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Bulletin #8 IS VALID TO DOUBT! Raimundo PRESENTATION By 2006 year end holiday, taking advantaged that I was at Santos city, I decided to invite two dear.

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Presentation on theme: "Bulletin #8 IS VALID TO DOUBT! Raimundo PRESENTATION By 2006 year end holiday, taking advantaged that I was at Santos city, I decided to invite two dear."— Presentation transcript:


2 Bulletin #8 IS VALID TO DOUBT! Raimundo PRESENTATION By 2006 year end holiday, taking advantaged that I was at Santos city, I decided to invite two dear friends to record. I am Lucidalma´s friend since 1991 and during all this time in several occasions she had performed tasks to support our work. She had recorded during a long time, and had only stopped due her microcomputer troubles and her impossibility to keep it updated. Alexandre was wondering about the possibility of a recording session but not because him, but for his mother, mainly after he saw his mother suffering after his father decease around 3 years earlier. To record I had carried along my “travel kit” which I will describe at the Bulletin #9, and then we started to record without further delays. The goals were: Updated Lucidalma´s knowledge and to do it, we would try to reach Lucia’s husband. The results follow. Kindest Regards, Sonia Rinaldi IPATI – Advanced TCI Research Institute Lucia e Sonia at Santos – SP January 2007 At the meeting were presents Lucidalma, Alexandre and Lucia. We started with Lucia emphatically telling us that she was not a believer of any sort, denying god, after dead life and even the contacts possibility. In fact she confessed that she was there just to do not disappoint her son, which knew and deeply appreciated our works. However she had a feeling that the time expended with us will be lost. Her opinion and view point about our work was not an inconvenience to us. We trust so much in our “Other Side Friends” that we were sure that probes would be provided and that she would be surprised. Without opposing her skepticism I let her relaxed. She had the right.

3 To compensate, Lucidalma was optimistic, since she witness such recordings dozens of times. As both came together, Lucidalma tried to discourage Lúcia of her hardened by suffering point of view. But it was useless – Lúcia didn't give up. She was feeling wronged for the premature departure of her husband. Meantime, Alexandre was preferring to trust, since he was valuing that if his mother obtained some proof, her heart would be relieved. I admit that for most people it is hard to understand that dying doesn’t happens by chance, and isn’t a fact that could be altered by magic or by the wishes of someone who is going to die and does not want that. If it was possible, we would handle all the deaths in accordance with our wishes. However we never saw this happens. In several occasions we had asked to the spiritual fellows if the dates of the deaths are previously arranged, and always it was confirmed. They can delay or anticipate the death for hours but never for years as all of us would like. We have to learn and accept that there is a certain time for our beloveds to die and that there are unknown reasons to it, and isn’t possible for us to change it. We should accept and face that, at least in respect to our deceased beloveds that still are tied to us and would feel our vibes. I always remember that the preparation for the death of our beloved ones, I mean the future separations, should be teach at schools, instead they teach certain religious non-sense without scientific probes. If such happened, in the future those children would face its relatives' departure, with pain, yes, but without despair and without revolt. To die is part of the life and we insisted on the thinking that we are owners of our destinies, and that we can alter it as we want. Due to the free-will we are able of worsening our trajectory, or improve it if we battle for the good, however about the death of somebody, neither us nor the one which will die has the power change. Does not matter how hard the pain that we will face, unfortunately is in that way. Lucidalma

4 THE PROCESS: Before we start the recordings we had show clearly what we will do and how we will do it, to assure them about the transparence of our further actions. We let crystal clear that we would use two background noise types: In one of it there were 2 Germanic accent voices summed up and speaking German fluently, this background noise would be used to put us in contact with the station leader, which our readers already know and we used to call him as “Mr. Alemão”. The criteria for valid answers would be to accept only the voices that were spoken by him and in Portuguese Language, meaning that all transcontacts, does not matter what would be used as background noise should be always expressed in Portuguese language. At the second recording we would use a senior male voice as background noise to enable Lucia to speak with her husband. At the background noise is a sequence of phonemes and dismantled text. (Please, see the “Gravando Voices” book, authored by me, at page 22, for further explanations). RECORDINGS Below are the clear Portuguese Language answers recorded when using German Language as background noise: 1.Male voice, however with a distinct accent than Mr. Alemão voice: - “Amigo, cê pode” The voice was referring to Alexandre, which was there with us and the recording possibility at his home and with his father. 2.Mr Alemão voice: -”Muito apegado!” At this moment Lúcia had made teh comment that her son was always very close to his father. We believed that it was a positive fact. 3.Mr. Alemão said: -“Mira, que vai usar!” He was referring to Lucidalma which was there to learn new techniques – once was agreed that she had learned to support me at the meetings with the people that came to visit me. 4.4.We did a comment, that we would ask to contact Mr. Alvaro, the deceased Lucia’s husband, and Mr. Alemão answered confirming it: -”Tá vendo, vão pedir!”. As all native Germans speakers do, Mr. Alemão also speak Portuguese with some grammatical typical mistakes as for instance speak: -”Está vendo” instead -“Estou vendo”. Plus the constant gender mistakes as for instance: -”O menina vai sairrrr”.

