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Bon jour.

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1 Bon jour

2 Bon jour À goupil endormi rien ne tombe en la geule.
Translation: Into a closed mouth no flies ever entered. English equivalent: A close mouth catches no flies. Meaning: It is wise not to speak when it is not necessary.

3 Bon jour À mauvais ouvrier point de bon outil.
Translation: A bad craftsman blames his tools.

4 Bon jour À cheval donné on ne regarde pas les dents (French) / la bride (Canadian). Translation: At a given horse one doesn't look at the teeth / bridle (the bit in the horse's mouth). English equivalent: Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Meaning: Don't critcize a gift.

5 Bon jour A l'étroit mais entre amis.
Translation: Tight but with friends.

6 Bon jour À l'œuvre, on connaît l'artisan.
Translation: The craftsman by his work is known.

7 Bon jour À raconter ses maux, souvent on les soulage.
Translation: To tell our ailments, we often relieve them. English equivalent: A problem shared is a problem halved.

8 Bon jour À tort se lamente de la mer qui ne s'ennuie d'y retourner.
Translation: He complains wrongfully at the sea that gets bored on it twice. English equivalent: He complains wrongfully at the sea that suffer shipwreck twice. Meaning: Don't do the same thing again and expect different results.

9 Bon jour A qui il a été beaucoup donné, il sera beaucoup demandé.
Translation: To whom much is entrusted, much is required. English equivalent: Much is expected where much is given. Meaning: With great resources comes great responsibility.

10 Bon jour Aide-toi et Allah t'aidera.
Translation: Help yourself and Allah will help you. English equivalent: Allah helps those who help themselves. Meaning: When in trouble first of all every one themselves should do their best to improve their condition.

11 Bon jour Amour, toux et fumée En ne secret sont demeurée.
Translation: Love, cough and smoke do not remain secrets. English equivalent: Love, smoke and cough are hard to hide.

12 Bon jour A tout pourquoi il y a (un) parce que.
Translation: At any why there was (a) because. English equivalent: Every why has a wherefore.

13 Bon jour A vrai dire peu de paroles.
Translation: The truth says a few words. English equivalent: Truth gives a short answer, lies go round about.

14 Bon jour Après trois jours, les deux poissons et vous pourrez commencer à odeur. Translation: After three days, both fish and guests begin to smell.

15 Bon jour Attente tourmente. Translation: Awaiting – torment.
English equivalent: Who lives by hope will die of hunger.

16 Bon jour Au fruit on connaît l'arbre.
Translation: The fruit is known by its tree. English equivalent: The apple does not fall far from the tree. Meaning: "Children observe daily and — in their behaviour — often follow the example of their parents."

17 Bon jour Aujourd'hui à moi, demain à toi.
Translation: Today for me, and tomorrow for you. English equivalent: Today me, tomorrow thee.

18 Bon jour Au royaume des aveugles, les borgnes sont rois.
Translation: In the kingdom of the blind the one-eyed are kings.

19 Bon jour A qui la tete fait mal, souffre par tout le corps.
Translation: Which has the head hurts, the whole body suffers. English equivalent: When the head is sick, the whole body is sick.

20 Bon jour Bien mal acquit ne profite jamais
Translation: Goods badly aquired are not profitable. Meaning: Crime doesn't pay.

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