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Lone Star Region National Model Railroad Association Introduction to Scratchbuilding Structures - Mike Jobe.

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Presentation on theme: "Lone Star Region National Model Railroad Association Introduction to Scratchbuilding Structures - Mike Jobe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lone Star Region National Model Railroad Association Introduction to Scratchbuilding Structures - Mike Jobe

2 Intro to Scratch Building Structures Selecting a structure Creating plans Materials Tools you will need Basic building techniques & tips Golden Rules Resources

3 Lone Star Region Selecting a structure to build

4 Selecting a structure Really that is the hardest part of scratch building is selecting the right structure to build. Probably not a good idea to start off attempting this build…. A better choice

5 Selecting a structure A better choice

6 Selecting a structure a)They are all simple and square. b) You can generate plans by just the photo. c) You can pretty much guess what is in the interior.

7 Lone Star Region Creating Plans

8 Creating Plans There are several ways to create plans…. 1. Search the internet, an example is Google Books; “railroad structure”

9 Creating Plans There are several ways to create plans…. 2. Get out and hit the road measure the structure youself ….

10 Creating Plans There are several ways to create plans…. 3. Copy a cheap kit…. 4. Borrow / Buy old used Craftsman Kit templates / instructions

11 Creating Plans 21” Doors have known heights and widths

12 Creating Plans


14 Lone Star Region Materials

15 Materials Use your imagination! I constantly am looking for things that can be used in the build

16 Materials Use your imagination! I constantly am looking for things that can be used in the build

17 Lone Star Region Tools you will need

18 Tools you will need. The Basics...

19 Tools you will need. Pounce Wheel

20 Lone Star Region Building Techniques & Tips

21 Building Techniques & Tips RULE 1 Keeping the end game in mind during your build Notice how nothing pops out at you, everything blends together

22 Building Techniques & Tips After dyeing the boards, scribe the wood grain into the surface, add knot holes, don’t be afraid to damage some pieces. Staining the wood is as simple as placing them in the bottle

23 Building Techniques & Tips Start off with a clean glass surface Using 3M double sided tape place your plan section on the glass Tape wax paper over your plan Place a larger “Anchor” piece along the base line Add first piece or footer Make sure the pieces are plumb Dip end of piece in glue (not much needed) Complete the framing (make sure to Dry fit the window and doors)

24 Building Techniques & Tips Begin to add siding Verify the measurements every 2 boards to make sure the boards are straight Notice I placed two frame pieces on each side to ensure proper overlap of siding I covered the window opening also Remove the wall section from the wax paper Reverse Side Note the overlap Using a flat blade cut out the window (doors etc) Insert windows, doors, etc. Do all of the work on the wall as necessary while the wall is flat on the bench not when it is assembled as a building

25 Building Techniques & Tips Complete the 4 walls Trim excess siding then glue together Add raftersDouble check it is at 90 degrees!

26 Building Techniques & Tips If you need to repeat a pattern of work such as for trestles or roof rafters construct a jig.

27 Building Techniques & Tips Roofing options for you… Mount material over card stock Tar paper made from paper. First cut in scale widths, then painted using grimy black and dry brushed with antique white Scale appropriate wood stained, distressed, and cut into individual shingles Campbell’s corrugated roofing dipped in printed circuit board etchant (make sure you neutralize) Campbell’s shingles or even better Bar Mills Laser shingles

28 Building Techniques & Tips


30 Try Dry Brushing light colors on different areas to mimic light Use Ink and dark color washes to mimic shadows

31 Lone Star Region Golden Rules

32 Golden Rules Strive for Plumb, Level & Square. One mistake now will require 2X the work to compensate later. Overall human nature is focus on the what’s wrong versus everything else that is right. Attempt to age and weather the model. Even what are meant to be new buildings will not look right at smaller scales. A bright shiny building will stick out look a sore thumb. Chalks, Stains, Alcohol and Ink as well as white highlighting go a long way. Always keep in mind how the building will look on the layout when it is done (the end game). When picking colors, finishes and overall look and type, ask yourself will it blend in? Will it fit and look right. Don’t overdo it with glue. It does not take that much, particularly once a section is built, like real structures they can be incredibly strong. Clean off excessive glue. Be patient and keep organized. Michelangelo took years to paint the Sistine Chapel... if you are tired stop for the day. Work on walls while they flat.. It is easier to place doors, windows, signs, stain, paint etc before you assembly the 4 walls.

33 Lone Star Region Resources

34 Building Techniques & Tips Seek out other modelers and how they scratch build There are several forums available to you.... NMRA Members

35 Lone Star Region Scratch building can bring you great pleasure, enhance your modeling skills! THANKS!

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