5 However, is important to our readers notice that, although we were using a pure German background noise, we had to admit that those phrases were coherent with the situation and complex phrases, meaning if the communication was not possible, how Lucia had wondered, how those phrases were recorded there? 6.As I had prepared just 2 minutes of Background noise, at this point it ended... and we were without background noise. As we continue to record Lucidalma recommended that we stop recording, and she said: ”é melhor parar ali também, né?...” and Sonia said: -“Vamos por de novo!”. Mr. German voice: -”Tá gostando!!!” It was a reference to the perception that Lucia was impressed and appreciating it. 7.Mr. German speaks to Lucidalma: -”Há que provar!” Which is a recognition that our investigative and authentication searching is very important. Lucidalma said: -”Boa tarde senhor Alemão...” 8.And he answers to her greetings saying: -”Tá aqui!” (again, instead say “Estou aqui!”) 9.Here as usually happens, Mr. Alemão answers to the Lucidalma speech: -“Eu te esperei” Lucidalma says: -”Saudações do povo santista...” 10.Our friend was speaking slowly, maybe to become more clearly understood, however Mr. Alemão corrects her:-”Tem que ir falando!” 11.A male voice said to Lucia, to whom we would pass the word: -”Avante de sua sorte!” we understood that he was doing a reference about the opportunity she was having. 12.Then I told to Mr. Álvaro, the deceased Lucia´s Husband, however he anticipate himself saying: -”Tem dó!” (They must feel pity about Lúcia due her hardship). Sonia said: -”Oi Sr. Álvaro, o senhor está nos ouvindo?”

6 13.The male voice confirms that they know that our visitor is skeptical, and he said: -”Só fato vai pedir!” 14.Now the most important fact happens, curiously just after they had said that she would want concrete facts. Unexpectedly a strong Portuguese from Portugal accent voice gets in and answers me, before the question: -”Tá acostumado! Cá vê!!!” And Sonia joking said: -”A Lúcia é dura na queda, não é não?” (Lucia is hard to die, isn´t it?) When I just notice the accent I asked them if they had some Portuguese relative and Lucia promptly confirmed that her father in law had such accent and it seems to be his way of express himself. Due the coherence of the anticipated answer and the surprise in face of someone that were not even asked to contact, Lúcia started to admit that the TCI phenomenon would be authentic, delighted explaining that the voice was from her father in law. 15.And foreseeing what was the feeling inside his wife hearth, a male voice confirms: -”Gostou de ficar!!!!” Meaning that she was satisfied to be together us and recording. 16.Another point that called her attention was the voice saying: -”Eu te ligo!” And Lucia had confirmed that several times the phone rings and there is nobody in the other side of the line. 17.In the sequence another áudio sequence come in, and it will be at the “An hilarious contact!” box, and the voice said: -”Amigo cê pode!” 18.Here we understood what would be a lovely declaration to her wife: Lúcia: -”Fala comigo, que eu tô com saudades, ai!” Then a male voice says: -”Olá, somente a vi!!!” (meaning: I just have my eyes on you

7 19.Paranormal Voice: -”Filho, lá me testo!” Alexandre: -”Oi pai...!” (Hi dad...!) It is a great philosophical saying, meaning that fro the father to be far from their loved relatives is also a test and a challenging self exercise…It is an important confirmation mainly because we here in the earth got used to believe that the deceased ones usually become happy at the paradise. However it is just more one among other, flawed information, told mainly by the catholic believers. It is illogical that the one who die would become happy by stay far apart from the ones which had lived together the whole life. We need to learn that the deceased also suffer from the separation and we need to respect and understand the challenges that are faced in the struggle to surpass the pain both sides suffers. Also it is curious to notice that the contact said “there I test myself”, why? Because countless times they made references that to contact us they need to come down to our existence plane. Concluding Mr. Alvaro said that “there” in his dimensional plane, he also evolves. This makes us be sure that in the contact moment he would be HERE contacting with us and not THERE. 20.And finally a voice said when we disconnected the background noise: -”Tem da tia!” meaning to a contact of a just deceased aunt. A HILARIOUS CONTACT: The day after the recoding session, Alexandre send me an e-mail reporting something that he omitted during the meeting time: He wrote: “I got used to drink water all the day, and of course, this habit generates an unavoidable need to visit the toilet frequently. At a certain moment during the recordings, and I did not want to get ride from it to go to the toilette, I thought near to despair: -Maybe it would inconvenient to left the room and go to the toilet now, in the exactly moment that Sonia is working at the recording the are the most interesting to me? Then following my thoughts the answer arrives, and nobody had understood it, just me: - "Amigo, cê pode!!!“ It was amazing that the spiritual friends was aware of my a suffering!!!

8 PARTICIPANT’S TESTIMONY From Alexandre day after e-mail: “(…) I am sure that one of your missions. Much probably the most important is to bring people affective comfort and hope to the people and you are doing your self imposed duty with kindness, good hearth and effectiveness. I am forever grateful to your kindness in provide me a marvelous afternoon together my mom, which certainly would never ignore what had happened. Please, feel free to discuss about the “Portuguese accent” case, and that my mother that arrived skeptic, confirmed that his deceased father in law, the father of his husband, was really a Portuguese citizen with strong Portuguese accent, which was definitively amazing, once you did not previously knew my family roots. About Mr. Alemão, I should confess that I was amazed with the fluency, rightness and clearness of the answers, mainly because the existence of the phonemes as a background noise, would in thesis difficult the phrases formation in Portuguese, Just as a thesis: “it is arriving, they will ask” and the incredible clear “need to be talking” are absolute probes that there are much more than we are able to understand…” Lucidalma asked that we record her thoughts: “It is incredible that the humans do not get amazed with something of such importance that Transcomunication is! We become puzzled listening the choices that simply appear from nothing!!!! But the contact #7 says that “We need to prove” and is a key point: once probed the trustiness of such an incredible phenomena, maybe the whole humanity would change its course!!!

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