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Robotics Where AI meets Real World. Presentations on robotics Humanoid robots: An interaction Discussion about the humanoid robots and their applications.

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Presentation on theme: "Robotics Where AI meets Real World. Presentations on robotics Humanoid robots: An interaction Discussion about the humanoid robots and their applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robotics Where AI meets Real World

2 Presentations on robotics Humanoid robots: An interaction Discussion about the humanoid robots and their applications. Robotics Robotics definition and types of robots. World of robots History, applications and glimpse of robots in future.

3 Whats new ? Robotics is growing very fast. Intelligence Processing power. Self-reconfiguring modular robot (ModBots). Nano Robotics (Nanobots).

4 Intelligence in robots Can a Robot Lie ??? In an experiment performed in a Swiss laboratory, 10 robots with downward-facing sensors competed for "food" - a light-colored ring on the floor. At the other end of the space, a darker ring - "poison" - was placed. The robots earned points for how much time they spent near food as opposed to poison. Robots Learn to Lie !

5 Intelligence in Humanoid robots NASA trains its Humanoid robots for space missions. Speech and facial recognitions. (ASIMO) A humanoid robot called asimo has undergone various advance development during past decade. Now it can recognize speech and face.

6 Robonaout R2 The dexterous robot not only looks like a human but also is designed to work like one. With human-like hands and arms, R2 is able to use the same tools station crew members use. In the future, the greatest benefits of humanoid robots in space may be as assistants or stand-in for astronauts during spacewalks or for tasks too difficult or dangerous for humans. For now, R2 is still a prototype and does not have adequate protection needed to exist outside the space station in the extreme temperatures of space. SC2010-E-017524 (11 Jan. 2010) --- Chris Ihrke, senior project engineer for General Motors, works with the new dexterous humanoid robot developed by NASA and General Motors at Johnson Space Center.

7 ASIMO Charting a route. Recognizing moving objects. Distinguishing sounds. Recognizing faces and gestures.

8 ASIMO working in coordination Honda Develops Intelligence Technologies Enabling Multiple ASIMO Robots to Work Together in Coordination.

9 Technology behind ASIMO Recognition technology. Recognition of moving objects. Recognition of postures and gestures. Environment recognition. Distinguishing sounds. Facial Recognition. Network Integration Integration with user’s network system. Internet connectivity.

10 Processing Power To think faster. Processing the tasks through Artificial neural networks. Speech and facial textures processing. Fast Image processing.

11 Self-reconfiguring modular robot Autonomous kinematic machines with variable morphology. Self-reconfigurable mechanism utilizes two types segment articulation Lattice reconfiguration Chain reconfiguration.

12 Architecture Lattice architectures: Modules are connected in some regular, space filling 3 D pattern. Control and motion are executed in parallel. Simple Computations. Chain architectures: Modules are connected together in a string and tree topology.

13 Digital Clay Roboticists at Xerox Parc in Palo Alto have created modular intelligent robotic system. This system however does not use actuators but instead relies on users manipulating objects. These modules have the ability to sense each other and know if their are other objects around them. They use magnets to connect to each other.

14 Digital Clay.. Self reproducing Healing Self- maintenance.

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17 Self-reconfiguring Robotics Projects Self-reconfigurable modular robot that has been developed by AIST and Tokyo-Tech since 1998. Researchers at the Dartmouth Robotics Laboratory have developed a module capable of reconfiguring at a large scale. This self-reconfiguring robot consists of a set of identical modules that can dynamically and autonomously reconfigure in a variety of shapes, to best fit the terrain, environment, and task.

18 SuperBot Researchers at the Polymorphic Robotics laboratory have designed and manufactured a modular robot called the SuperBot. SuperBot is a modular robot that consists of many reconfigurable modules that can demonstrate multifunction and reconfiguration for running, climbing, structuring, and many other activities in real environments. Self Replicating.

19 How do they re-configure ? Deterministic reconfiguration: Relies on units moving or being directly manipulated into their target location during reconfiguration. The exact location of each module/unit is always known. Stochastic reconfiguration Relies on units moving around using statistical processes. The exact location of each unit only known when it is connected to the main structure, but it may take unknown paths to move between locations

20 Self-reconfigure The units can do this in three ways They can move among each other. They can change their size. They can change a particular property, like color.

21 Sandia Mini-Robots At 1/4 cubic inch and weighing less than an ounce, it is possibly the smallest autonomous untethered robot ever created. Powered by three watch batteries, it rides on track wheels and consists of an 8K ROM processor, temperature sensor, and two motors that drive the wheels. Enhancements being considered include a miniature camera, microphone, communication device, and chemical micro-sensor.

22 Consequences Production is less complex because units are made in fewer types. Development of solutions is basically software development. Reliability is revolutionized by the solutions’ ability to self-repair. Environmental impact is reduced by reassignment. Basic economics are transformed by reassignment. Productivity is increased by a better fit between tool and task.

23 Why Modular Robots ? Douglas Engelbart’s presentation of NLS from 1968. “If you were supplied with a system, that is low cost, environmentally friendly, virtually unbreakable, and able to form a wide variety of physical structures, that could perform many tasks.What value could you derive from that?” (oN-Line System)

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26 NanoBots(NanoRobotics) This Is the Future of the Fight Against Cancer. Nanorobotics is the technology of creating machines or robots (nanobots) at or close to the microscopic scale of a nanometers.

27 NanoBots.. Nanorobots have potential applications in the assembly and maintenance of sophisticated systems. The future of Medicines. Nanomedicine.

28 NanoRobotics in Action

29 NanoRobot Design For Molecular Manipulation nanorobot uses actuators. Nanorobot navigation: Uses plane surfaces (three fins total) Propulsion by bi-directional propellers : two simultaneously counter-rotating screw drives navigational acoustic sensors

30 Nanorobot Design..

31 The Road to Universal Robots Key to this evolution is a steady increase in computer power, defined in terms of millions of instructions per second, or MIPS.

32 Issues in Robot-Human interaction 7 principles for making interaction efficient. Implicitly switch interfaces and autonomy modes, Let the robot use natural human cues. Manipulate the world instead of the robot, Manipulate the relationship between the robot and the world, Let people manipulate presented information, Externalize memory, and Help people manage attention.

33 Just in NEWS The Lego robot solves [the] Rubik's Cube with a Motorola Droid as a brain. A custom Android app on the handset uses the Droid's camera to take pictures of each face. It then sends instructions via Bluetooth to the Lego machine, which goes on to solve the Cube in about 24 seconds.

34 Rise of Machines If robots do develop consciousness, they may also develop conscience, and choose to be kind to their human creators. In the meantime, we may want to remember where the "off" button is...just in case.

35 Dennis Hong: My seven species of robot | Video on Dennis Hong: My seven species of robot | Video on NASA trains humanoid robot for space station duty | TG Daily Tech watch | Ethical issues concerning robots and android humanoids technology. Links999. Ethical Issues of Robots in Society Essay IEEE publication. Ethical Issues of Robots in Society Essay Robot Magazine - The latest hobby, science and consumer robotics, artificial intelligence Robots Learn to Lie | LiveScience Writing.Com: The Advancements of robotics. Microsoft PowerPoint - History of Robotics.ppt References

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