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KNEAT 3 급 입문 Speaking -다섯 번째 강의 (Part 4 유형별 분석 + 실전 테스트 1,2) RACHEL 선생님.

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1 KNEAT 3 급 입문 Speaking -다섯 번째 강의 (Part 4 유형별 분석 + 실전 테스트 1,2) RACHEL 선생님

2 Part 4. 문제 상황에 따른 답하기  일상생활에서 겪는 일을 다루므로, 평소에 다양한 상황에 맞는 표현을 연습  다양한 상황을 가정해서 해결방안 제시  자신의 생각을 뒷받침할 근거나 이유도 함께 제 시  조동사를 적절히 활용  일상생활에서 겪는 일을 다루므로, 평소에 다양한 상황에 맞는 표현을 연습  다양한 상황을 가정해서 해결방안 제시  자신의 생각을 뒷받침할 근거나 이유도 함께 제 시  조동사를 적절히 활용

3  유형별 분석 (p. 74) Part 4. 문제 상황에 따른 답하기 문제상황파악 부모님 허락없이 친구들과 파티를 했다 집을 어질러 놓았다 부모님이 한 시간 내에 도착한다 해결과제 친구들을 깨워 내보내야 한다 집 청소를 해야한다 해결방안 친구들을 빨리 깨워 청소를 부탁한다 부모님께 사과하고 다른 집안일을 하겠노라 약속한다

4 Part 4. 문제 상황에 따른 답하기 - 답안 1. ( 교재 ) Joe should immediately wake up his friends and ask them to help him clean the house. The work will get done faster if more people work together than if Joe tried to clean the house alone. Even if they can’t clean the entire house, they should try to clean up as much as they can. When Joe’s parents get home, he should have his friends leave quietly. Then he should apologize to his parents and promise to clean everything up. Joe should also offer to do some extra chores to lessen his parents’ anger. - 답안 1. ( 교재 ) Joe should immediately wake up his friends and ask them to help him clean the house. The work will get done faster if more people work together than if Joe tried to clean the house alone. Even if they can’t clean the entire house, they should try to clean up as much as they can. When Joe’s parents get home, he should have his friends leave quietly. Then he should apologize to his parents and promise to clean everything up. Joe should also offer to do some extra chores to lessen his parents’ anger.

5 Part 4. 문제 상황에 따른 답하기 - 답안 2) Joe should wake his friends up and tell them his parents will come soon. They need to clean up the house together because it helps them save time. Although it’s not possible to tidy up perfectly, they should try to do as much as they can. Before Joe’s parents arrive, he should have his friends leave the house. If his parents get home earlier than he expected, he and his friends should apologize to them. Then, Joe should promise to clean up the entire house, and he can offer to do other chores to calm their anger like wash their car. - 답안 2) Joe should wake his friends up and tell them his parents will come soon. They need to clean up the house together because it helps them save time. Although it’s not possible to tidy up perfectly, they should try to do as much as they can. Before Joe’s parents arrive, he should have his friends leave the house. If his parents get home earlier than he expected, he and his friends should apologize to them. Then, Joe should promise to clean up the entire house, and he can offer to do other chores to calm their anger like wash their car.

6  주요표현 - 깨우다 : wake up - 청소하다 : clean up - 즉시 : immediately, at once - 사과하다 : apologize - 화를 진정시키다 : lessen anger, calm anger - 집안일 : (household) chore  주요표현 - 깨우다 : wake up - 청소하다 : clean up - 즉시 : immediately, at once - 사과하다 : apologize - 화를 진정시키다 : lessen anger, calm anger - 집안일 : (household) chore Part 4. 문제 상황에 따른 답하기

7  실전 테스트 1. (p.125) Part 4. 문제 상황에 따른 답하기 – 실전 테스트 1 문제 상황파악 동생이 스트레스를 많이 받고 있다 클라라는 동생을 걱정한다 해결과제 동생의 시험 스트레스를 줄이는 것 시험을 잘 볼 것이라 안심시키는 것 해결방안 테스트 점수로 보아 입학시험에서도 잘 할 것이라고 안심시킨다 지나친 스트레스는 건강을 해친다고 주의 준다 도움을 줄 수 있는 누군가를 만나 보라 제의한다

8 - 답안 1. ( 교재 ) Clara should reassure her sister. She should talk to her sister about her good trial test scores. Clara should remind her sister how well she has done so far. She should focus on her sister’s accomplishments and praise her. Clara should also try to be understanding of her sister’s irritable and nervous behavior. Instead of causing her sister to be more irritable, she should work hard to stay calm and help her sister. Clara should try to help her sister eat healthier and remind her that eating a moderate amount is better for studying because eating too much will make her more tired and sluggish. - 답안 1. ( 교재 ) Clara should reassure her sister. She should talk to her sister about her good trial test scores. Clara should remind her sister how well she has done so far. She should focus on her sister’s accomplishments and praise her. Clara should also try to be understanding of her sister’s irritable and nervous behavior. Instead of causing her sister to be more irritable, she should work hard to stay calm and help her sister. Clara should try to help her sister eat healthier and remind her that eating a moderate amount is better for studying because eating too much will make her more tired and sluggish. Part 4. 문제 상황에 따른 답하기 – 실전 테스트 1

