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Lesson 3: Nutrition PE Without Boundaries v1.0 4/29/20151.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 3: Nutrition PE Without Boundaries v1.0 4/29/20151."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 3: Nutrition PE Without Boundaries v1.0 4/29/20151

2 Diet Recall

3 What is Healthy?

4 I am the Person Who Puts the Fork in My Mouth

5 Call to Action: I Need to Be More Aware of My Diet

6 4/29/20156

7 All Foods Fit 4/29/20157

8 Serving Sizes

9 Grains

10 Fruits & Vegetables

11 Fats & Oils

12 Dairy

13 Protein

14 4/29/201514 Obesity

15 4/29/201515 Why did you eat? And where?

16 4/29/201516 Healthier Diet = Healthier Body

17 4/29/201517 Taking Steps to a Healthier You

18 Questions? 4/29/201518

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