Writing Essays Dr. Tamara O’Connor & Sylvia Mooney Student Learning Development Student Counselling Service 896-1407

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1 Writing Essays Dr. Tamara O’Connor & Sylvia Mooney Student Learning Development Student Counselling Service 896-1407 student.learning@tcd.ie http://student-learning.tcd.ie

2 Session objectives 4 Focus on writing process instead of product 4 Look at the phases of writing 4 Explore strategies for starting writing earlier 4 Understand the importance of structure to an academic essay 4 Review examples 4 Learn about some useful writing resources

3 Writing Stages/Phases 4 Planning 4 Thinking 4 Researching 4 Writing 4 Editing Think Write Plan

4 Planning the assignment 4 Understand the question –Breakdown –Verbs 4 Requirements –Length, Wording –Referencing 4 Establish Time Frame

5 Planning time frame 4 List tasks –Preliminaries –Gathering Information –Organising Information –Rough outline –Draft 1 –Draft 2 –References –Proofreading 4 Create deadlines –_____________

6 Thinking 4 Brainstorm –Ideas –What know –Try mindmapping 4 Preliminary reading 4 Refine topic 4 Continues throughout process

7 Discuss the contribution of nursing models to the development of practice 4 Key Words? –Discuss –Nursing model –Practice 4 Key themes & arguments –Define model –Arguments –Advantages & Disadvantages of using models

8 Structure 4 Introduction –outline of essay 4 Main section –Main point A details, evidence –Main point B 4 Conclusion –summary of main points –personal conclusions

9 Researching 4 Rough outline 4 Gather information relevant to topic 4 Keep good notes –organise content according to outline –choose what to include 4 Keep references 4 Digest and reflect on information

10 Writing 4 Start writing early –extend outline –one idea or section at a time –get something down! 4 Write first, rough draft 4 Revise & improve draft 4 How many drafts?

11 Develop your argument 4 Use source material 4 Compare and contrast 4 Show awareness of complexities 4 Show line of reasoning –link points –central guiding line 4 Your conclusions - based on evidence

12 References Why? 4 Credit sources of information & ideas 4 Reader can locate for further information if required 4 Demonstrate breadth of reading & knowledge

13 References When? u Direct quotes u Paraphrases u Statistics/Studies u Theories u Interpretations u Facts

14 Plagiarism 4 Using someone’s words or ideas and presenting them as your own (Marshall & Rowland, 1998) 4 Inappropriate use of ideas from books, articles, internet, or other students’ work ???

15 References 4 How? –Reference system e.g. Harvard –Record sources –Take careful notes –Reference list –In-text citing or referencing

16 Sample marking criteria 4 Focusing on a topic 4 Structuring an essay 4 Content 4 Formulating arguments 4 Presentation 4 Referencing 4 Evidence of language skills 4 Use of learning resources

17 Editing 4 Proof read –out loud –time out –peer 4 Write up references 4 Final draft –presentation

18 Submit! 4 Final deadline 4 Checklist 4 Feedback

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