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101 WHAT THE TWEET? An introduction to the social network. Tweet ? #Tw101VPA Margaret Jennifer

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1 101 WHAT THE TWEET? An introduction to the social network. Tweet ? #Tw101VPA Margaret Portier @tophile Jennifer Liddy @jennliddy

2 What is a social network?  A network of people who are linked together through relationships with others.  Social networking is engaging with other members of your network.  Social media is the platform for two-way information exchange.

3 A short intro. What is ?

4 Start an account.

5 What is a Tweet? 140 character status update.

6 Composing A Tweet  140 characters  May contain:  URLs  #hashtags  Mentions  Retweets  Modified Retweets  Add an image  Add a location

7 Compose a tweet! Try it out! Hello world!

8 What are #Hashtags? Keywords or phrases.

9 # What are #Hashtags?  Any term preceded by a #  Can be a phrase with no spaces or other punctuation  Keyword  People interested in the same topic can find you  Identifier  Conference (ex. #ALA11)  Class (ex. #rotoloclass)  Chat (ex. #libchat)  Not case-sensitive

10 Compose a tweet that includes #Tw101VPA. Try it out! #Tw101VPA

11 What is a Mention? A way to interact with other Twitter users.

12 @ Mentions  Using @ and a Twitter username, you can send a message to another user.  Used for:  Tagging  Giving credit  Sharing information  Replying  Here’s the tricky part:  Using @username within a Tweet, is public. Anyone who follows you will see it.  Using @username as the very first characters in a Tweet make it semi- private. Only those who follow you both will see it in their timelines, but anyone can find it in a search.

13 Examples!

14 What is a direct message? Private message to another user.

15 Tweet @ us! Try it out! @tophile @jennliddy @tophile @jennliddy

16 Sharing someone else’s Tweet with your followers. What is a Retweet? Look what @bandier Tweeted! This is the user I follow. This is where I can interact.

17  Click on Retweet  Copies the exact text of the Tweet  Add a note or mention without changing the original Tweet, use RT  Good manners  If you want to add a personal note or comment and have to modify the original text, use MT instead of RT Retweet and Modified Retweet Retweet (RT)Modified Retweet (MT)

18 DON’T PANIC!  Using the Retweet function is easy!  Don’t worry about using RT or MT until you are comfortable with Retweet  Twitter programs have different ways of Retweeting  Hootsuite  Tweet Deck   Twitter for Mac

19 Search for the hashtag #Tw101VPA. Find an interesting Tweet. Retweet it! Try it out! Retweet!

20 DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT HOW TO USE ? Tweet us any time @tophile and @jennliddy #Tw101VPA Huh? Margaret Portier @tophile Jennifer Liddy @jennliddy

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