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Outdoor Education, PE & Sport Service. Governors Forum Meeting 4 June 2013 Primary Schools Physical Education and Sport funding – ‘The PE & Sport Premium’

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Presentation on theme: "Outdoor Education, PE & Sport Service. Governors Forum Meeting 4 June 2013 Primary Schools Physical Education and Sport funding – ‘The PE & Sport Premium’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Outdoor Education, PE & Sport Service

2 Governors Forum Meeting 4 June 2013 Primary Schools Physical Education and Sport funding – ‘The PE & Sport Premium’ Roy Gittens Education officer [PE & Sport] Children’s Services

3 Context Comprehensive Spending Review 2010 “Beyond 2012 – outstanding Physical education for all” HMI Report on PE 2008 - 12 30% overweight or obese at end of Yr.6

4 PE & Sport Premium – part of 2012 Legacy plans Funding partners:- Department for Education Department of Health Department for Culture, Media and Sport for-primary-school-sport-in-england

5 PE & Sport Premium - What is it for? [Government Press release 16 March 2013] Primary Schools to “Improve the quality of PE and sport for all children.” ‘Ring-fenced’ funding - only to be spent on PE & sport - will go directly into the hands of heads and teachers who will decide what is best for their children’s needs. With this new approach to sport, we can create a culture in our schools that encourages all children to be active and enjoy sport, and helps foster the aspirations of future Olympians and Paralympians. [ David Cameron PM]

6 PE & Sport Premium - How much is it? £150m for 2 Academic years – 2013/14 & 2014/15 Schools with 17 pupils or more: £8000 plus £5 per head. Smaller schools £500 per head Payments in additional grant for schools [AGS] Sent to LA’s in Sept/Oct Academies' will receive direct from Education Funding Agency [EFA]

7 PE & Sport Premium – The benefits Maximise the opportunity by: Making high quality PE and sport sustainable into the future by embedding within school life/culture to enhance: achievement, attendance and behaviour. self-esteem, teamwork, volunteering and leadership skills, development of an inclusive society, raise levels of participation in sport and physical activity positively affect health

8 How can it be spent? Professional development opportunities in PE/Sport for staff Hire specialist teachers or qualified sports coaches to work alongside school staff when teaching PE – Hampshire Leading Teachers, [HLT/AST’s], local SSP/cluster collaboration. Developing resources/equipment Greater involvement in ‘School Games Initiative’ at all levels, pre-school, break, lunch, after school clubs, intra school competition, inter-school competition, county level competition - pathways for G & T Additional after school sports clubs/activities.

9 Accountability Ofsted focus on PE & sport - guidance to be published for implementation from September 2013. changes will ensure that PE & sport is a high priority for inspectors Inspectors will consider: “How well the school uses its Sport Premium to improve the quality and breadth of its PE and sporting provision, including increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performances levels they are capable of.” Schools will be required to include details about their sporting provision on their school website, alongside their curriculum details to enable parents to compare sporting provision across and between schools, both within and beyond the school day. KEY ISSUE – SELF REVIEW – current position of PE and school sport

10 Support Children’s Service’s OEPESS Local School Sport Partnerships Other school clusters/partnerships Hampshire School Sports Associations Sport Hampshire & IOW


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