opportunities vacant spaces present

2 Time for meanwhile Why now: ● Not fit for purpose ● Change in the local economy ● Part of strategic change The impacts of redundant space are consistent. Blight and disruption to local communities, and critically, lost opportunities…

3 Meanwhile project ●Now led by DTA’s Asset Transfer Unit and Meanwhile Space, previously part of the Government’s ‘revitalising town centres’ policy ●Developing and testing meanwhile leases for land and property on live projects ●Facilitating meanwhile projects on the ground ●Developing a network of projects and landlords to share knowledge

4 Meanwhiler Roles Organisations working within meanwhile… …Develop new markets …Transfer risk …Protect and enhance places …Interact at street level with people …Bridge the pauses in development …Get things done immediately!

5 Shops Buildings Clusters Sites House of Hastings

6 RAW-tempel site, Berlin Transition periods

7 Bradford Urban Garden Identity

8 Dalston Curve Eco-Garden Wellbeing

9 Market Estates Project Belonging

10 Coin Street Build Demand

11 Potential of meanwhile FeatureBenefit Reducing blight=A better environment and surrounding area, deterring crime, sense of belonging Using wasting assets =Minimising costs, preserving value Positive action and activities =Bringing diversity and creating identity now A chance for innovation and change =Sowing the seeds for new models, pilot testing, cultivating new markets

12 Obstacles ●Bureaucracy - rates, planning etc ●Create flexibility in the built environment to allow for adaptability ●Guiding policy - How to learn from international examples but apply to UK ●Perception in the ownership of the public realm ●Make meanwhile commonplace - pre-framework/ masterplanning stage

13 Going Forward Meanwhile to become mainstream  Meanwhile planning use  Diversity on the high street  Making use of pauses in development process to benefit existing and new communities Long term regeneration projects  Smaller developments?  Flexible uses?  Testing visions and masterplans?

14 Get involved Meanwhile Project website: Chat with us on the network: Or email: Emily Berwyn

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