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Workflow: From Daunting to Done (sort of) Presenters: Cindy Hampton, IT Systems Analyst, MC Judson Matthews, MAK-Solutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Workflow: From Daunting to Done (sort of) Presenters: Cindy Hampton, IT Systems Analyst, MC Judson Matthews, MAK-Solutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workflow: From Daunting to Done (sort of) Presenters: Cindy Hampton, IT Systems Analyst, MC Judson Matthews, MAK-Solutions

2 Disclaimer: We are functional people … not techie gurus ….

3 Why Workflow? SACS requirement to provide services to online students Allow broader, 24/7 access Improve efficiency We hate paper

4 What is Workflow? Functional definition: Separate Banner module that allows for the conversion of paper processes into automated processes Sounds great (and fairly easy) …. To a functional person!

5 Our Implementation Process: Create buy-in Hire a consultant (MAK-Solutions) Create buy-in Pre-implementation planning Create buy-in Training with consultant Create buy-in Implementation (using one or two processes) Create buy-in Testing of process Create buy-in Train stakeholders Create buy-in Roll out Continued assessment, build more processes

6 Training/Workflow Process Implementation Identify process AS IT IS (not as easy as you think) Identify process as you would like it to be NEGOTIATE (must have chocolate for this stage) Great opportunity to review/improve processes

7 Withdrawal Process Using Workflow

8 Process Overview Student initiates via Banner Web If student is a Law student, the Director of Law Records is notified, processes request. If last day to withdraw has passed, Academic Affairs must approve. Financial Aid is notified, counsels student, records decision. Housing is notified, records decision. Registrar Office is notified, processes request. Bursar’s Offices reviews account, communicates with student if necessary. All parties receive a confirmation email (Security, Library, Athletics, etc.)

9 Criteria for Using Process All students except Physician Assistant students are eligible to use the process Students must be enrolled for current or future term (cannot be past the end date of the term or part of term) Office of the Registrar will initiate process in the case of pre-registered withdrawn students

10 Student Initiates via Web

11 If past the deadline to withdraw, Academic Affairs Receives Email Notification Click here to access Workflow Login Screen Notice all pertinent information shows in email.

12 Academic Affairs Logs into Workflow

13 Academic Affairs Processes Request 1.Add notes if appropriate 2.Record decision (withdraw or cancel) 3.Click Complete to forward request.

14 If denied, email is sent to student.

15 If approved, Financial Aid Receives Email Notification

16 Financial Aid Logs Into Workflow

17 Financial Aid Processes Request 1.Counsel with student if appropriate. 2.Record decision (withdraw or cancel) 3.Add notes if appropriate 4.Click Complete.

18 Residence Life Receives Email Notification

19 Residence Life Office Logs in and Processes Request

20 Registrar’s Office Receives Email Notification

21 Registrar’s Office Logs in and Processes Request

22 Bursar’s Office Receives Email Notification

23 Bursar’s Office Logs in and Processes Request

24 All Involved Parties Receive Confirmation Email that Request is Complete Student Academic Affairs Financial Aid Residence Life Bursar’s Office Registrar Office for Imaging Purposes Office of Student Success Graduation Coordinator (if student has already applied for a degree) Security Library Office of Global Education (for international students only) Athletics (for athletes only)

25 Confirmation Email

26 Ending Notes Different strokes for different folks Endless applications (Student, HR, Finance, Advancement ….) Potential to change the way we do business

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