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VCE Health and Human development- unit 1 Behavioural Determinant of health: Access to recreational facilities. By Marley.

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Presentation on theme: "VCE Health and Human development- unit 1 Behavioural Determinant of health: Access to recreational facilities. By Marley."— Presentation transcript:

1 VCE Health and Human development- unit 1 Behavioural Determinant of health: Access to recreational facilities. By Marley

2 Recreational facility. A recreational facility is a place where people can go to take part in pleasurable activities, eg: gym, pool, parks, stadiums, and many more.

3 Recreational facilities are classified as a determinant of health as they provide youths with opportunities for social interaction and physical activity, but opportunities are affected by the facilities available, many factors will influence weather or not young people involved in activities that they enjoy. If youth are encouraged to fulfil these opportunities, that in turn promote physical social and mental health. Recreational facilities also promotes development, things such as motor skills, social skills, knowledge of certain activities increased and self concept.

4 Positive effects Maintaining a healthy body weight. Being able to socialized with friends. Making a positive environment. Promoting an active and healthy lifestyle. Physical activity helps to boost the immune system, diminish the risk of disease and increase life expectancy. Participating in physical activity within a recreational facility helps develop our youth, improve their education and deters from negative behaviours. An increase in development

5 Negative effects Injuries Distances to get to these venues Costs

6 Social health Recreation opportunities provide positive impacts on our society. Social conditions can influence the way individuals work, live and recreate. Social benefits include, promoting stewardship, reduces crime, strengthens communities, encourages volunteerism, promotes social bonds, unites families and builds cultural diversity and harmony.

7 Mental health It has been shown that moderate to intense physical activity daily for 30 to 60 minutes can reduce the severity of many mental health disorders, enabling individuals to better cope with their lives. Recreational facilities can reduce depression, relieving stress, improving the quality of life(self esteem), and making them feel better about their surroundings. Mental health problems can not only be cured by physical activity, but a simple walk in the park or even just sitting in the park can relieve stress and relax the mind. People who take part in recreation activity are noticeably happier and live fuller lives.

8 Physical health Recreational facilities tend to make physical activity interesting and enjoyable and encourage life long fitness habits. There are many benefits to your physical health when in access to recreational facilities, such as reduced obesity, lowers risk of disease, enhanced immune system and an increases life expectancy.

9 Water recreation

10 Physical benefits Stimulates circulation Improves posture, flexibility, muscular endurance, strength, and balance. Creates muscle tone. Promotes proper breathing Rehabilitates under used or healing muscles Improves one ability to control and maintain a healthy weight Helps to combat the ageing process Workouts can be tailored to fit the needs of an individual Its low impact...the water makes the body almost weightless, greatly diminishing the impact on joints. Great cardiovascular workout (swimming has a calorie-burning potential of 350-420 calories per hour). Uses almost all the major muscle groups, and places a vigorous demand on your heart and lungs. For some disabled and elderly persons gives a sense of freedom as they can freely move around in the water and be upright in a standing position

11 Social Benefits Lots of laughs and fun while getting a great workout! Establishes good friendships through water classes. Enjoyable even when working hard. A sport that is safe for all ages, at all fitness levels.

12 Psychological benefits Encourages a positive attitude, since one notices oneself feeling so good after workouts. Heightened sense of well-being. Increased energy level. Stress reducer. Soothes the mind and body.

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