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F RUITS Food Preparation and Nutrition I. N UTRIENTS IN F RUITS  Part of the plant that holds the seeds.  Colorful, flavorful, and easy to prepare 

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1 F RUITS Food Preparation and Nutrition I

2 N UTRIENTS IN F RUITS  Part of the plant that holds the seeds.  Colorful, flavorful, and easy to prepare  Easy snack  Wide variety of nutrients  Fiber, carbohydrates, fat-free, low in calories, excellent source of Vit. C, potassium, phytochemicals

3 I DENTIFYING F RUITS Melons: thick rind, juicy, many seeds Citrus Fruits: Thick rind and thin membrane Drupes: Single hard seed, covered by tender, edible skin. Pomes: several small seeds and thick firm flesh Topical Fruits: grown tropical and subtropical climates

4 I DENTIFYING F RUITS Berries: Small, juicy fruits with thin skin

5 U NUSUAL F RUITS C ARAMBOLA  star fruit, oval shape four to six prominent ribs and edible skin.  Ripe carambolas are yellow-gold with a slight browning on the ribs  Flavor similar to combination of plums, apples, and citrus

6 U NUSUAL F RUITS C HERIMOYA  “custard apple”  Custard-like texture when chilled.  Heart-shaped, with green skin, imprinted with petal shapes  Tastes like a blend of strawberries, pineapples, and bananas

7 U NUSUAL F RUITS F EIJOA Small, egg-shaped fruit, has thin, bright green skin and fragrant, cream-colored flesh. Tastes like a combination of pineapple and mint. Peel before eating.

8 U NUSUAL F RUITS L YCHEE Small fruits with a rough leathery red shell and a single seed. Tropical fruit tree native to Southern China. Flesh is creamy white, juicy, and sweet. Remove shell and seed before eating. When dried, “Lychee Nuts”

9 U NUSUAL F RUITS P RICKLY P EAR  Fruit of several varieties of cactus.  Look like pears in size and shape and range in color from yellow to red.  Flesh is soft and yellow, with a melon-like aroma and sweet flavor.  Used to make candies and jelly.  Peel, section and remove the seeds and serve cold.

10 U NUSUAL F RUITS S APOTE  Are medium size and plum-shaped with thin, olive-green skin.  Creamy, custard-like flesh.  Flavor of a combination of peach and vanilla.  Peel and remove the seeds before eating.

11 U NUSUAL F RUITS T AMARILLO Small, egg-shaped fruit with a tough, bitter, skin of several colors, and flavorful, tart, pink flesh. Peel, remove the seeds, and add sugar before eating. Blanch for two minutes then place in cold water

12 U NUSUAL F RUITS U GLI F RUIT Size of a grapefruit. Rough, thick, yellow- green skin and juicy, yellow-orange flesh that is divided into sections Eat like grapefruit.

13 S ELECTING AND S TORING F RESH F RUITS M ATURITY AND R IPENESS Best if picked when mature, full size and color. Ripe fruit is at the peak of flavor. Some fruit keep ripening after picking, other do not. Most fruits are picked when mature, but not ripe. Will ripen during shipping.

14 S ELECTING AND S TORING F RESH F RUITS C HOOSING Q UALITY F RUIT  Ripeness: when are you going to use them.  Condition: avoid bruised  Denseness: plump and firm.  Color: typical  Aroma: pleasant  Size: heavy for its size.  Shape: own characteristic shape.

15 S ELECTING AND S TORING F RESH F RUITS S TORING F RESH F RUIT Under Ripe Fruits: room temperature to speed ripening Bananas: Uncovered at room temperature Berries, cherries, and grapes: Remove any damaged or decayed, refrigerate Citrus Fruits: room temperature All other ripe fruit: refrigerate uncovered. Cut fruit: refrigerate in airtight container.

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