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1 Soil Contamination From Lead Crystal Glass Manufacture and Acid Polishing Tim Glews Dudley M.B.C.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Soil Contamination From Lead Crystal Glass Manufacture and Acid Polishing Tim Glews Dudley M.B.C."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Soil Contamination From Lead Crystal Glass Manufacture and Acid Polishing Tim Glews Dudley M.B.C.

2 2 Introduction  Many processes operate from the same site for a considerable period  May have been previous industrial uses  Discharge to land was common practice  Many traditional `heavy` industries have gone, leaving large brownfield sites  Developer pressure to build houses on the vacant brownfield sites

3 3 Royal Brierley Crystal

4 4 Dudley M.B.  Five sites of interest  Edinburgh Crystal (Thomas Webb)  Tudor Crystal  Royal Doulton Crystal  Royal Brierley Crystal  Stuart and Sons (Waterford Crystal)

5 5 Contamination Sources  Manufacturing  Heavy Metals (Lead and Arsenic)  Particulate Matter  Acid Polishing  Hydrofluoric and Sulphuric Acid  Hydrogen Fluoride Deposition

6 6 Effect Of Contamination  Heavy Metals  Lead – inhalation / ingestion toxicity to mammals / photo toxic Arsenic – inhalation / ingestion / dermis toxic carcinogen / photo toxic - airborne / liquid discharge /solid deposit Acid Waste - inhalation / ingestion / dermis - toxicity to mammals / photo toxic - may enter water courses / aquifers

7 7 Acid Damage to steel support

8 8 Acid damage to steel support

9 9 Re-development Process  Decommissioning the process  Planning Permission for development  Demolition of existing buildings  Site survey and sampling procedure  Remedial Work SOURCE - PATHWAY - RECEPTOR

10 10 Site Survey  Desk study of site / previous uses  Plan for examination and site survey  Exploratory and detailed investigation  Analysis of samples for contaminants  Compare to guidance levels  Review best practicable options

11 11 Remedial Work  Options  Provide top cover  Use of in ground barriers  Excavation and disposal  Other Options  Biological remediation  Physical treatments  Chemical treatments  Solidification  Thermal treatment

12 12 Case Study 1 Edinburgh Crystal Plan

13 13 Case Study 1 Dennis Hall

14 14 Case Study 1  Site History and Background 1885 – 1995, L.C.G. manufacture 2.3 hectares, some steep levels Adjacent foundry,landfill site, coal mining Demolition Site survey details and Geology Soil analysis and landfill gas Site remediation

15 15 Case Study 2 Tudor Crystal Site

16 16 Case Study 2 Tudor Crystal Plan

17 17 Case Study 2 Tudor Crystal Photograph

18 18 Case Study 2  Site History and Background Bounded by the Stourbridge canal adjacent landfill site(built on) Demolition Site survey details and geology Soil analysis and landfill gas Site remediation

19 19 Legislation and Guidance  E.U. Directive 84/ 360/ E.E.C.  The Environmental Protection Act 1990  Part 2(a) “Waste on Land”  E.U. Directive 96/ 61/ E.C.  Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999  Pollution Prevention and Control Reg 2000

20 20 Conclusions  Consider current discharges to land  Consider previous uses of site  Carefully examine the site  Consider commissioning full site survey  Produce a remediation plan  Make financial provisions to remediate

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