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US History Note Page 12 Jeffersonian Era. ELECTION OF 1800 -Jefferson and Aaron Burr tie for President (candidacy) -both are Democratic-Republicans -Tie.

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Presentation on theme: "US History Note Page 12 Jeffersonian Era. ELECTION OF 1800 -Jefferson and Aaron Burr tie for President (candidacy) -both are Democratic-Republicans -Tie."— Presentation transcript:

1 US History Note Page 12 Jeffersonian Era

2 ELECTION OF 1800 -Jefferson and Aaron Burr tie for President (candidacy) -both are Democratic-Republicans -Tie is eventually broken in Jefferson’s favor – Jefferson would run as Pres., Burr VP -Future problems avoided with 12 th Amendment


4 ELECTION OF 1800 -1 st peaceable transfer of political power from one party to another in modern government -Federalists to Democratic- Republicans -Jefferson’s philosophy brought to the White House and Democratic- Republican Congress laissez-faire gov’t – Hands Off! Jefferson would be a much more causal president…..

5 JUDICIAL REVIEW -Midnight Judges appointed by Pres. John Adams -Jefferson refused to recognized judges -Marbury v. Madison – Est. the practice of judicial review. -John Marshall is Chief Justice of Supreme Court – made Supreme Court powerful

6 JUDICIAL REVIEW -case declares part of Judiciary Act unconstitutional -Establishes principle of Judicial Review Court can declare laws to be unconstitutional

7 WESTERN EXPANSION -Louisiana Purchase (1803) – brought from Napoleon to finance his wars in Europe. Lewis and Clark Expedition – sent out to survey new territory Sacajawea – Shoshone woman who was guide and interpreter.

8 Lewis and Clark Expedition

9 WESTERN EXPANSION -Indian Conflicts unfair treaties – Federal gov’t never honored their part….. Tecumseh’s League – Shawnee leader who wanted to unite native people to fight off whites. Battle of Tippecanoe (1811- Madison’s Term) William Henry Harrison – lead army against Tecumseh successfully W. H. Harrison

10 FOREIGN AFFAIRS -US neutrality between Britain and France??? Needed trade with both sides -British began impressment of sailors – Stop and board American Ships and “kidnap” sailors to serve on British warships….

11 FOREIGN AFFAIRS -Jefferson gets Embargo Act passed to cut off trade with Britain. Hurts U.S. business more than Britain esp. manufactures from North -War Hawks emerge – gov’t leaders in favor of war Possibility of gaining additional lands Revenge for British helping Indians – British were selling weapons to Native Americans to fight off American incursions.

12 The End Note Page 12 Jeffersonian Era

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