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Reproductive Systems Chapter 28.

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Presentation on theme: "Reproductive Systems Chapter 28."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reproductive Systems Chapter 28

2 Male Reproductive System

3 Testes and Scrotum

4 Testes

5 Seminiferous Tubule

6 Spermatogenesis

7 Sperm

8 Hormonal Effects

9 Control of Testosterone Production

10 Reproductive System Ducts in Males
Ducts of testis Pressure generated by fluid produced by Sertoli cells push sperm along seminiferous tubules into straight tubules, rete testis, efferent ducts in epididymis and then ductus epididymis Epididymis Consists of tightly coiled ductus epididymis Stereocilia are microvilli that reabsorb degenerated sperm Site of sperm maturation – acquire motility and ability to fertilize Can store sperm for several months Continues as ductus (vas) deferens Ductus (vas) deferens Conveys sperm during sexual arousal through peristaltic contractions Can also store sperm several months

11 Reproductive System Ducts in Males
Spermatic cord Ascends out of scrotum Consists of ductus deferens as it ascends through scrotum, testicular artery, veins that drain testes and carry testosterone, autonomic nerves, lymphatic vessels, and cremaster muscle Spermatic cord and ilioinguinal nerve pass through inguinal canal Ejaculatory ducts Formed by union of duct from seminal vesicle and ampulla of ductus deferens Terminate in prostatic urethra Eject sperm and seminal vesicle secretions just before release of semen into urethra Urethra Shared terminal duct of reproductive and urinary systems Subdivided into prostatic urethra, membranous urethra, and spongy (penile) urethra Ends at external urethral orifice

12 Pathway of Sperm Flow

13 Accessory Sex Glands Seminal vesicles - About 60% of semen volume
Secrete alkaline, viscous fluid containing fructose, prostaglandins, and clotting proteins (different from blood) Prostate - About 25% of semen volume Secretes milky, slightly acidic fluid containing citric acid, several proteolytic enzymes, acid phosphatase, seminalplasmin (antibiotic) Bulbourethral glands Secrete alkaline fluid that protects passing sperm by neutralizing acids from urine in urethra Mucus lubricates end of penis and lining of urethra

14 Semen Mixture of sperm & seminal fluid
glandular secretions and fluid of seminiferous tubules slightly alkaline (pH ), milky appearance, sticky contains nutrients, clotting proteins & antibiotic seminalplasmin Typical ejaculate is 2.5 to 5 ml in volume Normal sperm count is 50 to 150 million/ml actions of many are needed for one to enter Coagulates within 5 minutes -- reliquefies in 15 due to enzymes produced by the prostate gland (PSA) Semen analysis----bad news if show lack of forward motility, low count or abnormal shapes

15 Penis

16 Erection & Ejaculation
sexual stimulation dilates the arteries supplying the penis blood enters the penis compressing the veins so that the blood is trapped. parasympathetic reflex causes erection Ejaculation muscle contractions close sphincter at base of bladder and move fluids through ductus deferens, seminal vesicles, & ejaculatory ducts ischiocavernous & bulbospongiosus complete the job

17 Female Reproductive System

18 Female Reproductive System

19 Female Reproductive System

20 Histology of Ovary

21 Histology of Ovary

22 Ovarian Follicles

23 Oogenesis

24 Oogenesis + Follicular Development

25 Anatomy of the Fallopian Tubes and Uterus

26 Blood Supply of Uterus

27 External Genitalia Pudendum/Vulva

28 Homologous Structures

29 Mammary Glands

30 Overview of Hormonal Regulation

31 Phases of Female Reproductive Cycle

32 Hormonal Changes

33 Ovulation

34 Summary

35 Birth Control

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