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WEB CONFERENCE TO SUPPORT BOARD LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Please standby, the web conference will begin shortly! We invite you to use the chat feature.

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Presentation on theme: "WEB CONFERENCE TO SUPPORT BOARD LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Please standby, the web conference will begin shortly! We invite you to use the chat feature."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEB CONFERENCE TO SUPPORT BOARD LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Please standby, the web conference will begin shortly! We invite you to use the chat feature to introduce yourself and your team This web conference is hosted on behalf of REGISTER ONLINE ICP 2011 World Convention August 15 – 18, 2011

2 WEB CONFERENCE TO SUPPORT BOARD LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY  The web conference will start in one minute.  Please use the ‘chat’ function to enter the names of those individuals at your site.  The ‘chat’ function is used to direct your questions during the conference.

3  Differentiating the Training and Development Programs to Reflect the Readiness of the Aspiring School Leader Presented By Carol Scaini, HWDSB Mike Sereda, TVDSB Brian O’Sullivan, DCDSB

4 Today’s Agenda  Assessing the PD Needs of Aspiring School Leaders  Baron EQ 360  On-site Visits  Self Assessment Tool  Transitioning to Leadership  Supervisor Reports  Leadership Portfolios  Learning Team Assessments  Programming to Meet the Needs  Mentoring in their Journey  Leadership Programs  EI Training  Thinking Partner

5 Assessing the PD Needs Using the Baron EQ 360  Measure of Emotional Intelligence  Promotional practice  Completed by external raters  Used to determine readiness for position  Report prepared by candidate for interview Have a question? Please use the chat function on your screen.

6 Assessing the PD Needs On-Site Visits  Promotional Practice  Three interviews minimum  Structured interview: 45-60 minutes per individual  Used to gauge leadership at the site level  Used to determine readiness  A synthesis of interviews is prepared for interview team

7 Assessing the PD Needs Self Assessment Tool Catholic Public Aspiring LeadersPrincipals & Vice-Principals

8 Assessing the PD Needs Self Assessment Tool  Development  Derived from competencies and practices within the Ontario Leadership Framework  Developed by aspiring leaders from HWDSB and HWCDSB  Describes leadership practices at the classroom, school and system level  Electronic Version  Available on the Institute for Education Leadership website

9 Assessing the PD Needs Using the Self Assessment Tool  Personal leadership growth and development  Reflect on leadership practices in relation to the dimensions of leadership from the OLF  Determine their next level of learning  Develop a leadership growth plan  Development of leadership portfolios  To facilitate mentor/mentee conversations  Leadership Development Programs

10 Assessing the PD Needs Self Assessment Tool  Self Assessment  What is my evidence of implementation?  How can I deepen my understanding of the domain?  How do my experiences reflect that domain?  How can I link my experiences to this domain?  Next Level of Learning  How can you deepen your skills, knowledge and attitudes?  How can you transfer your classroom or special assignment to the role of VP?

11 Assessing the PD Needs Self Assessment  Examples  Classroom Practice: Articulates learning goals for students  Evidence/Reflection/impact: Have begun to post learning goals for literacy expectations. Students are able to articulate these goals and work together to establish success criteria.  Next Level of Learning: Develop learning goals for other subject areas  School Leadership Practices: Leads on school teams and committees to establish school improvement goals, foster continuous improvement  Evidence/Reflection/Impact: Led grade team in implementing TLCP resulting in consistency in outcomes for the team.  Next Level of Learning: Increase ability to work with school team on planning that is aligned with school improvement goals.

12 Assessing the PD Needs Transitioning to Leadership  Personal Change and System Change  Embracing leadership is a personal activity involving a willingness to challenges one’s own beliefs and values and commit to making change  The courage to change at a personal level creates the courage to address school improvement and organizational change using one’s new leadership style  Purpose and Meaning  Educators need to experience greater meaningfulness in their work and feel more responsible in order to motivate them to achieve better outcomes beyond their present jobs - Mayrowetz et al. (2007)  We cannot underestimate the importance of meaning and purpose in the personal lives of educators if we wish to encourage them to transition to leadership

