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Words for Production 1. archeologist [ &ArkI`Al1dZIst ] n. [C] someone who studies the buildings, tools, etc. of people who lived in the past 考古學家 In.

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Presentation on theme: "Words for Production 1. archeologist [ &ArkI`Al1dZIst ] n. [C] someone who studies the buildings, tools, etc. of people who lived in the past 考古學家 In."— Presentation transcript:


2 Words for Production 1. archeologist [ &ArkI`Al1dZIst ] n. [C] someone who studies the buildings, tools, etc. of people who lived in the past 考古學家 In the year 1861, an Italian archeologist uncovered Pompeii, a city buried almost 2,000 years ago under stones and ash from a volcano. 詞類變化

3 archeology [ &ArkI`Al1dZI ] n. [U] 考古學 The unexpected discovery of King Tut’s tomb amazed people in the field of archeology.

4 Words for Production 2. choking [ `tSokI9 ] adj. that stops breathing 令人窒息的,嗆人 的 The burning house was full of choking smoke. 詞類變化

5 choke [ tSok ] vi. 窒息,嗆到 Firefighters found a girl who had choked to death from inhaling smoke.

6 Words for Production 3. dust [ d^st ] n. [U] dry powder consisting of extremely small bits of earth or sand 塵土,沙塵 Before the heavy rain, trees standing along the busy roads were covered with a thick layer of dust. 詞類變化 * consist of 包括 * be covered with 被 … 所覆蓋 * a layer of 一層

7 dusty [ `d^stI ] adj. 滿是灰塵的 Take off your dusty boots before you step on the rug. * take off 脫掉

8 Words for Production 4. tomb [ tum ] n. [C] a stone structure or underground room where a dead body is placed inside 墓,陵墓 The terracotta warriors are over 2,000 years old and were originally created to protect the tomb of the Emperor Qin Shi Huang.

9 Words for Production 5. sunken [ `s^9k1n ] adj. built or placed at a lower level than the surrounding area 低於周圍 ( 地面 ) 的 The guests are trying to find the steps leading to the sunken garden, where the wedding party is being held. 詞類變化 * lead to 通達 …

10 sink [ sI9k ] vi. 沉沒 The Titanic was a passenger ship which sank on its first voyage. * sink 之三態如下, 有兩個過去分詞. sink sank sunk 用於動詞詞組 sunken 用於限定形容詞 前位修飾 * on one’s first voyage 處女航

11 Words for Production 6. seal [ sil ] n. [C] something, such as a piece of wax or sticky paper that is fixed to a door or container, and which must be broken before the door or container can be opened 封泥,封條,封蠟 The seal on the box was broken when it fell from its hiding place. 詞類變化

12 seal [ sil ] vt. 密封 In the old days, people sealed their envelopes with wax.

13 Words for Production 7. royal [ `rOI1l ] adj. belonging to or connected with a king or queen 皇室的 Not only the royal family but the whole world mourned the accidental death of Princess Diana. * not only A but (also) B = B as well as A 不但 A 而且 B Not only the royal family but the whole world mourned the accidental death of Princess Diana. =The whole world as well as the royal family mourned the accidental death of Princess Diana.

14 Words for Production 8. content [ `kAntEnt ] n. [C] (usu. pl.) everything that is contained within something 內容物 After going through the contents of her bag, the police found nothing illegal. * the police 警方

15 Words for Production 9. intact [ In`t8kt ] adj. complete because no part has been touched or broken 完好如初的 It is surprising that the wallet was left intact by the thieves.

16 Words for Production 10. passage [ `p8sIdZ ] n. [C] a narrow connecting way, especially inside a building 通道,走廊 A narrow passage led to a small room where his wine was stored.

17 Words for Production 11. peer [ pIr ] vi. to look very carefully or hard 細看, 凝視 The driver peered through the thick fog, trying to find the right path.

18 Words for Production 12. presently [ `prEzNtlI ] adv. in a short time; soon 不久 I’ll do it presently, after I have finished reading the novel. * presently = soon

19 Words for Production 13. glint [ GlInt ] n. [C] a flash of light from a shiny surface 閃爍的光芒 Due to the glint of the sun on the water, I could hardly open my eyes.

20 Words for Production 14. awed [ Od ] adj. having or showing a feeling of mixed respect, wonder and dread 敬畏的 “How did he manage to climb up Mont Blanc at his age?” she asked in an awed tone. 詞類變化

21 awe [ O ] vt. 使起敬畏之心 When the principal appeared, all the students were awed into silence.

22 awe [ O ] n. [U] 敬畏 As a child, I always held my grandfather in awe. I didn’t talk to him or even look at his eyes.

23 Words for Production 15. eternity [ I`t3n1tI ] n. [C] (sing. only) a very long period of time that seems endless 永恆 While the police were looking for her lost child, Ms. Wang was so anxious that every moment seemed an eternity. 詞類變化

24 eternal [ I`t3nL ] adj. 永遠的,恆久不變的 He sent his girlfriend a diamond ring to show her his eternal love.

25 Words for Production 16. dumb [ d^m ] adj. unable to speak 說不出話來的;啞的 She was struck dumb with fear when she saw a snake.

26 Words for Production 17. highlight [ `haI&laIt ] n. [C] the important or the best part which stands out from the rest 最重要的部 分,最精彩的部分 The highlight of our trip to France was a bird’s-eye view of Paris from the top of the Eiffel Tower. 詞類變化 * stand out 傑出

27 highlight [ `haI&laIt ] vt. 使醒目 The display of fireworks highlighted the celebration of our National Day.

28 Words for Production 18. burial [ `bErI1l ] n. [U] the act of putting a dead body in the ground 埋葬 The bodies of the victims in the plane crash were brought home by their families for burial. 詞類變化

29 bury [ `bErI ] vt. 埋葬;埋藏 In 1974, while digging a well, some Chinese farmers discovered the terracotta warriors, which had been buried underground for over 2,000 years.

30 Words for Production 19. coffin [ `kOfIn ] n. [C] a long box in which a dead person is buried 棺材 Bruce Lee’s friends and relatives showed their love and respect for the super kung fu movie star by carrying the coffin on their shoulders to his grave.

31 Words for Production 20. extraordinary [ Ik`strOrdN&ErI ] adj. very special 特別的 She shared with me her extraordinary experience of being an exchange student in England. * exchange student 交換學生

32 1. Howard Carter [ `ha52d `kArt2 ] n. an English archeologist, who specialized in excavating ancient Egyptian tombs 霍華德‧卡特 Words for Recognition * specialize in 專精於 …

33 2. Valley of the Kings [ `v8lI 1v D1 kI9z ] n. (the ~) a valley in Egypt, where many tombs of the pharaohs are located 帝王谷 Words for Recognition

34 3. Tutankhamen [ &tutA9`kAm1n ] n. also (King) Tut, a king of Egypt in the 14th century B.C. (1361-1352 B.C.) 圖 坦卡門 Words for Recognition

35 4. feverishly [ `fiv1rISlI ] adv. quickly and excitedly 迅速而興奮地 Words for Recognition

36 5. plaster [ `pl8st2 ] n. [U] a mixture of lime, water, sand, etc., which hardens when dry 灰泥 Words for Recognition

37 6. mummified [ `m^mI&faId ] adj. being preserved as a mummy 被製成 木乃伊的 Words for Recognition

38 1. dig out to find by searching 發現,找出 My room is in a mess so it is difficult for me to dig out the book I promised to lend Ted. Idioms and Phrases * in a mess 一團糟

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