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Resiko Ricki M Mulia, ST. MSc. Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition HAZARD EXPOSURE Penyakit Akibat kerja RISK Kecelakaan kerja Higiene Industri Kesehatan Kerja.

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Presentation on theme: "Resiko Ricki M Mulia, ST. MSc. Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition HAZARD EXPOSURE Penyakit Akibat kerja RISK Kecelakaan kerja Higiene Industri Kesehatan Kerja."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resiko Ricki M Mulia, ST. MSc

2 Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition HAZARD EXPOSURE Penyakit Akibat kerja RISK Kecelakaan kerja Higiene Industri Kesehatan Kerja Keselamatan Kerja Ricki M. Mulia

3 … the chance (or likelihood) of a specified level of harm occuring within a specific period or associated with a specific activity. ( Ian Cameron, 1997) The probability of any particular adverse event occur Resiko adalah tingkat kemungkinan terjadinya kecelakaan Risk Purpose of risk data Can be used to predict the incidence of accidents or disease. E.g.. The risk of developing cancer for the average Australian is about 3000/10 6 /year. The population of Melbourne is about 4 million, therefore: 3000/10 6 /year x 4x10 6 persons = 12000 cases of cancer in Melbourne each year. Hazard Exposure Risk

4 Ricki M. Mulia … the chance (or likelihood) of a specified level of harm occurring within a specific period or associated with a specific activity. ( Ian Cameron, 1997) The probability of any particular adverse event occurring The risk is a computational problem (i.e.. assessing/ estimating probabilities or chances) (Lisa Kendal, 1997) The risk can be used to predict the incidence of accident or disease. RISK = Risk A +/- Risk B ( Risk awareness ) Risk A is the risk established by the experts and is accepted in the workplace Risk B is the perception which may enhance or decrease the risk Risk

5 Hazard vs. Risk Ricki M. Mulia 1.Cancers 2.Heart disease 3.Diabetes 4.Pregnancy 5.Flood 6.Motor vehicle accident Consider the following list of potential causes of death : a)Order the above list into their hazard ranking (potential for death) b)Now order them into a risk ranking (likelihood of death per year)

6 Ricki M. Mulia Terimakasih…

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