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Presentation on theme: "1 SCIENCE of TOOTH DECAY POINT and GUM DISEASE"— Presentation transcript:

First we’ll learn what can happen in your mouth if you don’t take care of your teeth and gums every day. Let’s look at some pictures of dental disease and talk about the bacteria that lives in your mouth. Bacteria can only be seen with a microscope, so it’s important to know how it behaves if you aren’t brushing and flossing your teeth at least two times a day. How many of you have found blood on your toothbrush after brushing your teeth?

2 bacteria Bacteria are tiny one-celled organisms (germs) found in your saliva (spit) and can only be seen through a microscope It’s important to floss, because your toothbrush can’t reach in between your teeth. Remember, you can’t see bacteria without a microscope, but it lives in every mouth. If you don’t brush and floss, the bacteria that lives in your mouth will start changing the sugars and starches left in your mouth from the foods you’ve eaten – into acid. (Does everyone know what acid is?) The acid attacks the tooth enamel (the hard, white part of your tooth) and causes tooth decay/cavities. Did anyone here have French Fries - or Tacos – or Spaghetti – or Pizza for dinner last night? Did you brush your teeth before you went to bed? Foods that are good for our bodies, if left in the mouth too long, can cause tooth decay. Even milk and apple juice can decay a baby’s tiny new teeth. Bacteria multiply in your mouth and create a sticky film on your teeth called plaque (plak)

3 plaque Plaque is colorless and you can’t see it on your teeth!

4 bacteria Tiny bits of food stick to the plaque when you eat. Bacteria in the plaque eat the sugar and starch left in your mouth, and ACID is formed. It’s important to floss, because your toothbrush can’t reach in between your teeth. Remember, you can’t see bacteria without a microscope, but it lives in every mouth. If you don’t brush and floss, the bacteria that lives in your mouth will start changing the sugars and starches left in your mouth from the foods you’ve eaten – into acid. (Does everyone know what acid is?) The acid attacks the tooth enamel (the hard, white part of your tooth) and causes tooth decay/cavities. Did anyone here have French Fries - or Tacos – or Spaghetti – or Pizza for dinner last night? Did you brush your teeth before you went to bed? Foods that are good for our bodies, if left in the mouth too long, can cause tooth decay. Even milk and apple juice can decay a baby’s tiny new teeth.

5 acid Your tooth begins to decay, which
As more acid is made the holes get bigger and deeper. acid This acid makes tiny holes in the enamel of your tooth. If you’ve seen blood on your toothbrush after brushing, then you probably have Gingivitis. Gingivitis is an early form of gum disease. It’s an inflammation (a redness, or swelling in a part of the body caused by an infection or an irritation). Gums become red and swollen - like you see in this picture – when plaque builds up along the gumline. Plaque is a soft, sticky, colorless film of bacteria that forms on your teeth and gums. How many of you stop brushing when you see the blood on your toothbrush? The bleeding is a sign to you that you need to brush MORE – not less. AND you need to floss at least once a day. How many of you have used floss? Your tooth begins to decay, which means to break down or rot away, and now you have a cavity!

6 Baby Bottle Tooth Decay!
Baby teeth, also called milk teeth and primary teeth, are important and must stay healthy until our permanent teeth are ready to come in. Baby teeth help a child: learn to eat solid food learn to talk to save a space for the permanent tooth This is what we call baby bottle tooth decay….very bad tooth decay that can happen when sweetened liquids are given to a baby and left on the baby’s teeth for a long time. Many liquids cause problems, including milk, formula, and fruit juices….even though a baby must have these liquids in order to grow and to be healthy. Bacteria in the mouth use these sugars as food. They then produce acids that attack the teeth. The way to stop this from happening, is to wet a soft cloth with warm water and wipe the baby’s teeth and gums after feedings, and to put only water in bottles for babies when they’re going to take a nap or go to sleep at night. Baby teeth are very important and must be protected….even though they are going to fall out! Babies need strong teeth to learn to chew their food; babies need their baby teeth to learn to speak; and baby teeth hold the space for permanent teeth…. losing them early to decay can cause the permanent teeth to come in crooked. You can help prevent Baby Bottle Tooth Decay!

