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Tuesday Hand in and Review last nights Homework Notes – Teeth and Eye

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1 Tuesday Hand in and Review last nights Homework Notes – Teeth and Eye
Start of Teeth Experiment

2 Blast from the Past

3 Structure and Care of Your Teeth


5 Type of Teeth Incisors: sharp front teeth that bite and cut food.

6 Types of Teeth Canines: also called eyeteeth, are pointed teeth that tear food.

7 Type of Teeth Premolars: flat teeth with double points that tear and crush food.

8 Type of Teeth Molars: large, flat teeth with several rounded points that grind food into bits.

9 Two Main Parts of Teeth Crown: the part that you can see above the gum line. Root: the part below the gum line that fits into the jawbone.

10 Structure of Teeth Enamel: hard, nonliving, dense white material containing calcium. Enamel is the hardest material in your body and helps protect the inner part of the tooth from decay. Dentin: forms the body of the tooth and extends down into the root. Pulp: the soft inner tissue that contains the blood vessels and nerves that lie inside the dentin.

11 Common Dental Problems
Tooth Decay and Gum Disease Plaque: a material made up of saliva, food particles and bacteria. The bacteria break down starches and sugars in the food particles, producing an acid that eats into the tooth’s enamel. Calculus: hardened plaque that causes gum disease. Cavity: a hole in the enamel caused by plaque.

12 Serious Dental Problems
Leukoplakia: White patches on the gums, tongue, lips or inner cheeks, which can lead to cancer. Oral Cancer: an abnormal, uncontrolled growth of cells in the mouth.

13 Caring for Your Teeth Good dental health begins with a healthy diet that contains enough calcium. Calcium is needed to help build strong teeth, especially the enamel of your teeth. General care: includes brushing after every meal and flossing once a day. Use a fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride is a tasteless, odorless chemical that occurs naturally in soil and water. It makes tooth enamel harder.

14 Dental Checkups Vital for preventing tooth and gum disease.
You should have regular checkups twice per year. Dentist may take X-rays to find problems that cannot be seen directly. Cavity: decayed place in a tooth. Dentist will remove decayed part and replace it with a filling.

15 Lesson 2.2 Questions Name the four types of teeth and describe the shape and function of each type. How does fluoride help prevent tooth decay? Both brushing and flossing are needed to clean your teeth thoroughly. Why is just brushing not enough?

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