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EMODNet Lot 4 - Chemistry Overview, management and administrative issues Alessandra Giorgetti (OGS) with the contribution of Altenburger Alessandro, Brosich.

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Presentation on theme: "EMODNet Lot 4 - Chemistry Overview, management and administrative issues Alessandra Giorgetti (OGS) with the contribution of Altenburger Alessandro, Brosich."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMODNet Lot 4 - Chemistry Overview, management and administrative issues Alessandra Giorgetti (OGS) with the contribution of Altenburger Alessandro, Brosich Alberto, Lipizer Marina, Partescano Elena, Vinci Matteo EMODNet Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013

2 Summary EMODNet Chemistry 2 key elements and participants EMODNet Chemistry 2 overview EMODNet Chemistry 2 management EMODNet Chemistry 2 coordination Reporting to EU Administrative issues EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013

3 EMODNet Chemistry 2 - key elements Proposal submitted 10 th September 2012 32 partners + 14 subcontractors 35 countries represented Duration 3 years Budget 4 M€ Evaluation sent 4 th April 2013 with documents integration New documentary evidence sent 15 th May 2013 Waiting for EU Service Contract to be signed EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013

4 EMODNet Chemistry 2 - partnership Based on SeaDataNet network of NODC’s with Technical partners to further develop and run SDN infrastructure Specific expertise to coordinate data analyses and validation, and the creation of data products 32 partners 14 subcontractors

5 Objective: To build on what was achieved under preparatory actions; To deliver a marine observation infrastructure that offers the most effective support to the marine and maritime economy whilst supporting environmental protection needs. Specific objectives are: assemble existing data into interoperable formats develop, test, operate and maintain a portal for public access monitor and report on the effectiveness of the system in meeting the users needs and analyse what further steps are needed to improve the system keep the portal operational and be prepared to transfer to the EC EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013 EMODNet Chemistry 2 - overview

6 6 service contract are funded by DG-MARE for creating pilot components of the European Marine Observation and Data Network: hydrography, marine geology, chemistry, biology, habitats maps, physics. Started in 2009 3 years EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013 The preparatory actions:

7 Workplan of the project Technical Annex Executed in 3 phases: construction (months 1-12) consolidation (months 13-24) convergence (months 25-36) EMODNet Chemistry 2 – 6 workpackages EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013

8 EMODNet Chemistry 2 – workflow diagram

9 EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013 Management: documents Service Contract - Consortium Agreement – Subcontracts

10 Project management EC service contract with coordinator (OGS) Consortium Agreement with all partners including: Technical Tender Form (Annex 3) Table with budget breakdown Banking references Subcontract with one-by-one all subcontractors including: Technical Tender Form (Annex 3) Banking references EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013

11 Project coordinator (=OGS) Technical coordinator (=MARIS) Project office (=OGS) Workpackage leaders (=OGS, MARIS, ISPRA, ICES) Regional leaders for products (=AU-DCE, IFREMER, SMHI, HNODC-HCMR, NIMRD) Steering committee: (=OGS, MARIS, AU-DCE, IFREMER, SMHI, HNODC-HCMR, NIMRD, ISPRA, ICES). Project Coordination Group (all partners and subcontractors) Management: structure EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013

12 Coordination: planned meetings GroupNumber of meetings Comment Coordination group4Kick-off + 3 annual meetings Steering committee7Every 6 months + final meeting MSFD experts and WG DIKE representatives 2M12 and M24 EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013 The 7 thematic lots will meet with EU every 6 months to ensure convergence and collaboration between lots. The 7 thematic lots will meet with VLIZ and DG MARE to oversee development of an entry point portal. The 7 thematic lots will meet with WG-DIKE/MODEG to work collaboratively and support data access for MSFD assessment and monitoring.

13 Coordination: planned meetings EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013 Any volunteer to host the first year plenary meeting?  Expected participants 70/80 people  Expected timing June/July 2014

14 Coordination: tools EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013 Mailing lists: Website: updating previous EMODNet Chemistry pilot Extranet for the project: Restricted access (user: emduser, password: 91L07G207) All project documents including contract

15 Coordination: tools EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013

16 Deliverables: Bimonthly concise progress reports through phases 1 to 3 (from M2 to M36) First interim report after phase 1 (M12) Second interim report after phase 2 (M24) Draft final report 2 months before the end of phase 3 (M34) Final report at the end of phase 3 (M36) 15-page executive summary that can be read by a non- specialist Reporting to EU: planning EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013

17 The bimonthly concise progress reports will be posted on the Maritime Forum, indicating meetings held, difficulties encountered, inventories of data made available (from M2) Interim and final reports have to be sent to EC for approval and payments, including summary of work done and what remains to be done, challenged faced, effort spent on data preparing and providing, developing standards (M12, M24, M34, M36) EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013 Reporting to EU

18 EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013 Administrative issues

19 At the end of each period, the activity report and the relevant invoices have to be sent to EC by OGS After payment approval by EC, the relevant invoices or debit note or other official document have to be sent to OGS by all the partners and subcontractors EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013 Administrative issues

20 …the Commission may decide to impose liquidated damages per calendar day of delay according to the following formula: 0.3x(Volume/duration)=0.3x(3,999,999/1095)=1095,89 euro …such amount will be charged in proportion between all partners and subcontractors. It is much important to keep the scheduled date! EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013 Administrative issues: liquidated damages

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