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By Adam Chambers (NREL) and N.S. Vatcha (EPRTI) Developing a Technically Sound and Scientifically Defensible Emissions Inventory for Combustion Sources.

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Presentation on theme: "By Adam Chambers (NREL) and N.S. Vatcha (EPRTI) Developing a Technically Sound and Scientifically Defensible Emissions Inventory for Combustion Sources."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Adam Chambers (NREL) and N.S. Vatcha (EPRTI) Developing a Technically Sound and Scientifically Defensible Emissions Inventory for Combustion Sources in Hyderabad, India

2 IES Program: Local Benefits with Global Results 2 In Developing Countries, preparing a technically defensible emissions inventory can be challenging due to: Limited Data Sets Data Availability and Confidentiality Concerns Resource Constraints Lack of a Central Clearinghouse for Data Collection Lack of Standardized Reporting Requirements Data Collection Format (i.e. hard copy vs. electronic data submission)

3 IES Program: Local Benefits with Global Results 3 Some inventory development hurdles can be insurmountable, other obstacles along the path to generating a stationary source inventory can be worked through with a little finesse.

4 IES Program: Local Benefits with Global Results 4 Like charming a cobra, creating a good inventory takes patience, perseverance, and a well-communicated tune Starting with local air quality and energy official Inform policy makers and officials of the desired inventory product and the merit of a thorough emissions inventory in their city or state Define the boundaries (temporal, geographic, sectoral, etc.) of the emissions inventory – boundaries should be well established and observed (Warning - wandering outside of the well-defined boundaries is potential pitfall #1) Identify opportunities for synergies and maximizing the utility of the final emissions inventory

5 IES Program: Local Benefits with Global Results 5 Strive to compile the most comprehensive emissions inventory without compromising your integrity or obsessing with perfection There is no such thing as a perfect emissions inventory, one thing is for certain in the inventory world ~ UNCERTAINTY (strive for excellence but don’t dwindle resources on striving for perfection, this is potential pitfall #2) Once Industrial Source fuel-use data has been collected, it is time to identify the proper emissions factors (this is not necessary if emissions data has been collected, although it is always worth double-checking emissions calculations or monitoring data) Selecting proper emissions factors is extremely important and can be very challenging in the developing country context

6 IES Program: Local Benefits with Global Results 6 Emission Factors: Ideally Emission Factors will be locality specific – however, this is very unlikely in the developing country context. If locality specific EFs are not available, rely on well- established EF data bases such as: USEPA’s AP-42 World Health Organization ICLEI World Bank’s Rapid Assessment Method Study Expect criticism of EF’s

7 IES Program: Local Benefits with Global Results 7 Emission Factors Continued: Relying on broad-based emission factors or adopting/adapting factors from other localities is less than ideal and introduces a layer of uncertainty, however, this is often the only option given temporal and financial resource constraints in the developing country context As locality-specific emissions factors are improved, the emissions inventory can also be updated (Pitfall #3 –all emission inventories MUST be transparent and well documented) Warning: Expect criticism on inventory development methodologies, until there is a global standard for AQ emission factors and inventory development methodologies there will always be methodological critique – don’t be intimidated, this is usually healthy and constructive dialog.

8 IES Program: Local Benefits with Global Results 8 Case Study USEPA’s Integrated Environmental Strategies team in Hyderabad, India prepared a 2001 emissions inventory of 558 stationary combustion sources This was the first thorough emissions inventory for all combustion sources in Hyderabad All combustion sources that submitted emissions inventory forms (including fuel combustion data) to the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board were included in the inventory Small area sources were not included in the emissions inventory Emission factors were drawn from AP-42, WHO, ICLEI, the World Bank’s Rapid Assessment Method, Continuous Emission Monitors (CEMs), Monitoring data, and best engineering judgment.

9 IES Program: Local Benefits with Global Results 9 Case Study Continued… The fuel combustion data was entered into an Excel spreadsheet where the data was easily managed Emission factors were applied – don’t hesitate to question EF’s And an emissions inventory for the Hyderabad Urban Development Area (HUDA) was prepared. Inventory data then served as the foundation for dispersion modeling and health effects analysis and outreach Now that the emissions inventory has been developed, the IES team will continue to improve and update the inventory as necessary.

10 IES Program: Local Benefits with Global Results 10 In Inventory Development, beware of the Pitfalls! 1.Wandering out of the well-defined temporal, spacial, and geographic boundaries. No matter how large or small. 2.Strive for excellence but don’t dwindle resources on striving for perfection, perfection is unlikely to be achieved in emissions inventories. Remember that uncertainty is part of an emissions inventory. 3. All emissions inventories should be transparent, reduce transparency and you also reduce credibility!

11 IES Program: Local Benefits with Global Results 11 Enjoy your stay in Agra For more information please visit the following websites:

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