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Exformation: the Missing Link in Communication Using context to build communication capacity.

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2 Exformation: the Missing Link in Communication Using context to build communication capacity

3 Too Much Information!

4 Context?

5 What is Context? The surroundings, circumstances, environment, background, or settings which determine, specify, or clarify the meaning of an event. — Wikipedia —

6 A Brilliant Illustration of Context  The Shortest Correspondence in history  A letter from Victor Hugo to his publisher after publishing Les Miserables…

7 ? !

8 Information is the Medium

9 Information is nothing…  How information impacts us is everything.  Context determines its impact.

10 Exformation…  Term coined by Danish writer Tor Norretranders for missing information in communication.  Exformation is the information used to convey context that is now implied.  Information is measureable; Exformation is not

11 Context vs. Information

12 Elegant Communication  Requires the omission of needless information….  Our only clue lies in the degree of elegance in the finished product.

13 Context by omission…  Great writing requires rejecting many iterations.  Poetry that evokes mental pictures and deep feelings with few words.  A glance between lovers speaks volumes.

14 Ask Me… I will listen to what you say. You and I can turn and look at the silent river and wait. We know the current is there, hidden; and there are comings and goings from miles away that hold the stillness exactly before us. What the river says, that is what I say. — William Stafford —

15 Metaphors are Exformative

16 Facilitate Exformation… Slow down and breathe  When we slow our output, ideas have time to bubble to the surface with increased clarity.  Clearer thoughts and images are easier to describe in clear terms.

17 Tune in to your Senses  Some people talk on autopilot.  Speaking while fully absorbed in our thoughts isolates us.  To listen to yourself speak is to be aware of the world around you. Facilitate Exformation…

18  Ask speaker for a metaphor.  Ask speaker to share an example or a personal experience.  Ask for the essence in simple language.  Provide an exformative presentation format like Pecha Kucha. Facilitate Exformation for Others

19 Re-engage with Experience  Go on an information fast for a week.  Share meaning when you communicate as well as information.  Practice silence in communication.  In a world struggling to find meaning; embrace Exformation.

20 Context is Everything

21 Free Resources  Free weekly ezine for group leaders at:  Blog feed  Training, coaching, and other resources at

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