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Distinctions between Precise Language & Generalizations, Jargon, & Clichés.

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Presentation on theme: "Distinctions between Precise Language & Generalizations, Jargon, & Clichés."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distinctions between Precise Language & Generalizations, Jargon, & Clichés

2 Precise Language  Precise=exactly or sharply defined or stated  Precise Language=people will know exactly what you are writing or talking about.

3 Generalizations  Definition= a general conclusion based usually on an isolated event.  Teachers are boring.  All students are lazy.

4 Jargon  Definition: speech or writing that is full of unfamiliar or technical terms which are incomprehensible to most persons and expected to impress more than inform.  peruse= read  sesquipedalianism= use of big words  Felonious redistribution of monetary funds=stealing money

5 Clichés  Definition= overused phrases or statements.  (ex) light as a feather, crystal clear, flat as a pancake, old as the hills

6 Jargon  Revise the following jargon so that young students can understand it. Management has become cognizant of the necessity for the diligent elimination of undesirable vegetation surrounding the periphery of our facility. Management has become cognizant of the necessity for the diligent elimination of undesirable vegetation surrounding the periphery of our facility.

7 Revised jargon  The owner wants the weeds around the building removed.

8 Precise Language  How would you convince a friend to help you on a test you have not studied for?  How would you tell your brother or sister to leave your room?  In order to get out of a ticket, how would you talk to a police officer?  If you are the leader of a class or group, how do you get uncooperative people to do what you want?

9 Homework- due Tuesday!  How important is profanity?  Explain in two paragraphs the appropriate audience and use of profanity in an argument.

10 Precise Language  Precise=exactly or sharply defined or stated  Precise Language=people will know exactly what you are writing or talking about.

11 Review  Generalization- a general conclusion based on an isolated event. (Teachers are boring, students are lazy, women hate men)  Jargon- speech or writing that is full of unfamiliar and technical terms which are incomprehensible to most persons. (Felonious redistribution of monetary funds)  Cliché-overused statements or phrases. (light as a feather, flat as a pancake)

12 Assignment  Find one example of generalization, jargon, and cliché in a newspaper, magazine, or on the internet.  Cut or print the example out and attach it to a sheet of paper.  Under each example in complete sentences state:  Whether it is generalization, jargon, or cliché  Next explain why you think it is generalization, jargon, or cliché.

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