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Functional Running Drew Deppen BSc.

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1 Functional Running Drew Deppen BSc

2 Why running? Runners are a different breed of athlete
Pain, highs, lows, endorphin addicts 650,000 people finished a Half Marathon in 2007, a 10% jump from 2006 407,000 completed a marathon in 2007 40% were first timers 350 Marathons in 2006 Marathon Runners miss 5-10% of their workouts due to injuries. 2-3% of injuries force runners to miss some work. Runners world 2008 Those moments in stride make it all worth it

3 Common Misconceptions
Running Stresses Joints? Dean Karnazes Ran over 350 miles straight Ran mile races in 1 year Ran 50 marathons in 50 days How can he do this when running is bad for you? Fastest average Age Groups for marathons 2007 Male yrs Female yrs

4 What Causes Injuries? Bad Joints or Bad Form 3 most common reasons
Improper Training Methods Anatomical Issues Biomechanics Misalignment of lower extremity Shoes and Surfaces

5 How to prevent these injuries
Train Right Vary the workout types Work on Efficiency Get the right shoes, Run on more than 1 surface Run trails John McDonnell – University of Arkansas 42 NCAA championships Make each run count Know when to say when Rest Up Hit the Gym Stay Calm

6 Optimum Gait Perfect Form Hip extension Triple Joint Extension
Triple Joint Flexion Core Activation Shin perpendicular to ground Should not be able to see all your shoelaces Elbows Back Sternum forward and up Diaphragm Breathing Pull through stride - Hamstrings


8 Can you see how important a stable single leg stance
Pull Fall Pose Can you see how important a stable single leg stance and single leg squat can be for a runner?

9 Common Flaws Heel Strike Low back extension Chest breathing Twisting
Lack of hip flexibility Chest breathing Lack of core stability Twisting Bouncing up and down Quad dominance Push through stride Twisting Heel Strike

10 Heel Strike Good Heel Strike Bad Heel Strike

11 Low Back Extension Lack of hip flexibility Lack of Core stability
If you were to swing a golf club on ice it wouldn’t go far Having spikes increases the stable base Core is the stable base of the body Lower Spine was not designed to extend the legs Diaphragm breathing is the best way to activate the core when running

12 Diaphragm Breathing Juan Herrara
Mexican running tribe Tarahumara Ran the Leadville 100 miles in 17.5 hours Breathing facilitated by in the nose and out the mouth Breath deep into your core Elevating the rib cage leads to tight neck muscles Wasted energy and leads to forward head posture

13 Twisting and Bouncing Arms of many runners come across the body
Twists the low back Wastes energy To help this run with your hands on your head Bouncing Often these runners are using their quads and no enough of their hamstrings Wasted energy Increases the stress on joints

14 Sustainable vs Performance Running
Is there really a difference?

15 Mental Overload How do I implement these in my runs? Efficiency
Pick one thing to focus on each workout Make that thing perfect 1 minute perfect 4 minutes normal Efficiency Practice perfect Start slow Implement short intervals of perfect speed If this were the very last time you could run, would you be in a hurry?

16 Arch Podographs

17 Pronation Cushioned Motion Control Stability Neutral/Performance

18 Nothing in life is free, for long
Pronation of the foot and the kinetic muscle chain Knee Crashes Hip misaligned Pelvis tilts Low Back extends Foot becomes too mobile

19 Footwear Motion Control Stability The Air Problem Neutral Cushion
Low Arches Severe overpronators Larger runners Support and durability Stability Normal arches Moderate Pronators Support and Cushioning The Air Problem Neutral Cushion High Arches Biomechanically Efficient Midfoot strikers Performance Trainer Racing Lighter runners

20 So Many choices?? How do I choose the right shoe? Some tips
Look at your anatomy and biomechanics Width of the foot Type of foot Arch height Running style – pronator, supinator What kind of running – trails, track, sprints, recreational Pick a good store with knowledgeable staff Good runners are not always knowledgeable on gait Try on multiple brands Wear the socks you are going to run in when trying on shoes Run in the shoe before you buy it Most stores will let you run around at least inside Stick with what works for you When in doubt see your physician

21 Common Injuries Runners Knee Stress injuries/shin splints
IT Band Patella Pain Stress injuries/shin splints Low Back Pain Ankle Sprain Plantar Fascitis Bunions (Hallux Valgus)

22 Runners Knee Hip flexor tightness Hamstring weakness IT Band Quads
Hip Flexibility Hamstring weakness Helps stabilize the knee

23 Quad and Hip Flexor Active Stretch
Keep Heel Down

24 Stress Fractures and Shin Spints
Training overload Ankle Flexibilty Calves are too tight Muscle Activation Anterior and Posterior Tibialis (shin) exercises Mechanics

25 Low Back Pain Core Stabilization Squats Step Ups Single leg squats
Dead Bug

26 Ankle Sprains Run on unlevel surfaces Balance Training
Trails, grass Balance Training Single Leg squat Stability Training Activation Exercises

27 How can I avoid these? Patience Perfect Practice Run for Pleasure
John McDonnell – University of Arkansas Make each run count Know when to say when Rest Up Hit the Gym Stay Calm

28 Thank You Dr. Nagel and Dekalb Chiropractic Center Any questions?

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