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MY BOOK OF POEMS BY SPARSH. TABLE OF CONTENTS Haikus Tanka Limerick Onomatopoeia Family Picnic.

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2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Haikus Tanka Limerick Onomatopoeia Family Picnic

3 HAIKUS In the autumn breeze The Laughing Buddha chortles As the children play The dragonflies dart From side to side in the spring I hate flying bugs The wintery chill The church bell in the distance Typical poem

4 TANKA It's Armageddon Meteors fall from the sky Life as we know it It's crumbling all around us The lead director shouts "Cut!"

5 LIMERICK There once was a pig on the ceiling Who got a peculiar feeling That he was a bird Flying over a herd Of cows in the town of Darjeeling

6 ONOMATOPOEIA Cha-ching, pop, slurp, BURP! Mm, ah, hiss, bliss, Click, tick, tock, talk Drinking cold soda Drip, drip, clip, cook Meow, woof, squeak, caw, Drinking cold soda, In a pet shop?!

7 FAMILY PICNIC Sleeping in the meadow, Like two blades of grass, They fit in like puzzle pieces. Two birds of a feather, Flock not together. Family picnic, an escape route, Boredom's cruel prison.

8 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sparsh was born on the 28 th of January, 2002, to Sameer and Shalini. He is currently 12 years old and likes to write poems and stories. He has a five year old brother who goes to the same school as him. Sparsh is in 6 th Grade.

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