13 Assessing the PD Needs Transitioning to Leadership  Leadership as an Interactive Process  Leadership is an interactional, multi-level relational process, interplay between “structure” (tasks) and “agency” (people’s identities). How the “self” relates to others, to the organizational structure and the meta-fields of politics, the economy and culture. – Rayner & Gunter (2005)  If we recognize that leadership is a complex, interactive process then we can understand the multiple influences that attract and retain aspiring leaders

14 Assessing the PD Needs Supervisor Reports (External) Catholic Leadership Framework Five Core Leadership Capacities  Catholic Faith Community and Culture  Setting Directions  Developing the Organization  Leading the Instructional Program  Building Relationships /Developing People  Securing Accountability  Setting Goals  Aligning resources with priorities  Promoting Collaborative Learning Cultures  Engaging in Courageous Conversations  Using Data

15 Assessing the PD Needs Supervisor Reports (External) SKILLS Using the following scale, how would you score the applicant on the following: Outstanding 4 Consistently demonstrates exceptional performance. Excellent 3 Meets all requirements and often demonstrates performance beyond expectations. Successful 2 Performance meets expectations for the position. Needs further development 1 Meets some but not all expectations for the position. Unable to assess NA Insufficient knowledge of the candidate’s skills in this area. CollaborativeSensitiveOrganizationPlanning DecisiveCreativeBudgetManagement EmpoweringSelf-confidentFacilitationTechnology Risk TakerMentorSound JudgmentMediation AccountableCommunity BuilderProblem Solver Listening SkillsStaff Developer

16 Assessing the PD Needs Leadership Portfolios (Internal)  Reflect on your core personal beliefs  Make authentic connections  Connecting past leadership experiences and future leadership roles – leading based on who you are, not how someone wants you to be  Use the Leadership Framework / Five CLC’s as a guide to frame your reflective thinking

17 Assessing the PD Needs Learning Team Assessments (Interactive)  Feedback from critical circle of friends  Identification of strengths and areas for improvement  Structured on-going weekly feedback rather than episodic and uneven appraisal

18 Questions We will pause for one minute. Please send your questions to the panel, using the chat function.

19 Review of Agenda  Assessing the PD Needs of Aspiring School Leaders  Baron EQ 360  On-site Visits  Self Assessment Tool  Transitioning to Leadership  Supervisor Reports  Leadership Portfolios  Learning Team Assessments  Programming to Meet the Needs  Mentoring in their Journey  Leadership Programs  EI Training  Thinking Partner

20 Programming to Meet the Needs Mentoring in their Journey  Lessons from Generation Y: Readiness to Lead  Develop opportunities for experiential learning  Encourage the development of learning communities. This also addresses the need of many Generation Y students  Provide lots of structure and feedback  Use technology  Be relevant, utilize their talents, show them the big picture  Allow for creativity and be creative  Allow for social interaction  Offer multiple options for performance  Give students clear goals, targets and purpose  Make learning relevant – tie learning tasks to real-world problems

21 Programming to Meet the Needs Mentoring in their Journey  Understanding the Joys and Social Purpose of Leadership  Job shadowing  Invitational leadership evenings  Testimonials by newly appointed and experienced leaders  Learn the history and culture of your school, board and community to understand its current leadership needs  Experiencing the Personal Call to Leadership  Provide multiple avenues for aspiring leaders  Existing leaders are responsible to nurture, mentor, and continue to support this personal and professional growth

22 Programming to Meet the Needs Leadership Programs  Leadership 1 Program  Designed for all levels of leadership development  Multi-session program, led by a Principal  Includes experiential learning activities, based on OLF  Utilizes the Self Assessment Tool for Aspiring Leaders  Leadership portfolio development  Leadership Growth Plan

23 Programming to Meet the Needs Leadership Programs  Leadership 3 Program  Designed for individuals applying for promotion within 2 years  4 Sessions:  Working with your mentor  Developing a personal learning network  Preparing the Leadership Experience Summary for promotion  Interview skills  Participation includes individual’s mentor  Program includes support for the mentor

24 Programming to Meet the Needs Emotional Intelligence Training  School Administrators  Development program for Supervisory Officer candidates  3 days of training led by experienced SOs and school administrators

25 Programming to Meet the Needs Thinking Partner  Brief description of the program

26 Please send questions to the panel using the chat function. Questions

27 Thank You for Participating in this Web Conference We would appreciate any feedback that you are able to provide and will be sending you a brief survey to complete shortly. Hosted on behalf of

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