9 답안 2) Clara should tell her sister that she is concerned about her. Also, she should let her sister know that she has gotten extremely stressed and gained weight. Clara can understand how much her sister get stressed because she has already experienced the entrance exam before. Clara needs to understand her sister’s unusual and nervous behavior and try to help her eat healthy food. Reminding her sister of her good trial test scores, Clara can convince her to get a great result on the university entrance exam. In addition, Clara can suggest to her sister that she meet someone helpful to reduce her stress if she needs to. 답안 2) Clara should tell her sister that she is concerned about her. Also, she should let her sister know that she has gotten extremely stressed and gained weight. Clara can understand how much her sister get stressed because she has already experienced the entrance exam before. Clara needs to understand her sister’s unusual and nervous behavior and try to help her eat healthy food. Reminding her sister of her good trial test scores, Clara can convince her to get a great result on the university entrance exam. In addition, Clara can suggest to her sister that she meet someone helpful to reduce her stress if she needs to.

10  참고표현 - 안심시키다 : reassure, make someone relaxed - 상기시키다 : remind - 민감한 행동 : irritable behavior - 확신시키다 : convince - 몸무게가 늘다 : gain weight  참고표현 - 안심시키다 : reassure, make someone relaxed - 상기시키다 : remind - 민감한 행동 : irritable behavior - 확신시키다 : convince - 몸무게가 늘다 : gain weight Part 4. 문제 상황에 따른 답하기 – 실전 테스트 1

11  실전 테스트 2. (p. 173)   실전 테스트 2. (p. 173)  Part 4. 문제 상황에 따른 답하기 – 실전 테스트 2 문제상황파악 친구가 쇼핑에 돈을 많이 쓴다 테리에게 돈을 빌려 제 때 갚지 않는다 해결과제 친구의 소비습관을 바로 잡아야 한다 돈을 자주 빌리고, 제 때 갚지 않는 습관을 고쳐야 한다. 해결방안 지나친 소비습관에 대해 친구에게 충고한다 빌려간 돈에 대해 약속한 날짜에 갚아 달라고 말한다 친구가 꼭 필요할 때만 돈을 빌려 줄 것이라 말한다 저축의 중요성에 대해 알려준다

12 - 답안 1. ( 교재 ) I would talk to my friend about her spending problem. I would explain the importance of saving money. The friend might get defensive, so it is good to say things calmly without seeming like I was attacking her. I would talk to her about trying to buy things that are needed. I would also tell her that I am happy to lend her money, but she should not be wasteful and try to pay friends back as soon as possible. - 답안 1. ( 교재 ) I would talk to my friend about her spending problem. I would explain the importance of saving money. The friend might get defensive, so it is good to say things calmly without seeming like I was attacking her. I would talk to her about trying to buy things that are needed. I would also tell her that I am happy to lend her money, but she should not be wasteful and try to pay friends back as soon as possible. Part 4. 문제 상황에 따른 답하기 – 실전 테스트 2

13 - 답안 2) I would like to tell my friend about her bad spending habit. It is not easy to point out a friend’s wrong behavior but I think I should. I would politely advise her not to spend money buying unnecessary things. Also, I would tell her that I don’t mind lending her money, but it will be possible only if she needs it and promises to pay me back soon. Moreover, I would try to make her realize the importance of saving. - 답안 2) I would like to tell my friend about her bad spending habit. It is not easy to point out a friend’s wrong behavior but I think I should. I would politely advise her not to spend money buying unnecessary things. Also, I would tell her that I don’t mind lending her money, but it will be possible only if she needs it and promises to pay me back soon. Moreover, I would try to make her realize the importance of saving. Part 4. 문제 상황에 따른 답하기 – 실전 테스트 2

14  참고표현 - 정중하게, 친절하게 : calmly, politely - 소비습관 : spending habit - 빌려주다 : lend - 갚다 : pay back, repay - 가능한 빨리 : as soon as possible - 조언하다 : advise, give advice  참고표현 - 정중하게, 친절하게 : calmly, politely - 소비습관 : spending habit - 빌려주다 : lend - 갚다 : pay back, repay - 가능한 빨리 : as soon as possible - 조언하다 : advise, give advice Part 4. 문제 상황에 따른 답하기 – 실전 테스트 2

15 Well done! Bye for now. 다음 강의에서 만나요 !

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