Laws of Life Essay Contest. Announcing the Contest Stress contest opportunities Share bio info on contest sponsor Give examples of Laws of Life Describe.

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Presentation on theme: "Laws of Life Essay Contest. Announcing the Contest Stress contest opportunities Share bio info on contest sponsor Give examples of Laws of Life Describe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laws of Life Essay Contest

2 Announcing the Contest Stress contest opportunities Share bio info on contest sponsor Give examples of Laws of Life Describe previous topics used Emphasize teacher commitment Reassure students of confidentiality

3 Pre-Writing Activity Who is someone that you admire? List three qualities that you admire about that person. Describe an incident or event from which you learned a lesson “the hard way.” What could you change about yourself to become a better person? What three qualities do you value in a friend, a teacher, a parent? Describe a situation in which you went out of your way to help someone else. Has life been good to you? Explain. Describe a situation in your life in which someone went out of his/her way to help you. Name three things for which you are thankful. Who has been most important in your life in helping you establish your values? Explain. Do you have a responsibility to help those who are less fortunate? Explain. When you become a parent, what are the three most important values that you hope your children will have?

4 Opening Paragraph Personal Anecdote or Example Role Model Character Sketch Direct Statement of Topic Analogy Use of Maxim, Proverb, or Quotation Commenting on Story or Parable

5 Introduction Use Student Questionnaire for topic Search Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations, Reader Digest, or Collection of Inspirational Essays

6 Supporting Paragraphs Describe a different law Illustrate the importance of the same law in different areas Illustrate different experiences or famous individuals who exemplify the law Continue the development of an analogy Note: Use transitions between paragraphs Correctly incorporate quotes

7 Completing Supporting Paragraph Check pronoun-antecedent agreement and pronoun case Avoid the impersonal “YOU”

8 Concluding Paragraph Parallel the introduction Refer again to experience, analogy, etc Make a concluding statement about each supporting paragraph Use and relate a quote to the topic Brainstorm a title for the essay Write on every-other line to allow for peer editing

9 Peer Editing the Rough Draft Work in small groups Use teacher-prepared peer editing guide Encourage student to share their essays Respect decision of those who choose not to share their essays with other students Remind students of due date for rough drafts

10 Final Draft Return rough drafts with suggestive improvements Remind students to type or write final draft in black or dark blue ink Remind students to number pages after page one Remind students to write only on the front side of their paper Remind student to avoid putting their names on their papers Remind students of contest deadline

11 Entry Form Have students complete an Entry Form and staple to the front of their essaya Commend student for their hard work Discuss the essay writing experience Encourage students to share what the experience has affected them Urge students to reflect on ways in which writing about their values will impact their behavior and their relationships with others

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