7 Healthy teeth must have healthy gums!
If you’ve seen blood on your toothbrush after brushing, then you probably have Gingivitis. Gingivitis is an early form of gum disease. It’s an inflammation (a redness, or swelling in a part of the body caused by an infection or an irritation). Gums become red and swollen - like you see in this picture – when plaque builds up along the gumline. Plaque is a soft, sticky, colorless film of bacteria that forms on your teeth and gums. How many of you stop brushing when you see the blood on your toothbrush? The bleeding is a sign to you that you need to brush MORE – not less. AND you need to floss at least once a day. How many of you have used floss? Gingivitis Brushing and flossing your teeth daily helps get rid of the bacteria in plaque that can infect your gums

8 Y O U have the Power to PREVENT tooth decay !
Brush at least twice a day Use a fluoride toothpaste Floss between teeth every day Visit a dentist 2 times each year (if possible) You can guard your mouth against tooth decay. If you eat the righ Y O U have the Power to PREVENT tooth decay !

9 The CHOICES YOU make and
what YOU do every day is MOST IMPORTANT You can have a healthy smile !

10 2 ORAL HEALTH & SAFETY POINT Nutrition Dental emergencies
Mouthguard safety

11 Grains Vegetables Fruits Milk Meat & Fish Beans & Nuts
Fats, oils, and sweets are at the top of the Pyramid. A healthy diet is one that is low in fat and sugar!

12 Grains Grains like wheat, oats, corn, and rice
GREAT source of vitamin B! Grains like wheat, oats, corn, and rice provide lots of vitamin B which is important for healthy gums!

13 Vary your vegetables Green vegetables are a good source of calcium
a mineral that builds strong tooth enamel Vary your vegetables

14 Fruit Group Focus on fruit Fruits are rich in vitamin C
Germs (bacteria) cause gum disease and Vitamin C helps your body fight germs Focus on fruit

15 Dairy Milk, yogurt and cheese are great
sources of Calcium – needed for strong bones and tooth enamel

16 Meat & Beans Go lean with protein
Beans, nuts, and eggs are included in this group of foods rich in protein.


18 If an accident knocks out a permanent tooth or a baby tooth, sometimes a dentist can put the tooth back into place and it can become rooted again.

19 Drop found tooth in a glass of milk or water

20 3 ORAL HYGIENE POINT Plaque control Fluoride
How to keep your mouth clean

21 fluoride fluoride is a mineral strengthens teeth prevents tooth decay
Use a fluoride toothpaste

22 YOU can prevent tooth decay and gum disease !
Brush at least twice a day Use a fluoride toothpaste Floss teeth every day Visit a dentist regularly (when possible) YOU can prevent tooth decay and gum disease !

23 TOBACCO Don’t do it! yuck ! A dangerous drug Slide #13
The oral health team sees how tobacco affects the mouth. Some effects are immediate, such as bad breath and stained teeth. Regular use can quickly wear away gums and lead to tooth loss and leukoplakia, which is a dangerous change in the lining of the mouth caused by chemicals in the tobacco juice. This can lead to oral cancer, which can lead to having your tongue or jawbone removed. It’s important to understand the risks involved when you’re deciding whether or not to use tobacco. Later, I’ll show you pictures of some of these effects in the mouths of patients who smoke or chew. Don’t do it!

24 Slide #16 Tobacco causes bad breath and ugly stains that even your dentist may not be able to remove. Spit tobacco is loaded with sugar to hide its taste, and users chew breath mints more than other people to hide mouth odor. As a result, chewers also have more tooth decay than non-users. Stained Teeth and Gum Disease

25 Hairy Tongue

26 Score a 3-point play for a healthy body ! Keep your mouth clean
Eat the right foods Don’t use tobacco or other drugs Wear a mouthguard Visit a dentist twice a year


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