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Los vocales A E I O U There are 4 special characters in the Spanish alphabet that are not in the English alphabet. ch ll ñ rr.

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Presentation on theme: "Los vocales A E I O U There are 4 special characters in the Spanish alphabet that are not in the English alphabet. ch ll ñ rr."— Presentation transcript:


2 Los vocales A E I O U

3 There are 4 special characters in the Spanish alphabet that are not in the English alphabet. ch ll ñ rr

4 A a (ah) Sounds like the a in the English word “Father”. Agua abrigoabeja nada abogadoafuera

5 B b (be) The Spanish “b” is similar to the English “b” banco bien brazo bicicleta

6 C c (ce) The Spanish “c” has two distinct sounds depending how it is located with respect to certain vowels.

7 Soft “c” The Spanish letter “c” makes the soft “c” sound when followed by the vowels “e” and “i”. The soft “c” sounds like the English “s”. Ciencerebrocereza cine

8 Hard “c” The Spanish letter “c” makes the hard “c” sound when followed by any other letter. The hard “c” sounds like the English “k”. Calorcolegiocuchillo

9 Words that have both hard and soft “c”. CincoCírculocincuenta Cocer circo

10 CH ch (che) Sounds like English “ch” as in church. ChangoChampúChico chuecochocolate

11 D d (de) Sounds like the English “d”. Dondededodados diente difícildulce

12 E e (e) Tresmesainteresante deporteeducaciónelefante

13 F f (efe) The Spanish “f” is just like the English “f”. Fábricafechafirmarflor fuegofrío

14 G g (ge) The Spanish “g” has two distinct sounds depending how it is located with respect to certain vowels.

15 Soft “g” The Spanish letter “g” makes the soft “g” sound when followed by the vowels “e” and “i”. Gente generalgimnasia

16 H h (hache) This letter is always SILENT. Hotelhospitalhola ahorra hígado hermano

17 Hard “g” The Spanish letter “g” makes the hard “g” sound when followed by any other letter. Gafasgallogatoglobo

18 I i (i) Like the “ee” in teeth or the “i” in machine. Idiomalibrointeligente rico interesante

19 J j (jota) The “j” is pronounced like the English “h”. Joséjarrahijoatajo jabón

20 K k (ka) There are no Spanish words that have the letter “k” they are borrowed words.

21 L l (ele) Lotería azullibre lechelibro

22 LL ll (elle) Sounds like the English “y”. Callellantalleno llover llevarllama

23 M m (eme) Sounds like the English “m” Mamámensajemañana

24 N n (ene) Sounds like the English “n”. Nadanivelnoticia

25 Ñ ñ (eñe) ~ is a tilde Niño añomañana baño

26 O o (oh) Monoyoperrono

27 P p (pe) Sounds like the English “p”. Pablopapápapa Ropa plancha

28 Q q (cu) There are two two vowel combination that always follow the letter “q”

29 Those two two vowel combinations are “ue” “ui” Quesoquienpequeño

30 R r (ere) Pero arenaMaría

31 RR rr (erre) Perrobarrioahorra There are no Spanish words that begin with “rr”.

32 S s (ese) The “s” is pronounced like the English “s”. Sícasapeso

33 T t (te) The “t” is pronounced like the English “t”. Tengotrabajotíoté

34 U u (u) Uvauniónuniversidad

35 V v (ve) Vacainviernolavar viernes verde vaso

36 W w (doble u) There are no Spanish words begin with the letter “w”. The words found in the dictionary are borrowed words from English or Greek language. WafleWigwamwáter

37 X x (equis) The “x” sound like the English letter “x” ExamenExacto

38 There are some Mexican origin word where the “x” sounds like the Spanish “j”. MéxicoTexasOaxaca

39 Y y (i griega) YemaYodoYermo

40 Z z (zeta) The “z” sounds like the English “s”. ZapatoZanahoriaZorro

41 Deletrear Writing words using the (phonetic) sounds of each letter.

42 Ejemplos (examples) Hill- hache i elle Rancho- ere ah ene che o

43 Going from phonetic sound to actual letters Hache e ere eme ah ene o H e r m a n o HermanoHermano

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