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Journal Topic Respond to the “Quickwrite” section of the text on p. 383.

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1 Journal Topic Respond to the “Quickwrite” section of the text on p. 383

2 Quotation “We cannot tell the exact moment a friendship is formed; as in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses, there is at last one that makes the heart run over.”

3 Essential Question: How are some of the spiritual values of India presented in literature?

4 “The Mice That Set Elephants Free”

5 Literary Terms to Know Fable Brief story that teaches a moral lesson or gives practical instruction for living Characters are usually animals Anthropomorphism Giving of human qualities to animals Epigram Short verses that contain a moral

6 The Frame Story The “Outer” story – writer begins the story There is a return to the original narration and the writer’s story concludes The “Inner” story - One of the characters begins to narrate a story to some of the other characters in the original story

7 Vocabulary Words Asylum A place of refuge; a secure retreat Minutely In very small detail Capacity power of receiving impressions, knowledge, etc.; mental ability; actual or potential ability to perform, yield, or withstand Depreciatory Disparaging; belittling.

8 Vocabulary Words (cont.) Diversion distraction from business, care, etc.; recreation; amusement; a pastime Retinue a procession of attendants Fettered Confined or restrained

9 Panchatantra Means “five books” Collection of fables used to teach moral lessons Practical guide, rather than religious document A frame story – priest attempts to teach “simple-minded” princes “the wise conduct of life (niti) Themes include: Losing/winning friends Losing profits and possessions Declaring war/establishing peace Acting rashly (hastily)

10 At Your Desks… Read the story (pp. 384-385) Answer questions 4-7, 9 (p. 386) How might this story be used to teach lessons about the connection between dharma, karma and caste?

11 “The Mice That Set Elephants Free” Day 2

12 At Your Desks…(Day 2) Re-Read the story (pp. 384-385) Answer questions 1-3, 6-9 (p. 386)

13 The Frame Story The “Outer” story Spot, a deer, fears pursuing hunters 3 small friends, Swift, Gold and Slow offer help Spot suggests a friendship and uses epigrams and story to help make his point “Better with the learned dwell, Even though it be in hell…” (384-385) … and… “Make friends, make friends, however strong Or weak they be...” (386)

14 The Frame Story (cont.) The “Inner” Story Group of Elephants trample through mice community causing destruction Mice meet with elephants and suggest they become friends (with mutual benefits). Elephants agree. Elephants become hunted and trapped Elephants send for mice and mice help free the elephants. Review assigned questions

15 Journal Topic “What qualities do you associate with night” Free-write your responses

16 What is it that makes night both something that people look forward to and something that people might dread?

17 “Night” from the Rig-Veda

18 Background Turn to page 366 in textbook for in- class reading (jot down important points as we read) What important ideas about Hinduism and their sacred text, the Rig-Veda did you learn from this reading?

19 What is the Rig-Veda? Rig-Veda is a collection of sacred hymns of the Hindu religion Rig-Veda means “hymns of supreme sacred knowledge” These hymns often sang the praises of the gods, as well as the wonders and beauty of nature Included were prayers for protection and cooperation from natural forces “Night” is one of these sacred hymns

20 Literary Terms to Know Personification Figure of speech in which a nonhuman thing is referred to as if it were human Ex. The wind whispered in my ear… Simile Figure of speech that makes comparison between 2 unlike things using like or as Life is like a box of chocolates…you never know what you’re going to get.

21 Literary Terms (cont.) Metaphor When 2 unlike things are compared directly Ex. Her eyes were 2 pools of crystal blue water Apostrophe Figure of speech in which a speaker directly addresses an absent person, aspect of nature, or abstract quality as though it were present Ex. Wisdom, you are a stranger to me!

22 “Night” Read the poem to yourselves and jot down your initial reaction. Consider: Who might be speaking? How is Night described/To what is it compared? What mood, or feeling, is created? What might this poem reveal about the Hindu religion? Class will re-read the poem aloud then answer questions 3-5 on page 369

23 At Your Desks… Read p. 366 for background. Then… Read “Night” on page 368 Answer questions. 1-6 on p. 369

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